What is Cultural Marxism?

Is it a legit concept, a real movement, or just something Sup Forums made-up?

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>implying Sup Forums makes up anything other than memes


Its a legit theory from the Frankfort school and its offshoots.

Why do leftists call it a conspiracy theory?

Let me put it this way. There is literally no one in the academic world that identifies as a "cultural Marxist". It's a term that other people put onto groups they dislike.

Also the very idea that "culture" influences anything is against the most central elements of Marxism: literally everything is a result of dialectial materialism. Things like culture are just the after-affect of materialistic forces in his system, and all of his other ideas start to fall apart if you say culture can trump economics.

In general the phras "cultural marxism" tends to mean egalitarian idealism (why not just use that word retards?) Conspiracy-tards want to say Marx and the Frankfurt school invented this. If you know philosophy even badly you'd see this concept is much older than them: Lock's Tabula Rasa, and the Christian theology of spiritual egalitarianism pre-date them.

it came from jew philosophers after ww2. they took marx work and basically applied it to things it shouldn't be applied to. square peg round hole.

>There is literally no one in the academic world that identifies as a "cultural Marxist"
not anymore, right? (pic related)
>Also the very idea that "culture" influences anything is against the most central elements of Marxism

>culture is a contested space where various social forces struggle to achieve political, intellectual, and moral leadership

That's what Gramsci defined as "Hegemony", isn't it? That's what the Frankfurt school was focused on, right -- cultural critique, shifting norms, eliminating norms through deconstruction and language?

Attach "conspiracy theory" or tinfoil to somthing and normies have been trained to dismiss it at crazy insane. In fact Cultural Marxism is in Practice in Europe and the USA probably since the 1960's. Its just kind of really visible at the moment with the SJW's and very loud "Progressive" leftists and Egalitarian liberals who demand "equality" no matter what that might entail.

>culture is a contested space where various social forces struggle to achieve political, intellectual, and moral leadership
Have fun discovering the "new left":

> walkingbutterfly.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/gramsci-prison-notebooks-vol1.pdf



why do you think?

>the CIA invented the concept of using the term "conspiracy theories" to deliberately conflate (planted) nonsense like flat earth and moon landings were fake, with real shit like MK Ultra, assassinations, Operation Northwoods (the US gov admitted they have planned false flag terrorist attacks before), space based weapons platforms (X-37B), etc


What kind of bird is that?
It's fucking awesome.

>the moon landing was real

Look into the New Critics movement

It's garbage cuckservatives believe in

Divorce rates everywhere rise when women can earn their own money

None of these Persian or Arab women studied cultural marxism yet they behave exactly the same

It's hard for traditional conservatives to accept that all women are natural born whores

Obviously, this was a bit of a bait thread to start discussion on Cultural Marxism. There was bound to be a /leftypol/ here, who would come in and say
>cultural marxism doesn't real
and that's precisely the type of person I'd like to engage with. Being an oldfag former /leftpol/, it seems to be a good starting point for redpilling normie leftists about some of the shadier aspects of their own worldview. I'm sure most of Sup Forums is just as capable of doing the same, it's just good to have more redpill threads on the board than the typical bait thread trash about political candidates that ultimately don't matter in the long run.

I was taught about cultural marxists in 2005 at high school. Is my highschool a conspiracy theory camp now?

perhaps it's on the same level of, 'why do the liberals consider the NRA (National Rifle Association) a terrorist organization

>says its about women
But aren't men the force that provides structure to society, restraining its most degenerate impulses? Why do you think new left marxism JUST targets women?
The NRA doesn't have much to do with acamedia or the mass media, so not the best parallel.

sounds familiar?

Stop putting tags on everything.

Rightwingers sound like walking dictionaries.

"New left marxism".

There are men and there are women. Men with, men without, and most women will be cared for.

A society with women as part of the general discourse WILL of course massage their egos. You don't need to call it marxism. There's just as much traditionalist rhetoric which worships the wholesome mother figure.

>Stop putting tags on everything.
Implying you want us to stop talking about actual influences on politics and culture from left-wing ideologues.
>Rightwingers sound like walking dictionaries.
Refusing to talk about the opposition doesn't make them disappear.
>There are men and there are women
> Men with, men without, and most women will be cared for.
Are you just irritated by problems sounding too complex?
>A society with women as part of the general discourse WILL of course massage their egos.
I asked you what happens when you disable the role men play, you're doging the question. Why?
> You don't need to call it marxism.
Is it too hard for you to diagnose what causes cultural changes? Are you scared of discussing hostile movements by predatory groups?

What if there's a cause-and-effect relationship between the ideology of a group of enemies inside our institutions, and what happens to culture? You don't want to talk about it, or help people understand it?

Cultural changes are caused primarily by technological progress.

Marxism does not exist, social marxism does not exist.

I can appeal to the wants of disenfranchised working class men, and call it marxism, and for 5 minutes it's a useful term.

You people are like a dog chasing its own tail. Everything has to be analysed first with how it relates to the human male and the human female. You can't start with a buzzword and build up from that, there is no foundation.

SJW, feminism, cultural marxism, these don't exist in any concrete sense, you should only use those terms if you understand what underlies them, and 99% of Sup Forums does not.

re the role of men

This was not a conscious deliberate plan. The diminished role of men as a result of male-invented technologies, has been entirely natural and unforced. You cannot have "feminism" if the primary type of work is manual labour in a farmfield.

We can observe what is happening to the gender roles and like or dislike it, but essentially none of this can be resisted by political action, it's like trying to hold a balloon filled with air under water.


>Cultural changes are caused primarily by technological progress.

and there are plenty of other reasons for them too.

The single most important and influential conspiracy of our lifetimes, the last century, and perhaps since the fall of Rome.

It's so powerful, it's still considered 'theory' by many intellectual leaders, not because they believe it to be unproven, but because as 'rational intellectuals' they rightly fear for their own livelihoods.

But remember. It's only a conspiracy, never real. Always be sure to laugh at and ridicule it's critics, even when being forcefully removed from a campus safe-space.

>The diminished role of men as a result of male-invented technologies, has been entirely natural and unforced.
Nu-males were inevitable?
Just evolution doing it's job?

>it's just happening naturally

It's actually been planned well in advance, as has your rationalized acceptance of it as 'inevitable'.

>is so new he doesn't read greentext as a quote

Where was the feminism 200 years ago? Prior to modern mechanised society?

Sup Forums has never answered this.

We didn't live in a patriarchy one decade, then decided to, or were conned to, hand political power to women.

Women gained vote as a natural progression of a more technological society. Women earning their own money because the nature of work has changed. Women feeling safer and less dependent on men. This was always going happen, it wasn't cooked up in a backroom deal.

Jewz want to discredit it. When the wikis say its anti semetic its kinda obvious.

It is legit, it has it's roots in the Desconstructionist philosophy of Derrida, that pomo faggot.

I feel sorry for you, it sounds like you'll be under this delusion for a long time. Instead of seeing the world for what it is you must have the mental crux of a bogeyman.

You think you have an uncommon perspective which sheds light on the world but in reality you're creating confusion for yourself.

>Where was the feminism 200 years ago? Prior to modern mechanised society?
You don't think that the Romantic age, with it's Chivalric codes, were gynocentric?
>Sup Forums has never answered this.
I'm sure they have, it's a pretty pleb-tier question desu senpai
>We didn't live in a patriarchy one decade, then decided to, or were conned to, hand political power to women.
The particular character of Feminism changed significantly from the 1st wave to the 2nd wave. It would be inacurate to conflate the two as essentially the same.

pic related

Also, the burden of proof is on you to establish that these sentiments emerged with the industrial revolution, and thus, due to technology. A simple timeline of proto-feminist sentiment would suffice, just a few quotes perhaps. Maybe from around the time of the Acts of Partition in the UK, where the first industrial revolution took place.

It's bullshit. Nobody has ever self identified as a cultural marxist, especially in recent years.

Is this some kind post-ironic shitposting, copy-pasta of previous comments

HUMAN BEINGS are gynocentric

>1st wave

>2nd wave

Do not exist as discrete ideologies. Feminism is a reaction to the world at large, it does not exist. These waves of feminism are I guess interesting as a convenience and shorthand to observe what is happening but it stops there.

You cannot have """feminism""" i.e. Women voting, agitating for representation in business, education, politics etc, without a mechanised society.

The way women act today and the way that men are confused as to their own role is perfectly natural given that we still have the biological drivers of stone age primates but we find ourselves in this unusually safe, technological world.

How can a woman in 1800 demand equal pay for a job which does not even exist?

Shut the fuck up and suck Marx's cock a bit harder. Your 'hero' is the greatest philosophical murder of the 20th century.

The labor theory of value is a lie. Equality is a bogus meme. Your are a fool for believing in either, and as such, your opinion means nothing to me.

Enjoy your ethnic replacement. Dumbass.

>HUMAN BEINGS are gynocentric
Then why argue that the industrial revolution did this? Is human beings are gynocentric, why isn't feminism springing up the same way everywhere? Why did the first wave wait until the industrial revolution?

Are you backpedalling on that technology claim?

basically anyone that screams about "equality" (a communist buzzword) has been brainwashed by cultural marxism

anyone who promotes homosexuality/feminism but turn around and defend muslim immigration has been brainwashed by cultural marxism


“The embrace of immigration” is part of that, as is the involvement of Jews in social justice movements.

“You can’t talk about the civil rights movement in this country without talking about Jewish freedom riders and Jack Greenberg,” he said, telling a story about seeing a group of Jewish activists at a segregated movie theater in Delaware. “You can’t talk about the women’s movement without talking about Betty Friedan” …

“I believe what affects the movements in America, what affects our attitudes in America are as much the culture and the arts as anything else,” he said. That’s why he spoke out on gay marriage “apparently a little ahead of time.”

“It wasn’t anything we legislatively did. It was ‘Will and Grace,’ it was the social media. Literally. That’s what changed peoples’ attitudes. That’s why I was so certain that the vast majority of people would embrace and rapidly embrace” gay marriage, Biden said.

“Think behind of all that, I bet you 85 percent of those changes, whether it’s in Hollywood or social media are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry. The influence is immense, the influence is immense. And, I might add, it is all to the good.”

Women can only ask/demand for greater rights if the conditions allow. If women cannot earn their own money, they are beholden to males. And any male will do for protection so long as he's basically healthy. When a woman can earn her own money, this unleashes her hypergamy and she will be reluctant to accept a low status male.

In a safe society where personal transport options exist, women will feel more independent. Today a woman can pay for her own shelter and travel to work in a self-powered vehicle with a 99.99% guarantee of personal safety, such a thought would have been incredible just 100 years ago. It's astonishing when one considers the gender relations beforehand, back essentially millions of years.

Perhaps if the Roman Empire had not fallen we would have seen "feminism" in the 1800s, who knows, but it is entirely dependent on technology and therefore the world of work.

You can make the case that Jews, a somewhat alien group, accelerated the influx of non Europeans but I believe it would have happened anyway and it happens too slowly to resist. And it happens too slowly to resist politically without looking like a monster.

Even European nations with no history of colonisation have seen foreign incomers. Again it just happens in safe comfortable societies, the more comfortable a high IQ society is, the less tribal in outlook it is.

Relative high IQ people from low IQ populations will always seek to emigrate.

Want litterally the best video.on this topic on Youtube?
Here you go:


It's a Sup Forums mamay that stormweenies force upon others when they indulge in practices stormfags do not approve of, just like "degeneracy".

It's as real as the feminist maymays like the patriarchy, except it's on the other spectrum of faggottry.

Listen, pol is guilty of plenty of stormfaggotry but the f err Frankfurt school isn't one of them. Stormfags simply overlap with the rest of us on our opinion on critical theory. Thats all you're seeing. Give a watch