Trump: Protestant

>Trump: Protestant
>Cuckpope: Catholic

And yet pol calls Protestants the cucked ones? Catholics are far more liberal on average and do not stand strong in the face of degeneracy.

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump is Presbyterian, the true reformed Christian Church that traces back its heritage to the noble John Calvin. When people say bad things about protestants, they are usually taking about Baptist heretics or cuckold Lutherans.

>he doesn't know about traditional catholicism

More like this current Pope is a literal Marxist plant. For fuck's sake, Bernie got invited to speak with him in the Vatican! Being a slimy jew of course, he solicited the invitation.

Nice meme.

V2 broke no doctrine. The Church does not have a degeneracy problem, individuals within the Church do. It isn't a structural or systemic problem.

>cuckold Lutherans

>More like this current Pope is a literal Marxist plant.
t. Someonoe who doesnt know what Francis did back when he was in Argentina.

Just because the current pope is a SJW piece of shit doesn't mean he defines catholicism.

Protestantism (namely lutheranism/calvanism) are terrible.

Trump should convert to Orthodoxism tbqh

Would fit the whole anti-muzzie thingy , and the Orthodox church is also the least cucked of all the Christian denominations

Fuck off. Roman Catholics are the best Catholics prove me wrong.
>inb4 this faggot washing/kissing those people's feet
He's one of the worst popes in a century.

The pope should be impeached.

It isn't just the current pope.

(American) Catholics vote libtard way more than Protestants do.

t. Stalin

>the current pope is a SJW piece of shit

>Yet, neither side, in truth, watches this pope carefully enough. If they did, both sides would be surprised, shocked, and one side—liberals—would be horrified.

>I’m referring specifically to this pope’s remarkably staunch criticisms of the things he sees as threatening the family: What he calls the “throwaway culture” of abortion, the “ideological colonization” and “deforming” of marriage, the “Satanic” adoption of children by homosexual couples, and the “demonic” cult of gender theory.

>the Holy Spirit guides the Church
>this pope was a mistake
Pick one catlicks. It's obvious you're not the church of Christ

American Catholics aren't the only Catholics in the world.

t. Eskimo

I don't geddit

Are you referring to the fact that religion was banned in the USSR?

This is what it comes down to. Propaganda to discredit Catholicism.

notice it's the hispanic not white catholics

If orthodoxy was not cucked, they would have been refused to be banned.

>being Christian
Islam is the true redpilled religion.

>>Trump: Protestant
And trained at Jesuit Fordham?
Interdasting! Papal plants everywhere in America, it's Rome after all and America is obviously now in its lap being molested.

Christianity is a cucked religion in general.

Praise Tengri.

What about German catholics? Still not enough proof?

Catholics are cucked!

Does Presbyterianism even really stand for anything? I go to my grandma's Presbyterian a couple of times per year. The preacher's rattles off a 45 minute meandering sermon with no underlying theme, then talks sports with whoever is interested for 20 minutes afterwards.

Does mileage vary based on which local church you are at, or has Presbyterianism consistently devolved into Unitarian Universalism with a tinge more emphasis on Jesus across the board?

>V2 broke no doctrine

>Catholics didn't vote for the socialist party, look at how cucked they are

Catholics just do what anti whites tell them to. Cucks!

Hi redit

Name one.

Other than in Economics, the Pope is more conservative than Trump.

Are you real Greenland or just a proxy?

Catholics- THIS is your leader!

Yeah okay you stick with Calvin I'll stick with Jesus

>what is sedevcantism

D&C shillling thread


Damn, no wonder why the Jew media creates the WASP boogeyman and tries to destroy them/us. It's the only opposition the Heeb has left.




>praises abortion




Where did he praise abortion? And Trump is probably pro-Abortion.

>no citation

what are you referring to?

He praised the biggest abortion activist in Italy which comes as close as he can to praising abortion.
It was huge in the news. Literally can't miss it

To be catholic means to believe the succesor of Peter has authority on faith. And all the popes agree with Vat2. Sedev.s are just orths too lazy to switch the church

>abortion activist

about what? This shilling is like a alt right cuck version of "hurr durr u supportd anti cigarretes u are literally Hitlur"

You have a point, but then in 1933 virtually all of Germany voted for the NSDAP.

Furthermore, the Austrian Bishops issued a clear and absolute statement that a) the Anschluss was a positive good b) the NSDAP and Hitler personally were saviors to Germany (viz. the German people) and c) it is a moral obligation to protect the interests and integrity of one's people.

Yes, the clergy was taken over by SJW faggots from the 1950s onward, part and parcel because the Allies won the war. Now we have a moronic leftist who doesn't get basic, bare bones theology as the head of the Church. Personally, I have serious doubts as to his legitimacy and think it is quite likely that Benedict's resignation/abdication was defective. In any case, Francis can be ignored and rebuked when he does asinine things like demand more Moslem cock to rape the last Europeans.

I know it is hard for you all in Germany and EU in general to be public (this Burger isn't stupid.) I hope that more of us Americans take the lead as we have free speech still. Don't give up on yourselves: there are many functioning people here who are awaking to our heritage and will not let you down when the time comes.

What the fuck are you on about?

The firstmpoint brought up is so increadibly wrong that I honestly doubt the rest is worth reading. The author doesn't understand what the V2 bjt he quoted is saying, and he doesn't understand the other religions he's talking about. V2 isn't saying other religions are good in the way Christianity is good, he's saying they have good components. This doesn't break doctrine, because these components come from misremembered truths, as well as the laws that God inscribed on the hearts of men. Hinduism is weird as fuck and has a bunch of different sects, but there is monotheism in some (it's possible this is due to influence from the Saint Thomas Christians). Buddhism does not, as a whole, teach that every living being is equal. Traditionaly, women cannot achieve enlightenment in Theravada Buddhism, they most first be reborn as men.


>all the "popes" agree with vatican II
and they're no better than protestants

SJWs didn't even exist in the 50s you idiot. They're the evolution of parts of the 60s.

what the hell did they say something about pro abortion remarks? praising someone who is a pro abortion activist doesnt mean he praised abortion. There's probably something else which is not about abortion at all which the pope praised since its impossible for him to do so ffs.

SJWs were Right Winged you stupid mongrel

>No SJWs in the 1950s
>Literal communist infiltrators/faggots flooded the priesthood in the 1950s

My fellow autist, would it make you feel better if I called them proto-SJWs?

>since its impossible for him to do so ffs
Literally my point you dumb fag. He can't allow abortion so he praises abortionists

>praising someone who is a pro abortion activist doesnt mean he praised abortion
It means exactly that.

now give me the citation then

>inb4 google

Im lazy.

Shut your stupid mouth, you tambourine thumping faggot. Only niggers and trash are Baptist.

Why the hell does this matter anymore? It's dead.

You have no bishops promoting this meaning your entire leadership is against you (a leadership you are supposed to think is guided by the holy spirit if you are a good Catholic).

There are virtually no churches that support this so there's no community other than a few people on Sup Forums roleplaying crusades.

>It means exactly that
He never praised their work advocating for abortion, so no, it doesn't.

Nice propaganda.

>what is not beleiving the church is guided by the holy spirit

At this point what's the difference between you and the Protestants? Beleiving the Pope is God's appointed leaders is what defines Catholics.

He probably was praising her infamous waffle recipe then

>did not even read the CCC

You faggot Muslims were categorized as heretics but in a PC manner of course to avoid someone's feelings to hurt

>hating on conservative black people for no reason
Not very Christ-like you dick.

Christcucks arguing over who is more cucked. Any religion which is not explicitly racially exclusive is cucked.


Trump is divorced, let his daughter be fucked by a kike and will have a kike grandson.

And yet you call us cucks?

As in Sweden and Germany.

Germany can be forgiven because their apathy probably traces back to losing the biggest war in the history of man and 70 years of anti-German propaganda.

Sweden has no excuse though.

That's because the Catholic Church always condemned racial discrimination.

>Germany Lutheran
Germany is exclusively atheist in the public debate. Not even my pastor believed in God.

>not even my pastor believe in God

my goodness literally heretic tier

That's what you get for appointing a jesuit cultist as a Pope.

In the good old days Jesuits were persecuted and banned as heretics by the Catholic Church, and in more than one occasion.

>not true btw
Stop taking Sup Forums so seriously. It's satire