What are some movies that show how it is to have a girlfriend?

What are some movies that show how it is to have a girlfriend?

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who's that ?


Buffalo '66

Blue valentine

Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2

vanilla skyd

What a bizarre poster.



Eat Pray Love

Nah. It was the 80s. That style of poster was surprisingly common.

Eat Shit, Pray, Love

La fille mystérieux




be my gf

Hey honey

I liked that one but the young age of the girl and boy gave such a disconnect to me. I just couldn't imagine being interested in girls at that age. I always felt thst something to be for older teens at the very least, so the movie felt unrealistic to me. I remember posting this sentiment on the IMDb-page and got lots of pity reactions saying how I must be fucked up and they were sorry for me. Some time later the thread got deleted, lol. Fucking normies man.

nice, checked

I like it much more than the boring normal one.

La fille mystérieuses*


Will you be my bf, muffin?

Stay in your lane fucker, he's spoken for.

Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind

Can you fuck off

Christina is mine

the notebook


having a gf is a meme

Gone Girl

500 Days of Summer

Fuck off slut



Last American virgin
Girl goes back to abuser and cucks guy who really liked her

This, and 500 days of summer.


>500 Days Of Summer

Sure, if you're a nu-male.

500 days of summer is for betamales that couldn't get the girl

friendzoned bitch

all alpha patrician movies

But they are a meme you can cum inside.

> ywn have prwtty gf


nah this is an awesome poster

agreed that movie poster is kino

They're just a bunch of tryhards.

When I was that age, the internet was a new thing and girls couldn't compete with my 16 bit graphics

He wasn't interested in girls. He was interesting in Susie.
Also video games were yet to be invented.

I am 26 and I have eliminated my sex drive through meditatiin. I no longer want a gf. I am free


I know that feel. I'm 18 and have been on anti-depressants for 3 years. One of the side effects is no libido at all

I feel like jerking it sometimes but that's it


you can cum inside a lot of things

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

>Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
>alpha patrician movie


>Elsa Jean / Chad White

Why are these tripfags jerking each other off in these threads? You know Anne Erin is a guy right?

>late virgin, never held a girl's hand
>avoid at all costs any movie including a love story between teens or young adults, no matter how good the movie is, because its too painful to watch it

anyone else knows this feel?

Try 500 Days of Summer so you learn to avoid the pitfalls when you finally do get a gf

friend with benefits

Must just be you, didn't feel sexually attracted until I was 12 but even from 6 there would be girls in my class I would have a thing for but wouldn't openly discuss until I was 10/11

Srsly? The antidepressants I used to take (SSRI) made my libido sky high.


I don't even care about sex, I just want a connection with someone.

How late? I'm 24 and have no idea what you're talking about yet.

I feel like a woman wrote this post, just from the way it was written.

I was molested by a 15 yo bbw cousin when I was only 7. She got pissed my penis wouldn't get hard and gave up. From that point onwards it took me 4 years to discover my libido and by consequence realize what happened to me.


You seriously don't feel bad when you watch a movie about/involving teen romance, knowing that you never experienced it and never will? It breaks me inside

Watch the whole "Girls" series of HBO.
It's the most accurate thing about girlfriends - they are selfish, stupid, megalomaniac etc.

that dicaprio movie about the beach and the cheating bitch

Nope, I'm a guy. I'm not a native speaker though, so that may be it.

No, because I know that what I've actually missed out on is a lot of awkward embarrassment, rather than the happy feel-good nonsense you see in movies. Also, feelings have no age imo, so if I went out and try to get with someone today I don't expect I'm gonna get anything less than what I could have had a decade ago.


A true kino.