It berns when I pee
that count?
True, but aint gonna happen. Will be Hillary.
made me smile.
trump is higher educated than all the berniebots
It's over mate. Long live the status quo.
What if Bernie ended as Trump's VP?
Less likely to happen than Bernie winning the Dem nomination
It's over Bernouts, your cuck lost.
Rekt. Holy shit my sides.
Have to admit that is rather humorous
> rEkTaL xDDDDDDD!!!
stfu fagot
Those are bernie memes leaving your system, your sides have difficulty processing them.
Fuck, my bad. Forgot something.
So, very possible?
Someone needs to shop in a cuck shed for sanders
>they think trumps actual attitude is shown during rally's and other media during the election
It really shows how these people barely fucking know him. He can be serious and purely straight to business.
butthurt bernout detected
Says the faggot who lives in Panama
Surprised your poor shit skins even have internet.
>Sanders gets elected
>Tries to enter White house but 2 black women black the door
>Stands outside for 4 years looking at his feet
>Sanders supporters make fun of the disabled and the mentally insane
Serious tolerance right here
swap sanders and trump
>riding a bike on a freeway
With the NSA and the FBI monitoring and taking down sites all around I'm surprised you can even surf internet
Jesus Christ. Do you have to be an asshole to be a cyclists or are just a lot of cyclists a bunch of assholes?
sauce on this?
>When Tumblr raids you
Only true one is Clinton.
Ted should be in Canada and Trump and Sanders switched.
>Only true one is Clinton.
>wants sauce on biketerrorist getting BTFO
good man
Sanders should be in a gulag, like all useful idiots.
Because your shitty country is corrupt m8, no other ways to ride on when oil companies wants you to build all the highways so people can't use other transportation than cars.
>he thinks bernie can win the nomination
Why Trump on the school bus? Are bus drivers meant to be uneducated or something, and that's what they're saying Trump is?
switch sanders and trump and you're good
what better place bernie than retard college with his fellow commie retard students?
Now, I am unsure where to place blame here.
The biker did not look behind him, so it is his fault.
However, the truck crossed solid white lines and was not driving in a proper lane, which is illegal, so he is at fault.
But riding a bike on the expressway is illegal in the first place, so once again the biker is at fault.
holy shit my sides
So do I. An indictment of Hillary puts her out of the race.
Freeways aren't the only roads to get around on in the US swecuck.
Fucking dutch kek
These memes aren't any good.
Can The Left come up with a meme that DOESN'T sound like it has been soaking in bitter sarcasm?
>implying Trump isn't riding the Magic School Bus, taking Americans on a field trip to a nation that's great again.
I had to check if you were not an aussie.
>Making fun of retards
How intolerant, I'm voting for Trump now.
It's over. Your candidate lost BECAUSE he was such a cuck. If he had the same temperament toward Hillary as Donald had with his opponents, he'd be the winner by now. Beta cucks aren't winners. Nevermind that he's a socialist, that had nothing to do with his downfall surprisingly.
I think you need to switch Trump and Sanders, because Sanders needs to learn some Economics.
trump and burnie needs to be switched
>Hillary will be indicted
Fucking lol
That bitch is so corrupt she would make a mob boss blush
More "Humor" From mentally ill people
Move Along, nothing to see here. Let them wallow in sarcasm and self pity while we put Trump in the oval office and MAGA
Sanders is losing because no one likes communism.
How do you surf the internet when your head's not attached to your body?