You men are cowards

I am a women, and I must say you men really are cowards here.

You browse here all day and sit on the internet, meanwhile your country is being overtaken by muslims.

I want a white man, I don't want to wear a burkha, I want to walk safely on the street.

Stop listening to what the media says, just get out there and retake your lands

The only thing you do is complain. You become more miserable and you do nothing but talk and no action. When will you take action and protect us ??

If you want us to love you you must be willing to fight for us, please, go out now and take action, stop waiting before its too late ;(

Other urls found in this thread:

tits or gtfo


Tits or GTFO

Come to america bb

roastie or gtfo roastie

Put a sharpie up your but and timestamp it. Fuck off back to muhammed you shitposting swamp german.

tieten of krijgen de neuk uit

Typical white woman. Shaming their own into doing what they want instead of even considering doing something themselves.

Get fucked, sweetheart.

Tits or gtfo

Women are bisexual whores. There's nothing worth fighting for. Fuck off.


your making me cry why are you doing this

>"The only thing you do is complain"
>Keeps on nagging and complaining
Women, can't live with them, can live a rich fulfilling live without them.

nice b8 mate. but tits or gtfo

Fuck off you did this with your feminism.

lol reject us betas and expect us to fight for you?

Nah civilization is going DOWN and your gonna get RAPED 100 times over.

I stopped caring about you women long ago.


Fucking rekt.

Good, now post tits


>I want this
>I want that
>I don't want this
>The only thing you do is complain

You are useless and unless you are at least 8/10 on the looks scale no one will give a fuck about you.

Let me put it simply to you:
Tits or

not all women are like that

I don't want to be raped

I'm just scared of my future

Revealing yourself as a woman on Sup Forums is a really fucking bad idea

Like jumping into a pit filled with hungry alligators

This is the future you chose. Tits or GTFO.

1. Reap the consequences of the governance you voted into power. You have voting rights too - this is your fault as much as it is the male population's.

2. Tits or GTFO.

If you were worth fighting for then perhaps things would be different.

This is the future you chose.

at this point most of us have given up if we all stood up and did something the major fear is we would be outcast by woman . woman need to become more vocal like you to give men a reason to fight cause at this point everyone thinks its pointless .

Tits, Timestamp, or GTFO.

You either prove it, or be considered a cuckold-LARPing fetisher.

Your move, OP

>Average Sup Forums user

Stop race mixing then, slut.

>I don't want to be raped
>scared of my future
This was the future you chose, you stupid cunt. Now post your fucking tits so my wife's son and I can laugh at them.

mods pleease delete this thread

Honey we don't give a fuck. You're out-dated. Nignogs will eventually rape you all to death and then we push them back into their shitholes and trade up to cloning. That's all this is. We just like having fun talking shit about you and your animals in the meantime.

So basically, tits while crying or cry outside.

Oh shit

Your future is going to be an muslim plaything.

if you truly want to save yourself, start fighting against women and redpill them.

We men have no jobs, nothing to fight for, no rights and no future in society.

So we drop out of it, YOU CAUSED THIS.

>Stop listening to what the media says, just get out there and retake your lands

>The only thing you do is complain. You become more miserable and you do nothing but talk and no action. When will you take action and protect us ??

Western men will become "real men" again when western women stop being sluts, give up feminism, and return to submissive roles.

Sup Forums has mental autism, so they don't understand, but any intelligent man realizes that being a "real man" in modern western society is just a bullshit roleplay game. Western society hates men and has removed any possibility to be a "real man" for a while now. Women are running to us and begging for help because they've crossed the line, and now they feel bad. Stupid cunts. 2013 was the final straw - that was when the most recent wave of feminists and sluts started existing.

This is the future you chose, now you must suffer.

we're doing what we can
you keep fighting feminism, alright?

Stop listening to cult leaders. 2016 is looking bright. There is no more room for hate. Islam is the religion of Peace. Diversity is our strength. Western culture was just a social construct anyway, African culture is far superior. Just have some more fluoride if you aren't feeling happy.

I know this is offtopic but I want to know how are the femanon that lurk pol. How many kids do you want to have? What are your stufies? How is the man you would like to have? Do you want to marry? Wwhat is your job? What is your thoughs on feminism?

>please do anything as long as I don;t have to lift a finger in order for it to get done.
I just hope your nigger neighbors are not picky about looks and will have a field day on your soon to be roast beef vagina

>I'm just scared of my future
You should be.
Blame your fellow women.

Your future is you are either going to get old and ugly, whereupon you will be treated by everyone you know in teal life the way Sup Forums is treating you now, until you kill yourself; or you will die young.

If you wanted anything else, you would have settled for a husband already and had children of your own.

Maybe you should convince your women friends to not open the fucking gates.

Not gonna lie, this is a good non degenerate answer.... kudos


You're the OP, stupid. You can delete it yourself.
How new are you?

Ok, we'll strike a deal with you

You give up your voting rights, we'll clear out all the shitskins. Hell, we'll even fight wars and die for you.

Its tough for Europeans to reclaim their land when the people have been FUCKING DISARMED!

This is why the US will continue to remain free. We have over 350 million guns here. There is no chance in hell anyone can confiscate that many. If you seek freedom and are a white European, move over to the States.

Hopefully Trump can win and liberate Europe like we have done before.

What do you want us to do go out and kill a muslim and then get shot by the police or put in prison, for the entire country to hate me because it will give the media fuel for crazy white male narrative.

What the fuck exactly do you expect from me you fucking European cocksucker?

Leave it to a woman to sit there and bitch for someone else to do something.

>implying Tyrone and Jamal that have playing basketball instead of going to school won't beat the living shit out of you

Lol no brown or black dude is giving up their white gf because white women don't like pig skin

I agree.


Are you really a woman or are you a troll with a flacid penis? Shouldnt you be on tumbler, twitter, or tinder? Is facebook boring you? Hows the duckface these days?

lol this thread is the reason Sup Forums is a men's club, I hope you faggots all realize this.

Just read through this cancer, it's abominable

Actually Miss Aquafresh I'm on my lunch break in a little bit I'll be back to making the big bucks for my little house wife who is at home doing what you should doing. .....housework.


>=/= arg

>white """""woman""""" tells men to retake their land (and by extension hers) not because she has anything to offer or contribute but because she WANTS something

10/10 flawless woman's logic. You lot want to bitch about the benefits men received in the process of building civilization, well if you want them it's time to pull your own weight. You want white man's world and benefits then get off your lazy ass and do something besides offering use of a warm hole occasionally and whinging about how white men won't go to war for the opportunity to plow you.

You have brought this top yourself. I laugh at news of immigrants raping women

Nothing is wrong with Sup Forums being a men's club, men need somewhere they can go away from women to let out some steam.

Women are honestly very annoying, and feminism has told them that they are better than men, and that they can just barge in anywhere they want and abuse us. These cunts need to learn a fucking lesson.

Make me a sandwich.

>being a simp who cares about women's opinions

that has always been the responsibility of the men, to protect their women and their country.
pic is my ideal man

>falling for the most obvious of obvious baits

Never change Sup Forums

Make sure to vote for Geert :)

>Responsibility of men, to protect their women and their country
Oh really?

Sup Forums taught me it was to bitch, complain, and hate women for turning me down

Come to America, hun.
We here in the states are real men, we worship women like God's and would easily kill for them.

As a matter of fact the news is full of husbands killing their wives lovers today.

>pic is my ideal man

>be western women
>scream "all men are evil horrible rapists" for about half a century
>western men become despondent and stop caring
>get invaded by mudslimes
> get raped
> have less freedom than before women's suffrage
> lo , in the mind of women a wild thougt appears , could this be a moment of clarity , a Shakespearean realisation of their own wrongdoings
>"why aren't western men doing anything omg this is all their fault "


Well unless you're this ideal woman, not interested, sorry.

Your ideal man doesn't exist and the responsibility of men to protect women was part of an agreement that women would fill their role of being housekeepers and mothers. Nobody is laying down their life for nothing sweetheart you want the "strong statuesque viking warrior" to consider you more worth dying for then get to sucking, fucking, baby making and cooking.

I look much better then her lmao

Ok now we know you are a troll.

>thinks looks are what matters here



Jesus Christ. Apart from poor bait, let's respond.

This argument needs to be taken to the Bernie revolutionaries and the communist types. E.g. Revolution.

Problem is, you'd end up fighting each other when they accuse you of racism and you accuse them of being gibsmedats.

Then of course you have black lives matters and the feminists. All at odds with this in favor of their own agenda.

I never assumed divide and conquer meant divide the population to the point where cohesion is impossible.



-4/10 on the Ukraine tbhfamski

When i was a kid i was put trough a schooling system full of lies and hate for beign a man. I was never taught how to be a man. I was bullied and ignored by girls, laughed at. Watching the ammount of niggers get greater and greater. I had enough and moved abroad to work, now im rich and dont give a fuck about you women. You can all go wear a burkha and breed with muslims idgaf. I will be enjoying my full paid private property and financial independence. Fucking a casual whore just for the kicks, sometimes i pay extra to strangle those stupid cunts. Meantime im enjoying the downfall of western society, its beyond reparation. Only thing i feel bad is todays little boys that have to go trough the same shit bur prob even worse these days.

Ok, you want to fix your society? Very well. Raise kids and teach them to be strong and independent.

Vote for ONLY conservative individuals who believe the Family Unit is crucial for the survival of western civilization.

Fight against the cancer that is known as FEMINISM! Feminists are the Nazis of today. Their main mission is to emasculate men and look how that has turned out.

I think the above is a good start. As for us men here in the United States we are currently fighting by voting. This is why Donald Trump just essentially won the Republican nomination.


She might be rapeable if I haven't nutted for a week.


>I am a women, and I must say you men really are cowards here.
>You browse here all day and sit on the internet, meanwhile your country is being overtaken by muslims.
>I want a white man, I don't want to wear a burkha, I want to walk safely on the street.
>Stop listening to what the media says, just get out there and retake your lands
>The only thing you do is complain. You become more miserable and you do nothing but talk and no action. When will you take action and protect us ??
>If you want us to love you you must be willing to fight for us, please, go out now and take action, stop waiting before its too late ;(

Really? Youre going to run off and cry instead of getting past weebo rage posts? Cant change men's attitude if youre busy crying about it.

Sure. If i can find a woman who will get pregnant 10 times and takes fertility treatments so we can have twins every pop we might have a chance. Otherwise i dont know how it can be done considerimg the muslims have one wife in western nations and one wife in each muslim nation. Culturally the gender wars have created a shithole. Free love have created full spectrum traitors.

Some of us will act. When the geopolitical circumstances are right. Act too soon and we get put down like a petty rabble. Things will get worse before it gets better.

If youre really a woman im willing to have a respectful discussion. 4chans a bad spot for it.

>The only thing you do is complain.
She said while complaining that men don't do anything, while also not doing anything herself.

Lead by example OP.

>I am a women


listen here little hot girl:
I've personally attended several Pegida rallies and hit the gym on the regular. I even took krav-maga classes.

Thank you for making this thread.


call me once you're actually worth saving. most women only reject men and there is no sex and no gf ever. right now, women can rot and die for all I care.

the other problem is that most women vote leftist parties and are part of the problem. so either you vote nationalist parties or you're canditate for muslim dick and beatings.

your choice. and with you I don't mean you personally but simply most women.

dude, niemand gaat naar je luisteren als je niet eerst wat gewicht verliest, dikke walvis


Look at all these autists hating on women, really sad Sup Forums

So you want a white man....not a nigger dick attached to a gorilla with the emotional control of a 3 year old....extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

then stop voting with your vagina

Criticism isn't hate, twat.

>I am a women

Well that grammar sure proves it.


>that has always been the responsibility of the men, to protect their women and their country.
>pic is my ideal man
Yeah MGTOW men have wisened up and weve stopped letting women control definitions of masculinity and manhood.

And it follows is the responsibility of WOMEN protect and be willing to sacrafice, die for the children. A Mr Right husband isnt going to save you.

Gods protect races more than Nations do. But Ill settle for a nation.

Our children also need to grow up like big strong men. We cant keep cuckholding them. Our education systems are fucked. You know what men who wise up say? This is what you get when women have too much power. This is what you get when women run things. What kind of man is fool enough to get married with western divorce laws. Entire dynasties destroyed. Ethnicities gone.

Baby boomers have left millenials with fuck all.