This girl is 12 years old. How does that make you feel?
This girl is 12 years old. How does that make you feel?
Noah Clark
Oliver Gonzalez
Elijah Nelson
Anthony Smith
Horny. It makes me horny
Sebastian Stewart
It doesn't make me feel anything, I'm dead inside.
Justin Gonzalez
Matthew Ramirez
Wondering why there are no nipples on the pictures, after all she has no bras.
With this information and the low quality of the picture, I call this Photoshop bait!
In real it is a guy with a dick!
>prove me wrong
Jace Long
Jose Hall
This girl is 18 years old (Genevieve Hannelius).
How does THAT make you feel?
Oliver Hill
Assuming she is 12; It's fairly obvious she's unsure of herself. Other than that, got pics of her mom? (nudes)?