Do Africans have a future?

Do Africans have a future?

Probably. Nigeria does at least

>Europa Savages
No toshi. Europa is Greece and the Romance countries not Germany

Why are Westerners so inconsistent cherry picker?

Half of the time you make fun of them for being brown Arab, and the other half of the time you praise Classical Europe as White man's greatness.

It's a nordcuck issue.

lol our race sucks balls. I'd like to say that we do better in first world countries, but that obviously isn't true.

>tfw Southern Min Chinese (Chaozhou)
>ancestors literally descended from the original Chinese untainted by Manchu or Mongolian genealogy or influence

เจ็ก 555

>meme about cultureless savages
in reality they had more culture and intricacies than supposed "advanced" peoples. Because they were less centralised and standardised, thus more variety and localised cultures within cultures. Those "advanced" and "civilised" people killed them off, both in lives and their cultures out of lust for resources and land. The idea of a huge group of humans (hundreds of different culturally-unique tribes) being reminiscent of wild animals derives from Roman propaganda. Unfortunately we and their descendants will never know the specific depths of these cultures because they were ignorantly dismissed and killed off, later repressed under the yoke of that aforementioned propaganda, as such most of it is lost to time.

Germans actually had clothes, wheeled carts and steel by 200 b.c. and lived in long houses. Not Mediterranean level but still better than a lot of Africans today.

Savages with no civilization.

Africa has no discernible future, we are doomed to misery by some mysterious force, be it a deity who hates our guts or the evolutionary mechanics of this universe

Yesterday someone chided me for being intellectually 'insecure' and elitist and I realized that they were deeply anti-intellectual to begin with, both victims an agents of their retarded, 6th century-stalled culture

Fuck it.

Till today? A bit idiotic and presumptuous considering the massive urbanization (and reverse centralization that the Aussie was talking about) taking place, regardless of how you feel about our poor infrastructure development

Simply dismissing the Aussies elementary and clear objections, which are not only acceptable but the honest truth, with a single Clintwood-esque sentence doesn't show anyone anything besides that you're only prepared to reinforce your ignorance ad infinitum because you only want the truth convenient to yourself

This happened yesterday, today and will probably happen tomorrow but will never fix Africa, only maybe a few dents on your ego

10 bucks says you're from a 'lesser white race' that isn't fully accepted and you search for that acceptance with these kind of replies on Sup Forums

Pretty sad 2bh, have a (you)

Pretty sad as in considering the dire nature of the continental situation or pretty sad in my general motivation for that response?

Tbh repatriates are changing and challenging the colonialist and reactionary islamic anti-intellectualism.

I'm so glad.

If your future involves a civil war every 5-10 years and looking like Mad Max during the interim periods, then yes, it has some kind of future
Maybe not the future they want, but the future they deserve

After Bill Gates and the Bilderberg group finally achieved their goals with the vaccines...Africa will be turned into a massive solar panel land or some similiar industry test field.


>Africa will be turned into a massive solar panel land
That sounds erratic and stupid, it would more convenient and cost-effective to invest in more efficient renewable energy sources

Yes but native Americans were savages right

Jesus you sound like a faggot
But I guess that will help you fit in better in the west than allahu akbar

>trying to speak English properly on an English-predominant forum is gay