oreo has a new contest where you can create your own flavor
how can Sup Forums ruin this?
oreo has a new contest where you can create your own flavor
how can Sup Forums ruin this?
"Hitler Did 9/11"
This I can take part in. Unlike that faggy asshole Current Year man le huehue troll gov thread.
Have a bump op.
Also link us with details?
It’s called the “My Oreo Creation” contest. It kicks off today and runs through July 14.
Consumers in the U.S. can submit their creations through Instagram and Twitter using the contest hashtag #MyOreoCreation and #Contest.
Why would we ruin this? This is a chance to go make the perfect oreo
so i guess we need to swamp that hashtag so that anyone looking at tweets with the hashtag are forced to look at whatever the fuck we want them to