Why do you people suport Donald Trump?

I am not against Donald Trump. But if we look back at history, or more scentifically, if we look back at early/late 29th century when nationalism was on the rize, we can come to the collusion that extreme nationalism brings war time and again.

Australia-Hungary had a powerful union less than 100 years ago, that union was quickly broken and a war broke off. Then about 30 years later an extremely nationalist man became president - Adolf Hitler.

Haven't we learned a leason by now? Like I said, I'm not against Donald Trump, but some of the things he says, is more simply put - completely inane.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's just a meme

>but some of the things he says, is more simply put - completely inane.

Like what exactly?

>user thinks we don't want to bring up another world war

How new are you? Did you not get memo with last week's minutes?

>opposes TPP
>opposes muslim invasion (I'm gay and I don't want people who want to behead me here)
>wants to deport illegals

That's enough for me

Hillary is the warhawk. I will take my chance on the guy that claims he was against Iraq and wars in general.

I will take my chance on an uncertainty vs. an absolute.

Australia-Hungary had a powerful union less than 100 years ago
the shitposting must have been insane

Socialist states also bring war, and that's the ultimate goal of the democratic party of America. You only need look at Hillary Clinton's history to see this as true.

Are you kidding me? If you have to ask, you're probably a dumb racist.

What the fuck is happening there?

this is what amazes me about Hillary

she's Dick Cheney in a pant suit

and yet every fat whiny single mom can't lineup fast enough to vote for this cold hearted bitch.

I support his policies and believe he can do the best job of running our country out of everyone searching for a political bid.

Its a satire man, nos worries. We are voting for Hillary. Trump is just a way of trolling, also don't take the antisemitism so serious many of us are Jewish.


Like I said, it's a doggy-dog world we live in. Wars happen.

so you say Russia should take Lithuania back, and the Lithuanian nationalist movement was wrong to declatre independence?

nice response you got there.
aj rade ne seri, posto nemas nista pametno za rec samo suti. sramotis i sebe i druge.

Trump embodies the American spirit.

Because he's not Killary "owned by the war machine" Cunton.
He might not be the hero we deserve, but he's the hero we need.

I don't argue with white males.


>hurrhurr we can't be nationalist or else Hitler

Grow up

It was just a prank, bro.

>you're probably a dumb racist.

What's wrong with racism? Biological races are a reality. Most populations on earth have much smaller brains than Europeans and can never function in our countries. Non-whites must be purged.


I don't know, but it's unnerving as fuck. Giving me SMAC mind worm flashbacks

>the fishing bait comes to you
I..is this heaven?

Nigger detected

Hitler was right


This really says it all

>not American

Opinion discarded.

I'm betting there was a flood and all those critters climbed the concrete post to avoid drowning.

>29th century

Looks like some bugs crawled up a concrete post to escape flood waters.


I am from the future in the 29th century the Austro-Hungarian empire reforms to deal with the plague of weaponized service robots

Trump isn't "literally Hitler," but his rhetoric has shades of it.

The 80s are supposedly this golden era for Repubs, but Trump was already complaining about other countries taking advantage of America. 30 years later even the words he uses is the same; his thinking has no flexibility. Why is a billionaire playing a victim hood narrative anyway? It's hypocritical.

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc.
WW2 wasn't "just" the rise of "nationalism" in Germany. It was also a weak government in a country that was a bulwark for order in the world. It was also the rise of strong, well-justified resentment towards the rest of Europe and the US in Germany.

You're asking us to look at history from half a century ago in another country. You should be looking at OUR history from a decade ago. The people in power, the media, the political class. It all has to be usurped, or else what happened to Libya WILL happen in Syria, our constitution will continue to be eroded by "well meaning" individuals, and our nation's youths will continue to be poisoned with leftist indoctrination.

Trump is the usurper, and he will remind both parties that the country they dare to lord over, the God-given rights that they piffle at in the name of their lofty, armchair morals, are older and much, much more important than either of them.

>people are actually falling for this 1/10

If I break that post would they die?

This is bait

>imolying hitler was a bad man and you are just not an idiot

It would be extremely fearful

you read it wrong. the union is in 29th century to come

Memes and being serious aside, what better candidate do you have?

They're big bugs

>Trump isn't "literally Hitler," but his rhetoric has shades of it.

Am I supposed to think that Hitler was bad? Why?


You live next to a part of the world that will probably experience a civil war followed by white genocide within the next 10-15 years and you actually have the balls to worry about what's happening across the ocean?

I'll entertain you only briefly. We have hispanics to the south and Canadians to the north; neither of which are in danger of being conquered because we don't care. We have no imperialist ambitions or desires to take anyone over. We do not have your history so our definition of making our country "great again" doesn't include recreating some ancient union of barbarian states.

>if we look back at early/late 29th century
Are you from the future?

>Then about 30 years later an extremely nationalist man became president - Adolf Hitler.
Do you know the historical context? Also, he was a socialist, fuck off.

For you

He was an objectively shitty leader. You can quote his wonderful idealistic phrases all you want, but when it comes down to actually running a state and fighting a war, he was a fucking dumbass.

>lol y u want winter gear? soviets will surrender before it snows, trust me :^)

What do you mean "you people"?

relax bro, trump will lose anyway. he is too dumb to run america. and if he gets enough votes to be president, he will be assassinated on his way to the white house.

Can't believe people are responding to this in earnest. He's obviously taking the piss

stfu spic


better to die in a european war than get outbred by muslims.

Europe recovered after Hitler, it'll never recover after feminism and multiculturism.

The "Correct the Record" PAC is openly bragging about its million-dollar effort to "push back" against Hillary's detractors on the internet, you lying faggot.

At best you can try to claim that it's "merely" a multi-million-dollar super PAC doing the paying of shills on her behalf, and not actually her campaign directly. But that would make you an obtuse cunt, so don't do it.

You have no power here.

>29th century


Did Hillary give you proxies ?

>29th century
>look back
