I've seconds away from contacting hiro and encouraging/forcing him to close Sup Forums...

I've seconds away from contacting hiro and encouraging/forcing him to close Sup Forums. Give me one good reason I shouldn't?

Other urls found in this thread:

network54.com/Forum/256246/thread/1088896552/last-1088896552/George Washington Carver- The Making of a Myth

Go for it. He loves Sup Forums. So nothings gonna happen.

Loves it so much I heard he once deleted it.

give us one reason why he should

>closing a containment board
Yeah, because that totally went over great when moot did it.

Because Gook Moot Jackie Sup Forums hates you as much as we do.

It's atheist.

That was the cucked one

You know that Sup Forums is responsible for most of the traffic on this site, if he closes Sup Forums he loses money.


Behead those who insult Kek

>Loves it so much I heard he once deleted it.


You don't know what you're talking about.

Get him to delete it. I waste time here I should be studying, my fellow negro.

Kill your self nigger

Are you new?



>I've seconds
Sorry I don't speak eubonics.

Because you can't.
He's not shutting down a major source of revenue because your fee fees got hurt.
But by all means, feel free to waste your time.


>forcing him to close Sup Forums

OP is a faggot and can go suck a big bag of dicks.

Do it nigger

Did government assigned aide write that for you, Jamal?
We all know you can't write.


>picture from yesterday
>people are falling for it

Even if you did why does your royal wewuz nigness have any authority over nagasaki?

so do it faggot
no one cares
There are plenty of imageboards on the internet, well be fine

God I hate niggers and their stupid fat nigger faces and their stupid fat nigger ideas.

fucking kill yourself.

do it by getting stuck in a wrestling mat trying to grab your fucking air Jordan's you fucking nigger.

Fuck off nigger

Shut it down until after the election. Trump shills are fucking annoying

>Give me one good reason I shouldn't

You're a nigger

Go eat a whole buffet of dicks you fucking nigger

He's a mod on the Sup Forums board I think


>Daily reminder that niggers are on this board right now.
Explain yourself niggers

Give me one reason why you should.


Eat shit, nigger.

>Closing a containment board
>Not expecting pic related


Please don't. Sup Forums is my only connection to real humans, other than the liquor store guy and my social services caseworker.

How can we calm your fury, oh mighty kang?

get out of Sup Forums, Sup Forums belongs to the white man.
you nigger

>containment board
most successful board on this cambodian noodle rolling forum

I'd rather have African-Americans post here than Jews. Particularly Israeli Jews. And I'm sure most would agree.

I wonder if this is Harlem Hellfighters WWI guy

Sup Forums is a containment board. Do you want Hitler threads to be spread all around 4chin?

sure, shut down our little slave camp. Then we'll be de-segregated. We'll come into your nice, safe neighborhoods and shit them up. We'll cause your heretofore non-existent crime rates to go up, and everyone will have to start locking their doors. Then everyone will move away from the other boards and we'll own them, and make them shitholes like the shithole we came from.

Fuck off nigger.




Get fucked pavement ape, Sup Forums is eternal.


Do it fagget. you won't you don't have the balls.

OP is a idiot. Sup Forums has more traffic than all other boards put together

the only one that even comes close is tv and its still way behind Sup Forums

Get your daily dose of proten from your boyfriend first Jamal.

do it nigger

Nice try, Shlomo.

This is now a we wuz thread. I'm dumping my collection


I hate it when Indians think they're niggers. It makes me want to re-colonise.

>Close Sup Forums
>Watch every other board get raided by homeless Sup Forumsacks
Yes do it


lol k tyrone "cinco de mayo" martinez
Shitskins,when will they learn ?


I don't hear the sound of cotton being picked. What's going on here?

You realize Asians hate niggers more than whites do right?

have we ever decided which boards to concentrate our shitposting on if Sup Forums ever goes down?

why you talk like this to a fellow slovan ?
also in pic its an israeli soldier slapping a kike.
dumb russian smolensk isnt yours

Or what? You gonna chimpout?


>Closing the second largest and fastest growing Sup Forums board during an election season
>The board which all by itself contributes about 30% of the entire traffic of the website.

I dunno about this

Why are we responding to this? That's not even a picture from today

nigger education, everybody.

Blacks didn't even invent peanut butter.

network54.com/Forum/256246/thread/1088896552/last-1088896552/George Washington Carver- The Making of a Myth

He obviously just had a run in with an Indian before posting.

gook moot cares about fun, not feelings. you might want to try to get old moot back if you wanted that



let's awaken the AZTEC GODS OF FITNESS.


You got a problem?

I don't really think you guys are nigger tier but youjust have to stop shitting in the streets.

>most of the traffic

user. I hate to tell you but, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are monsters compared to pol in terms of numbers. i'm sure even Sup Forums is still a bigger guy

Do it Nigger.





And he's one of the smart niggers, fucking hell.

/lgbt/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums
Id prefer that if pol was gone, quieter boards like /an/ , /tg/, /fa/ were smacked


unfortunately i think the most fun boards to raid also have the most faggot mods on them, and would purge most of us too fast, that one included. Could be wrong though

>being this new

We don't, he's just an idiot.



Sup Forums is not that huge.

the most visited pages are

Sup Forums's catalog
Sup Forums itself
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums

i digress
why the fuck does this nigger think glorious hiro would even consider removing Sup Forums?

Sup Forums is pretty un-raidable though, not to mention every time i look over there is pretty much looks like it's being raided by Sup Forums already


If you do there will be no organized movement to stop Hillary, she will surely win the election and America will be ruined due to liberal supreme court justices legislating from the bench their ideals instead of strictly interpreting the constitutions. You would have single handedly killed America and would probably burn in hell for all eternity. At the very least you would be forced to endure the hardships your actions caused to millions of people after you died and your existence will be nothing but agony for several millennia until you get out of purgatory


You look like the type of black guy that can only get an autistic obese white girl. The kind of man not even black women want.

what the fuck is wrong with you, fucking weaboo