America: The Orphan Continent

>A continent with no culture or history

>No firm identity

>Descended from unwanted outcasts who settled there

A sad land to behold

The dumping ground of the world

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Two nukes wasn't enough

shouldn't it be "Two nukes weren't enough"?


Only ugly and poor people care about this.

Do you really believe the good looking, succesful and rich people from Japan or any Western European country care about your countries?

How is Nagasaki doing?

Is it time for Enola to come out of retirement?

We need 500 more nukes

Be careful. This dumping ground contains the world's most powerful nation.

>A continent with no culture or history
lol whut

I think so


Panchito needs to kick more jap ass for you to shut up?

Dumb chink

hey chink

I prefer having no history than 2 fucking nukes in one day

and yet we went to the moon

America: 1

europe: -


Those are two continents.

There are two continents in that picture
There are seven continents in the world:
>North America
>South America

In 500 years America has moar history than an irrelevant island that almost was sweeped by Mongols, and passed 300 years under a dictature.

Try again, little chink.


>one day

i think the continent you're thinking of is Oceania

They actually rebuilt it quickly tbf

imagine caring what a chink thinks

>american ediuqueichon
He is not talking about the nukes, but about the grammar

Go back to the school.

>there are two continenst in that picture.

ONU model: 5
Traditional model: 6
(i don't care about meme tectonic model)

but... look the map, oceania is there. :O

Your culture got wiped out by nukes.

Sad but its true

Depends on if you are saying the act was not (wasn't) enough or the two nukes were not (weren't) enough. Both are correct pablo fuck off.

t. akihito, 44yr old single man

These continents are really easy to trigger

>2 nukes, delivered by different planes on different dates, etc,
You can't even into your own native protolanguage. Damn son

>meme tectonic model
i hate that
how the fuck "Juan de Fuca" or "India" are continents for fucks sake?!?
geography =/= geology

Kys you fucking indio

There's more justification for India than Europe.
The only proper continental model is:
North America
South America

Nice one m8 also
Daily remeber that unlike australian aboos ,the aztecs ,incas,apaches and all thats are "imigrants" too

stop modifying geography on your tastes you fucking ignorant anglo

How about you go back to school
A continent is a continental shelf almost completely surrounded with water
With this definition there are 7 continents (Zealandia, North America, South America, Antarctica, Asia, Australasia)

New Zealand and New Caledonia have its own continental shelf, but it is mostly submerged
So Zealandia is technically a continent

what part of geology =/= geography you didn't get
a continent is a group of countries. because every country has landmass then you can just define continent by that
your continent is Oceania, not """""Australia""""". Australia is a fucking island and its own country

Actually is moar cultural than geographical.

Culture can be build, it might be an slow process but it isn't a hopeless situation.




Ok, so Europe and Asia are the same continent. :)


No because to the West they arr rook the same culturally

Geologically Europe is a peninsula of the continent of Asia

What do you guys think of biogeographical realms?

Ok, so is it a mixture of cultural and geographical concepts? That's confusing.

No, continents are purely geologic
Europe isn't a continent
Europe is a peninsula of Asia

That's like saying "The Pacific Ocean is a continent" because it has its own tectonic plate. New Zealand isn't large enough to be a continent and is largely on the Australian plate. Europe is a peninsula of Eurasindia.

geology = study of soils and everything rocky
geography = making maps and putting limits to those soils studied by geology
it's only "cultural" when you take in account HISTORICAL CULTURE OF EUROPE

had to be an anglo...

Tectonic plates =/= continent
They are completely different things geologically

>is largely on the Australian plate
KEK you could

If it is geologic, should not that definition follow all the tectonic plates?

Europe can't choose the definition of a continent, they are irrelevant
Zealandia was considered a continent in the America journal of Geology, ie the only nation that is relevant

Tectonic plates =/= continent
They are completely different geologic terms

You are referring to geography. Not geology.

Ah, who cares for those arbitrary definitions? Waste of time.

They aren't arbitrary
Continents have a geological deifnition, they aren't tectonic plates, they are on top of tectonic plates, or sometimes on top of 2 or more tectonic plates which causes fault lines

*which causes fault lines in continents

I'm referring to geology, not geography

>tira la piedra y se esconde
típico brasilero

saved, I always forget to screenshot this

Que falta do que fazer, puta merda. Bagulho confuso, chato e, sim, ARBITRÁRIO. Se você dá uma googlada, encontra outros 0392384394230 sites se contrariando: nada disso segue algum padrão definido. Um diz que a definição prevalece em termos culturais, outro por placas tectônicas, outro por outro x motivo, outro por y. Agora é esse aborígene aí me aparece com essa.
Sinceramente, quem liga? Eu não; tenho mais com o que esquentar minha cabeça.

Vão lavar uma louça, por gentileza.

>mfw this cutie little island are to desperate to be relevant

Stating geologic facts =/= trying to be relevant

KEK I can LITERALLY feel the absolute rage you were in when you made this post.
Zealandia IS the most ELITE continent on Earth.
Mexico is LITERALLY known as the turd connecting North and South America
YOU are pathetic, wrong, poor and worthless
I eagerly await your reply

ITT. Chink triggers nations and then they decide to trow shit between them

shut the fuck up mexico

You are literally the worst flag on Sup Forums. Worse than Australia, worse than Canada, worse than that Polish CP spammer. You contribute nothing of value apart moving to the US and leeching off welfare, and making it seem as if this board is obsessed with you but literally no one gives a fuck.

You have a shit climate, a shit standard of living, a shit cuisine, a shit music and a shit culture in general. And don't even get me started on that superiority complex to other Latin American countries. Why you even post here is beyond me - it seems nothing more than an extended exercise in masochism, to be honest.

So seriously Mexico, unless you have anything important, anything noteworthy, anything of even less value than that civil major, kindly do us all a favour and don't speak.

Could you stop
I was having a serious discussion about the geological reality of Zealandia, and you have to fuck up the thread by going full autismo
Please leave my country pajeet/zhang
I know you're not kiwi because real kiwis are friendly and laid back

Holy tiddies how triggered you get for one post LMAO
Not the one you were discussing with though, just a lone wanderer of boards writing what seemed to be the actual course of the thread.

Latin America>Spain

And still much more relevant.

>unwanted outcasts
Not true for a lot of american colonies. Many were populated by some elites and wealthy entrepeneurs. Often times you'd have to be able to actually be rich enough to pay for the ride over

>Latin America>Spain

Canada > British Isles and France

Latinamerica > Spain, Portugal, Amerindian cultures and Africa

USA > The human trash no one wanted in Europe, Asia and Latinamerica plus some African slaves.



yes because
they were
he/she/it was

>be a jap
>Sup Forums
>say something bad about murica
>9000000000 posts in thread
The chink is probably wwwwwww:ing so hard that he can't hear your opinions

Don't bully Mexico

>a continent with no culture
The memes.

>no firm identity
The. Memes.

>descended from unwanted outcasts
I mean, yea, that's pretty much spot on.

This. Only the US is allowed to bully Mexico. The rest of you keep your filthy (you)s off of them.



>The only land who had been nuked in human history

A sad land to behold

Sometimes I wish the US had finished the job

Basically New World > Old World

True 100% technical model

But who wants to be paired with africa? So they made it

Then again who wants to be paired with russia and chinks? So they made it

Ok ok but what do we do with poo pee land and assorted fuccboi islands?

Yeah looks good but who wants to be paired with spics?
>north america
>south america