In his essay "Outta My Endzone: Sport and the Territorial Anus," Dr...

In his essay "Outta My Endzone: Sport and the Territorial Anus," Dr. Brian Pronger of the University of Toronto describes how the point of men's sports is homosexual lust without the stigma of gayness:

Paper abstract:

Some quotes from the paper:

>I will argue that competitive sport... is embedded in the masculine colonizing will to conquer the space of an "other" while simultaneously protectively enclosing the space of the self... In sex, it shows in the desire to penetrate the holes of others and the desire to resist having the same happen to oneself.


>The practice of competitive sport itself can have homoerotic dimensions: the contact of the playing field, the spectacle of the partially clad body, the steamy environment of the showers and locker room...

>I argued that men's sport allows men and boys to exclude women and girls from their all-male environments, permits them to play with each other's bodies, to surround themselves with naked men in the showers and locker cooms, to enjoy that all-male contact, without suffering the vilification that usually comes from the open acknowledgment and pursuit of masculine erotic contact, the stigma of "being homosexual.


>In other words, the homophobia of competitive sport allows men to play with each other's bodies and still preserve their patriarchal heterosexist hegemony; they can have their (beef) cake and eat it, too."


>It goes without saying that a limp, shriveled penis is not effective in simulating the domineering masculine organization of desire. Given that no penis can live up to its phallic boast, no matter how swollen it gets, phallocentrism finds other ways to territorialize the body: innocuously, possibly, in body building, and more despotically in the territorial violence of warfare and competitive sport, for instance.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Less boastful than the phallus, perhaps because of its embarrassing vulnerability or even more terrifying potential openness, is the phallus's companion, the protective side of phallic desire, the side than can repel or admit others into the space carved out by phallic aggression.

>The simulacrum of this other side of phallic desire, I suggest is the asshole. It is the tightly closed orifice of the phallic conqueror, as well as the (perhaps) reluctantly opened orifice of the phalically conquered. Masculine desire is thus produced in the play of the phallus and asshole.

>It stimulates desire as both homoerotic and homophobic: homoerotic in its preoccupation with phallic intent, homophobic in its resistance to penetration."


>Since one's participation in competition indicates one's commitment to phallic potency and one's defeat shows one's anal vulnerability and therefore phallic impotence, there is humiliation in defeat, in being penetrated by one's competitor.


>When, in the context of the philosophy of the limit, we consider the conventional pleasures of sport...we see the simulation of desire in the territorial project that transforms the puissance of the human connection into a pouvoir of dominance and submission. Competitive sport, therefore is a profoundly unethical way to organize desire.

Interesting read if you manage to read it all.

Title might keep ppl from reading lol

I don't know about you guys but I love watching tight ends receiving the ball in the end zone

I'm a few pages in and I have the weirdest boner right now

well duh. also sports are bread and circus to distract these gay men from real problems in life. we are nothing but sheep.Sup Forums is probably the most blue pill board because it devoted to the biggest bread and circus. atleast other forms of bread and circus like Sup Forums and Sup Forums could lead to forms of the proletariat to rise up through uplifting stories and themes. Sports don't educate people at all. Hell it keeps blacks and brown people in a state where playing with a ball is more respectable in their community than being an engineer.

I don't think this semen slurping sport is for me: The academic paper

>limp-wristed academic tries to ruin sort
Is this the same as how anyone who finds gay people repellent is somehow secretly gay themselves?

Another nerd writing about how sports is gay cause he got bullied by jocks. Fuck these faggots

Fucking faggots who don't like sport should hang themself

kek'd at this harder than I should have


Canada was a mistake

>everything is about rape

no surprise here

Was that published in the "new England journal of please fund my pointless research" or "I got beat up in high school by the qb who also fucked my crush, so athletes now represent my (not-so-)hidden fears of inadequacy, monthly"

TL;DR some leaf professor wrote a paper that asserts (without any evidence) that competitive sports are some Freudian manifestation of faggotry.

sounds like a bunch of freudian bullshit. If its all for homosexual purposes wouldn't it make sense for guys in locker rooms to just have raging erections all the time? I never saw or popped a single boner ever throughout the close to 2 decades I played competitive sports.

I guarantee this shit was written up by someone who has never played a sport in their lives beyond gym class. I'd also be willing to venture he's incredibly unathletic and uncoordinated. This is also a bit of a gamble, but I'd be willing to be he's not even a real doctor either

Marxism is the biggest bluepill of all, Pablo.

I'm guessing he's a soccer fan.

The further add to this, its obvious that sports are just an extension or evolution of war. Just with stricter rules. Fighting a man to the death is probably the least gay thing I can think of that doesn't involve sticking my penis inside of a woman, and that's what sports are trying to capture.

You didn't read this paper at all.
Illitarate faggots.
>mfw to inteligent to be on Sup Forums