Does Sup Forums still find this bitch hot now that she has been Spaded?

Does Sup Forums still find this bitch hot now that she has been Spaded?

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wtf is she doing with David Spade? Wtf is David Spade doing anywhere?


Why the fuck is David Spade brining a minor into a bar? Is he trying to get put on the sex offenders registry?

Being famous at 14 in Hollywood makes drinking legal.

Trying to get in on the ground floor

Where theres money there are kiddiefuckers and where theres rich kiddiefuckers there are minors.

She's not famous, though. She's chilling with David Spade. That's like calling me famous because I know my buddy Mark.

sure id make her a single mom

Niggers are made for eachother.

Where is his hand tho?

Dude everyone knows the cash me ousside meme.

That's being famous last time I checked.

More importantly, where is his right hand in that picture?

Exactly where you think it is.

i see a short, over-rated and over-compensating tool-bag with no future worth living for, and that cash me outside bitch.

If you go by the racial term for "spade" I'm sure she has been spaded repeatedly far before this pic was taken.

Disrespectful whore who deserves death by nigger rape.

those tits are amazing...where are the leaks

im white but im not about to be saddled down with some white trash mudshark. doesnt mean should wreck it ralph that bootyhole . shes still hot

Hahaha that's funny
Of course Hollywood is tossing her around.

doesnt mean i shouldnt*

He's giving her "the Trump"

Once she'll turn 18

Her tits are probably the best they're going to be for the rest of her life right now and we can't see them.

They're only going to get saggier and sadder as the years go on.

Yes. Fuck yes. I'd fuck that stixs foot long poop guy to have a shot at her

Who cares if she is 18....let them out...haha

The cops. The cops care.

>Yes. Fuck yes. I'd fuck that stixs foot long poop >guy to have a shot at her

get them tits nice and wet

David Spade has fucked a lot of hot women. Heather Locklear, Pamela Anderson, Kristy Swanson, and now he's tapping that girl from Glee. Dude's got more game in his pinky than you do in your entire body.

Reportedly he has an enormous cock.

Get off Sup Forums, David.

It's just looks bigger because he is so small.

/thread he prob started the thread himself

I know who she is. Have no idea who that dude beside her is though.

stop making stupid people famous

I think he's talking about that dude.

underrared, made me kek hard.

She's going to be worth more than 2 million before the end of the year.

She took out a trade mark on her catch phrase and started producing swag with cash me outside on it. She also charges $40k for appearances on talk shows and live radio shows. She has an agent and a publicist.

Literally makes me sick to my stomach.

>tfw a 14 year old girl who said words on Dr. Phil is more famous than someone whos been in 28 feature films

The fuck you know about Spades cock you fag

No, I don't think Spader would fuck her. If anything he'll see she needs more good role models in her life and push her to succeed.

Or at least that is my imagination and he might just rape her.

Fuck me, she's already made $200,000

Ok Ahmed

Why does David spade remind me of the guy from a Serbian film?

she can't not stand in heels at all. Also she has the boyish hips and even the heels can't even give her any curves. She looks like a hammer with her big tits and skinny body.

Jesus. I thought you were trolling.

I guess Spade is just trying to get notice for the shekels

he finally found a woman who he is taller than

shame he had to go to the under-aged to do it, but good for him

they are the only ones...everyone in here wants to see her tits and bald cunt


i like ass

Because America loves to be outraged. SJWs talk about rape culture? What we really have is outrage culture. Same reason the Kardashians are so famous. Americans just love being outraged.

Probably because she's 14 and hasn't finished developing yet.



She ain't 14 when will you get it?!
It's an image.

They just bumped into each other randomly at a hotel. Literally nothing of significance here

>9.4 million Instagram followers

She's set for life.

this, it's an actress playing a role. all for the views and money

Is this 2011? Get with the times you fuck. She needs to at least triple that amount to be even mildly relevant.

If she's already plateaued at 10 million then she's dead. If she had 50 million that would be acceptable for being "set".

"Danielle Bregoli, 13, became an internet celebrity after appearing on an episode of Dr. Phil"

personally I'm just waiting for her to turn 18 and inevitably start doing porn in an attempt to regain some of her relevance and popularity that will have mostly faded away by then

Autism, the post.

She's already worth $200,000. She'll be a millionaire before the end of the year. She has her own clothing line and a trademarked catch phrase which Walmart violated by selling T-Shirts without getting her permission to use the catch phrase first, which is why she's suing Walmart.

Please, tell me how she's not financially set for life.

I think she just saw him at a bar with her mom so she asked for a pic with him because you know hes kinda super famous and a comedy legend.

>She needs to at least triple that amount to be even mildly relevant.
No she doesn't . You're a fucking idiot.

This reptars come correct

Cause she'd be dumb enough to spend it all without investing smartly? 200,000 is a couple nice cars

I wouldn't mind seeing a porn where she is caught outside by a dozen africanus criminalus breeding bulls.

She's smart enough to copyright her catch phrase.
How much were you worth at 14 yo btw? If she's so dumb, how come she makes several orders of magnitude more money than you?

Dr. Phil is known for being scripted. And now Danielle has gotten so famous, they just can't reveal her real age anymore. Most people would hate her for acting and the show for being fake.

>journalist haven't confirmed her age after thousands of them wrote articles about her.

David Spade can afford better looking hookers

love to see that tight bod nude and getting fucked

Because stupid people make money hand over fist? Where the fuck have you been?

I thought she was some poor trailer trash girl. Why is she living so luxuriously? How much do memes pay?

>wasting money on a clothing line
>receiving laughable profits from said line
>only followers that will be gained from this point forward are from pedophiles.

>implying her parents don't control the money she's making right now.

A child under the age of 18 can not legally sign a contract without the consent of his or her legal guardian. Child celebrities don't get to spend their money until they're 18 because their legal guardians control the bank account and the child can't withdraw money from it with out his or her parent's permission.
>a child can't independently open a bank account alone because opening a bank account requires a contract signature.

Aw jeez this cracked me up.

Working. You'll understand when your balls drop and your mom kicks you out.

>making $30,000 or more per meet and greet.

I hear it's like a really small tree with a huge branch.

Are you really saying that a million dollars isn't a lot of money?
Or are you saying she's too stupid to make a million dollars despite all of the articles in this thread confirming she is making it?

Her mom and agents that pry their way into her life seeking shekels are the ones making her money and copyrighting a catchphrase. She just gets to sit back and make slutty instagram posts. It's when she actually gets control of that fortune will she will blow it all on coke. She's not some sort of secret genius or anything, she's trailer trash that was on Dr. Phil for being a wreck and said some barely understandable thing people found money and gave her money for.

Someone got the pun, thanks fam

>wasting money on a clothing line
god yer dum. She didn't go into the T-shirt manufacturing business you fucking moron. She's licensing her catch phrase to T-shirt manufacturers for a cut of the profit, which requires no financial investment on her part.
>sold out
>sold out
>sold out
>sold out
>sold out

The best part about all this is that her or her parents will be fucked when it comes time to pay taxes. And they'll probably end up selling everything they have just to pay off back taxes because everyone's a fucking idiot and thinks they don't need to pay taxes when they make a lot of money

>It's when she actually gets control of that fortune will she will blow it all on coke

lol, while you're at it, what's tomorrow's winning lottery number?

She's actually really fucking shrewd. I used to think that about her until I listened to her on the radio. It was like listening to a fucking 23 yo stripper talk about ways to make money.

You don't need to be a psychic to see she will not be sensible with her money and so far I not seen her PERSONALLY do anything that will suggest otherwise. It's not like she will be the first person to fuck up their life with a sudden fortune they come across, just google lottery winners who done the same. There's a surprising amount.

>charges $40k for appearances on talk shows and live radio shows.

BULLSHIT. Those shows don't pay people to apear. They MAY pay scale which is like $500... no one is getting rich off being on talk shows you tard.

they just finished fucking
im jelly

Bitch is hot. Gal on the left, too

You're not looking.

>cash me outside

Don't think it's trademarked- any proof? or you just talking out your ass?


Seen girls 100 times hotter than this dumb skank.

lurk moar >it's never enough

If it's true- it will end up like all other fads... broke, in tears and $100,000 in debt due to a warehouse full of merchandise no one wants.

See also" Kreyshawn...

Article didn't say they were suing...sounds like she doesn't own the trademark...

>The best part about all this is that her or her parents will be fucked when it comes time to pay taxes. And they'll probably end up selling everything they have just to pay off back taxes because everyone's a fucking idiot and thinks they don't need to pay taxes when they make a lot of money


Seen it happen 1000 times.

>all these buttmad virgins praying and hoping she fails
>can't stand the thought of her being more successful than them
>so salty
>she's a better person than the average Sup Forums tard