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You must prove you're 100%. American to post in this thread. South Americans and leafs need not post as you're subhuman scum.

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Typical Amerifag.
Telling everyone what to do, while acting like you ain't the trash of the Northern Hemisphere.

I have a president who thinks global warming is a myth based on nothing but corporate interests.

i've paid for a black man to fuck my wife several times.

I hate those fucking mexicans

anytime i need to leave the house it requires knocking down a wall and a crane.

That's just what he normally tells people. Global warming is real, it's just not as bad as people say it is. The myth is that global warming will destroy the world, the truth is that it will make the Muslim area inhabitable while making everywhere else beautiful. A huge portion of the world's landmass is not usable as habitable terrain because it's too cold, and rising sea levels is a BENEFIT not a negative, if people would only stop being so retarded. For example rising sea levels allows coastal cities to gain all their electricity from hydro-electric dams

I saw Shrek 1 in the cinema.


The increased temperature and Co2 will do the same thing it has done every single time this has ever happened. Plant growth will increase, oxygen will increase because of this, and animals will be larger and healthier. Global warming is good

I believe Macdonald's, Wendys, Burka King are "restaurants". Fffhahahaha sorry I couldn't keep a straight face typing that.