Since Sup Forums agrees that "stereotypes are based in truth", does that mean we're mostly fat NEET neckbeards?

Since Sup Forums agrees that "stereotypes are based in truth", does that mean we're mostly fat NEET neckbeards?

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It's easy to forgo the critics of jewish bankers when you own the media and can insert your own stereotype into effectively any movie.

Tell me. Where have you seen these stereotypes perpetuated. In the media? In Hollywood? You can't call shit on Israel or you get labeled anti semetic. Can't judge modern black culture or you get called rascist.

fat neckbeards, spooky skeletons, manlets and butthurt slavs.


it's painfully obvious when you read some posts here
not a single ''Nazi'' here is a normal person in any sense, or a valuable member of his community
it's all low IQ autists with little education
even when they are right about something they take their conclusions to wrong extremes, simply because they lack education and are out of touch with the real world

Wouldn't it make more sense that those who have the least to lose socially would be ones to speak up against the propaganda?

Imagine being a proud stormfag while expecting to keep your job and social circle.

ALL stereotypes exist for a reason.

The people that complain about them are ALWAYS the ones that are triggered only because the stereotypes accurately describe them.

that makes no sense
it's obvious their motivation comes from personal frustration and not a real desire to change something for the better
and they only speak against particular propaganda, while adopting other propaganda (Nazi for example)
that's how German radical nationalists who invaded most of Europe, slaughtered and starved millions, did various depraved shit, used slave labor and industrially exterminated people while setting German economy on crash course, and whose leader(s) tried to rape German culture into something more appealing to their megalomaniac ideas, become some pan-European saviors of civilization
it's literally reverse SJWism

Sure the stereotype is accurate canuck

So you're a neckbeard too?

thats not a stereotype, thats just jewish propaganda

classic double think

>republicans are evil white business men
>republicans are dumb poor rednecks

Sup Forums promotes critical thinking, fitness, good hygiene and self reliance

so the stereotype for Sup Forums would be aryan gods

anyone who says other is just a jealous inbred kike

>that makes no sense
Maybe not in Montenegro(nigger mountain), but here in Good Europe you will get fired for being a racist.
When i started changing my mind about immigration, globalism, and specifically the EU i was branded by both friends, family, and coworkers as an ebil nadsi.

The pressure to stay in line and speak no evil is massive, and if you have a career you better learn to shut up and smile while you eat shit if you don't want to be a NEET or a stock boy.

I meant that their status doesn't really excuse them, even though I understand your point
people here are simply dishonest, they claim to be fighting one thing but are doing same things as those they fight
besides, most are just trolls

Us, and the rest of the Internet. Yeah.


if france, britain and poland didn't want to be invaded, they shouldn't have declared war

poland declared war by killing german citizens, breaking the treaty

nazi propaganda is verifiable and true, the jews literally are behind economic down turn and the genocide of europeans through mass immigration

In Mein Kampf, Hitler described children resulting from marriages to African occupation soldiers as a contamination of the white race "by Negro blood on the Rhine in the heart of Europe."[6] He thought that "Jews were responsible for bringing Negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate."[7] He also implied that this was a plot on the part of the French, since the population of France was being increasingly "negrified".[8]
>She is the Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
>Yellen was born to a Jewish family in Brooklyn, New York
>Ben Shalom Bernanke
>was of Romanian Jewish descent and his mother, Rose Goldsmith, was of Hungarian Jewish descent

“The embrace of immigration” is part of that, as is the involvement of Jews in social justice movements.

Who is Montenegro? What the fuck is that place? I like that your posting but your sounding a little shilly.

if your white are you actual called a montonegran?
Say that to yourself a few times.

Okay, sorry for calling your country Nigger Mountain.

not a fucking doubt in my mind that jews are behind the destruction of western civilization and the genocide of europeans, wherever you look there will be a jew, just shows hitler was right and britain fought the wrong side

all Sup Forums does is point this out and jidf comes in and starts dishing out insults, with pics like OP

further cementing the fact that jews are a curse on western civilization and need to be purged
Bonnier AB (also the Bonnier Group)[3] is a privately held Swedish media group of 175 companies operating in 16 countries. It is controlled by the Bonnier family.[4]
The Bonnier family is a Swedish family of Jewish origin, who since the beginning of the 19th century has been active in the book industry and later also in the mass media industry. They own the media group Bonnier Group, which has 175 companies in 18 countries.[1][2][3]

Looks pretty jewish desu

Yes, Can confirm

>that makes no sense
Yes it does, it makes perfect sense you uneducated bafoon
>it's obvious their motivation comes from personal frustration and not a real desire to change something for the better
They are critics of society, they are seeing massive swaths of our education system being replaced to suit the narrative for Jewish sympathy and white guilt.

>and they only speak against particular propaganda, while adopting other propaganda (Nazi for example)

No, they are labeled Nazis and racists. If A white nationalist says we shouldn't throw money at African charities owned by Jewish bankers then he gets called both and the newspapers will hang him from the rafters with these " stereotypes"

>that's how German radical nationalists who invaded most of Europe, slaughtered and starved millions,
Consider that every country in the world detained minorities who were suspect of treason, and Germany just happened to kill jews?
There weren't that many Jews in Germany period you fucking manchild

What about the 100 million murdered in the course of the Bolshevik uprising. They were innocent people. Bet you don't hear about them. And the 200 million Chinese farmers and peasants in the rise of Mao.
You act as if they have a hold on the economy on suffering. But that isn't far-fetched considering they really do own your fucking banks

>used slave labor and industrially exterminated people while setting German economy on crash course

>and whose leader(s) tried to rape German culture into something more appealing to their megalomaniac ideas, become some pan-European saviors of civilization

Germany was thriving in all aspects compared to any European economy in the world. Want to know why? Because the Jewish community wasn't running around with usury.

And Hitler was trying to preserve German heritage. What the fuck are you smoking child? Next you'll post some shit like preserving your bloodline is racist and that mix breeding is the only solution.

>we're beautiful butterflies it's Jews

>He also implied that this was a plot on the part of the French, since the population of France was being increasingly "negrified".

Never knew it started this early, France really never had a chance to begin with.

just further proving me right there moshe

You are a moron with no logical capabilities... How do Sup Forumsacks resemble SJWs? Do we have people fired for doing nothing wrong? No, we give them shit reviews for abusing a right winger, or stealing signs...which is reasonable.
Do polacks use feelings constantly in arguments? Some morons do.
Difference between Sup Forumsacks is that our cause actually makes sense with facts and is pragmatic. Unlike idealistic SJW.

I don't understand your post. You legitimately sound drunk or you can't properly speak English

Doesn't even if it's true. As long as the arguments hold up. It doesn't matter if a donkey was saying it.

hitler really did them a favor by invading

france got the term "surrender monkeys" by jews because the french would rather fight with the nazis then against them

look at france now, look at the "winners" of ww2

being ethnically displaced in their homelands while their children are gang raped and the jewish ran media says everything is good and whites being turned into minorities is good and if you disagree you are a ugly racist nazi

thats all they can do when presented with facts, personal insults

>well jews may be behind the plot to make whites extinct, but the people who are against it are ugly!

top lel

So, Poland started the war? Get this shit out of here.
>muh propaganda is true

Except me, I'm more important than most people here so my opinion is by default more relevant.

Hey, i'm not a fat NEET neckbeard.
I'm just a hungry skeleton NEET. I can't afford food.

are you aware Nazis didn't just kill Jews?
>poland declared war by killing german citizens
do you have any sources for that, outside of German propaganda?

I agreed with you in the beginning, but, calling nazi economy good? Borrowing from other then conquering them while being in a massive debt is not a healthy economy.

Not here, just a bored wageslave.

Best post. Also, rare flag or just proxy fag?

>are you aware Nazis didn't just kill Jews?

sure, they killed commies and anyone that undermined the nation of germany (primarily jewish communists)

If I had the screen cap I would prove to you otherwise. But I appear to have lost it and I'm too hungover to type effectively. So just ask around and wait for the answer to reply to you.

Wait, so Sup Forums isn't all edgy teens?

Communists? Yeah.
I fail to see the issue with that. Honestly tell me if you think communism would have been more ideal. I'd lynch whoever tried to push communism in my country if I could.

>everything that is you resource is propaganda

See, now what are we to do. You call us bias Nazis and racists. Then you say our sources are incorrect(???)
This is a tactic that used often among JIDF. Explain to me how your sources aren't Jewish propaganda.

>They are critics of society
problem is their criticism as well as their solutions are influenced by their personal frustrations and inadequacies
>white nationalist
man I never heard of a dumber term
is there a White nation? so how can there be ''white nationalists''?
>just happened to kill jews
this is where your lack of education is most often seen, most of you are from New World and your education only focuses on Holocaust and ignores rest of Nazi crimes
>100 million murdered in the course of Bolshevik uprising
population of USSR was 190 million in 1940.
does that number sound logical for you?
in any case I'm not a communist lover, why are you even pointing that out?
dude my own grandfather was one of those people
>Germany was thriving in all aspects
read about this man and you'll realize how wrong you are
Germany wasn't thriving, they recovered, and then Schacht was kicked out and unsustainable rearmament started
>Hitler was trying to preserve German heritage
by invading other countries?
what are YOU smoking?

>What about the 100 million murdered in the course of the Bolshevik uprising. They were innocent people. Bet you don't hear about them. And the 200 million Chinese farmers and peasants in the rise of Mao
I do with the majority of what you said. But these two examples are different compared to what the nazi's did. They were systematically trying to eliminate a race. That's pretty much genocide. If you believe with genocide than that's a different story.

The man in the image looks awfully Jewish to be posing as a Nazi.

Also who is taking the photo? Is he just happily posing as an obese man to perpetuate a stereotype that suits the Jewish narrative?

Someone explain to me why in every photo that has an obese man sitting down at a computer naked with a Nazi flag hanging innocently above him, he happens to have pronounced noses and black curly hair.

The stereotype of your average neckbeard Nazi looks awfully Jewish

>Volk und Reich Verlag Berlin, 2nd. revised ed., 1940, 311 pp.
>they killed commies
and millions of civilians in Eastern Europe and elsewhere
>that undermined the nation of germany
you are making no sense
>everything that is you resource is propaganda
but you can't use German sources from 1940 that haven't been peer reviewed or have been debunked decades ago by reputable historians
>Communists? Yeah.
Czechs, Yugoslavs and Poles were communists?
ordinary civilians in USSR were communists?
>tried to push communism
how did Poles or Czechs for example try to push communism?
you're a ridiculous creature who repeats phrases he read here but beyond that you have no idea what are you talking about

>is there a White nation?

used to be a lot, until the jews promoted cultural marxism/white genocide

>by invading other countries?

again, england and france declared war on germany, poland broke a treaty by killing german citizens, the only solution is war

there was a hitler speech about it, asking the germans what they thought, go to war or bend over

they went to war, like any leader would do

>Germany wasn't thriving, they recovered

which was a goddamn miracle within itself

are you saying the allies aren't guilty of any war crimes?

Jews might have done this too, but were smart enough to not be obvious about it

you are either dumb or you fail at English
you're implying there's something called ''White nation'', some nations of Whites, so you can be ''White nationalist''
however white is a race, synonym for European, not a nation
>england and france declared war on germany
because Poland was their ally you dolt, and because Hitler renegaded on Munich Agreement by occupying Bohemia and Moravia
>poland broke a treaty
>by killing german citizens
you have three friends here but none of you provided some neutral source about alleged Polish killings of Germans
>which was a goddamn miracle
and US recovered from Great Depression too, so do you love FDR?
>are you saying the allies aren't guilty of any war crimes?
nope, but I don't see what does that have to do with Nazi war crimes which you deny (simply because you know nothing about them, besides Holocaust)

That has nothing to do with what OP said.

>problem is their criticism as well as their solutions are influenced by their personal frustrations and inadequacies

Prove it. That sounds awfully convenient to dismiss their arguments without bothering to listen.

>man I never heard of a dumber term
>is there a White nation? so how can there be ''white nationalists''?
If you don't bother to look up terms than don't bother giving an uneducated reply.
"White nationalismis an ideology that advocates a racial definition of national identity. These individuals identify and are attached to the perceivedwhitenation."
Germany is/was a white nation.

>>just happened to kill jews
>this is where your lack of education is most often seen, most of you are from New World and your education only focuses on Holocaust and ignores rest of Nazi crimes
I agree that our education focuses on Jewish crimes. But why don't you bother explaining the other crimes Germany committed. Because it was war, sorry they don't play by your rules son.

>population of USSR was 190 million in 1940.
>does that number sound logical for you?

I stated that a country had a genocide to establish a new form if government. And your arguement against this is to give me the population if the established nation after the Soviet union was the new power?

>in any case I'm not a communist lover, why are you even pointing that out?
Because these people weren't communists, they were Russians who were murdered in the conquest to establish communism. Holy fuck man.


>what's the difference between a forced meme you promote to slander your enemies, and a "stereotype"?
>not a single ''Nazi'' here is a normal person in any sense, or a valuable member of his community
>it's all low IQ autists with little education
These are scientific surveys you and your institution have conducted?

>and millions of civilians in Eastern Europe and elsewhere

that was the commies actually, the commies made the nazi's look like saints, the commies would kill there own if they surrendered and were "liberated"

should read about half the shit that was pinned on the nazis, only to be revealed after the cold war it was the commies

>you are making no sense

if you undermine a nation, prepare to get your ass kicked, thats the way it should be

traitors are the worst and deserve worse then anything the nazis ever did

seriously, traitors are scum and deserve torture, I would make the nazi's look like saints if i were to gain political power of the EU and north america

all these commies screaming about equality and undermining our nations with non-european immigration would be tortured horrendously to ensure no one would think about it ever again

would you be surprised if 90% of these agitators are jews?

seriously, traitors are scum and 9/10 times its jews

just ask biden, although he thinks its a good thing

“Think behind of all that, I bet you 85 percent of those changes, whether it’s in Hollywood or social media are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry. The influence is immense, the influence is immense. And, I might add, it is all to the good.”

Nice shop

i'd argue that the nazis largely seem more educated than the moderates who just post about trump and muslims tbqh.

>dude my own grandfather was one of those people
Personal anecdotal evidence is not an argument. Give me an actual source if you want to prove ze Germans murdered your grandfather for...what exactly.

>>Germany was thriving in all aspects
>read about this man and you'll realize how wrong you are
I'll do so now as you give me your reply.

>Germany wasn't thriving, they recovered, and then Schacht was kicked out and unsustainable rearmament started
>>Hitler was trying to preserve German heritage
>by invading other countries?
How is invading other countries equating to destroying your nation. What the fuck are you trying to say, none if that is related. Are you saying England establishing colonies means that England was ending it's own national culture? What the fuck

>what are YOU smoking?
I'd like to say the same thing after replying to most if the shit you just posted. Your answers are often deflections and you relate two separate concepts that aren't related.

So a quick summary

>invading other countries means you destroy ones own culture
>if you never heard of a phrase before it doesn't exist
>endlessly states we lack education.
This is just rude
>giving the "after genocide" population to argue against a population that came before

I'm throwing in the towel from here on. if you think my lack of participation means that you have won then by all means enjoy believing whatever the fuck you post. I'd get a better argument and answers from a Hillery shill than to make another post replying to you. You Fucking cry baby neckbeard

>Prove it
well I can't, I'm just deducing that from the way people here express themselves
>to dismiss their arguments without bothering to listen
I'm not doing that and as you can see I'm actually wasting time disputing your arguments
>White nationalism
again, nationalism is tied to a certain group
so you have German nationalism, English nationalism, and so on
there is no ''White nationalism'', because white is simply a race, not a nation
it's a New World invention so you people can have some identity
it doesn't work or make any sense in Europe
>why don't you bother explaining the other crimes Germany committed
because you can read about them on so many sources, but you never bothered
I already mentioned slave labor for example
then various mass killings, deportations, starvation, theft, rape and so on
yet you people just focus on Holocaust as if that is the only thing Nazis did, which shows me you are uneducated, ie. you derive your knowledge of Nazi regime from your horrendous school education and shit you read here
>I stated that a country had a genocide to establish a new form if government
you stated that they killed 100 million people
population of Russian Empire was 125 million people in 1897
population of USSR was 130 million in 1926
population of USSR was 190 million in 1940
where the fuck do you fit in 100 million people killed?
no, simple observations
>that was the commies actually
it's painfully obvious you have no idea what are you talking about
let me give you some examples
not really, I read some reasonable posts from Trump supporters