In an interview for the Apple CEO position you are given this challenge

In an interview for the Apple CEO position you are given this challenge.

How do you get the box?

>physics apply

Maybe other sensible restrictions will come as the game unfolds.

catch it

Spit it

>The box has been wall mounted.

box will fall at a rate of 10 metres a second per second due to gravity being present. The box will fall next to man


Get your dick hard as fuck with some Jlaw leaks and stick that shit into the wall slowly retracting and jumping up using it as a fleshy icepick

>the wall is made from diamonds, the hardest metal in earth, you break your boner and bleed out.

Find the best box-getters on Earth and contract them to get it for me.

>hardest metal

You underestimate my waifu's nudes

Imagine that you are in the box, you are that person and you are but naked and you have no means of communication outside the box.

Good point thou

Turn the drawing upside down so you fall on the box.

Design a new iPhone, but this time remove the volume buttons from the side.

i crawl to it

>Due to extensive research done by the League University of Science, diamond has been confirmed as the the hardest metal known the man. The research is as follows.
Pocket-protected scientists built a wall of iron and crashed a diamond car into it at 400 miles per hour, and the car was unharmed.
They then built a wall out of diamond and crashed a car made of iron moving at 400 miles an out into the wall, and the wall came out fine.
They then crashed a diamond car made of 400 miles per hour into a wall, and there were no survivors.
They crashed 400 miles per hour into a diamond travelling at iron car. Western New York was powerless for hours.
They rammed a wall of metal into a 400 mile per hour made of diamond, and the resulting explosion shifted the earth’s orbit 400 million miles away from the sun, saving the earth from a meteor the size of a small Washington suburb that was hurtling towards midwestern Prussia at 400 billion miles per hour.
They shot a diamond made of iron at a car moving at 400 walls per hour, and as a result caused two wayward airplanes to lose track of their bearings, and make a fatal crash with two buildings in downtown New York.
They spun 400 miles at diamond into iron per wall. The results were inconclusive.
Finally, they placed 400 diamonds per hour in front of a car made of wall travelling at miles, and the result proved without a doubt that diamonds were the hardest metal of all time, if not just the hardest metal known the man.

It cant just flip over by itself.

Fold the paper.

Find random chineses, tell them to do the job.
Sue them.
Get blow-job by a man.

id give the box some bone hurting juice and get it when its weak

You cant crawl walls. If you crawl the ground you will bump your against the wall.

just wait for it to fall down
>gravity 'n stuff


Take of my clothes, and tie various articles together until I have the necessary length, toss one end over it, grab hold of it, and climb up to the box

Double jump and catch falling present


walk up to it by either moving directly up or by walking along the walls. If gravity is present and there's still a downward pull then jumping from one side parkor style to leap up and grab the box. Alternative: Break through the box you're in and climb it, attempt to create sway or motion of the box you're in to rotate it etc


pull off your arm and throw it at the box to knock it down, reassemble yourself to make yourself extra long to reach the box, etc

Cant double jump. The box is wall mounted.

Cut some of the white out that is separating me from the box. It's a 2D drawing.

up vote

but its

Same guy. If this isn't good enough then I would fold it to remove the white, and the present would be infront of me. I wonder what's inside?

My sides hahahahaha thanks for this user. I'm fucking crying from laughter

Can I just rotate 180°the house? I'm the stickman or a guy who can change variables?



What now?



If physics apply, I just catch the box when it falls to me.


I guess that if we literally break the 4th wall, the outline would be anything we wanted it to be. Is it a 2D line, or is it stairs from the side? I hope that it's a rope so that I can fucking hang myself.

.... You don't get to add additional rules when you find out your riddle fucking sucks.

B idiot, it takes portal velocity. Did you skip all your physic lessons


What would you do next?

You can't, so you forget it and move on.

Turn 360 degrees and walk away. We're talking about Apple. Gtfo.

We have gotten this far.

What would you do next?

This is a top down view of you flat on the floor with a box on the floor in front of you.
Stand up and walk to it

Very good

Why not 180 degrees and straight? That's how humans do

Doesn't look mounted to me

No gravity vector defined, so i'd just say i fall down (in that picture: "up")and catch the box in my fall

because americans use farenheit

Jump. The stickman is more black than white so it has natural super-human jumping capabilities.

Its dangerous.

You will burn/melt/boil in 360 degrees

Nowhere it says this view is a section cut, it could be a floorplan.

Spit into my hand and throw the spit at the box.

Walk to it.

Wait and grab it as it falls, since physics apply.

People have been getting or trying to get boxes for centuries. Getting boxes is old hat. The get feature is over a hundred years old and is antiquated, so we've removed it. Removing the ability to get this iBox has opened up space in the room that our designers can use for better, more modern things like gay orgies. Being suspended in the air like this also protects the iBox from water damage, earthquakes and theft.

Making the new iBox unobtainable is an innovative and courageous move, and we are confident consumers will be quick to upgrade from their old, boring, obtainable boxes as soon as the new iBox is released.

IF the question includes how (c#, unity):
float gravity = 1;
object1.transform.position = Vector2(object1.transform.position.x , (object1.mass * scene.mass) * gravity);

Well, there should be some for statements of course but you get it

Does the box have a feminine penis ?

I only fapped once dude, once, could you drop it for once?!

Repeat until successful.

it will fall to you.

In the image the stickman is lying flat on his face. So i stand up, and walk over to the box. The black lines represent the walls of the room. Thanks [SOLVED]

You fapped once to feminine penis ?

The box doesn't have any movement so it won't go anywhere. So yeah A

Look in the blue portal. Oh shit, it moves.

Impossible, portals disapear on moving walls

Not in Portal 2.