Hey guys, im part of a group of guys working together.
we've actually become damn successful using the autistics power of Sup Forums.
Any stock traders out there?
Hey guys, im part of a group of guys working together.
we've actually become damn successful using the autistics power of Sup Forums.
Any stock traders out there?
Interested, got a link?
Anyone have any favorite stocks?
Where's the link op?
I'm interested too
sorry guys, Sup Forums thinks this is spam
note, you will have to learn Technical analysis or fundamental analysis (chart reading or company financial tracking)
If you remain silent you will be kicked
Bad ass bots dude, useful shit. Thanks
no problem.
we got guys who are literally above 400% over the year, so we got some talented mother fuckers
Just put 20k in amrs actually.
I'll jump in the roon
funny enough, I think AMRS is an awesome call.
shit is going to go from.35 cents to a dollar within months. sky is the limit after