Why are Facebook groups so cancerous?

Why are Facebook groups so cancerous?

says the guy browsing facebook groups

>Facebook groups
>Not Facebook in general

>says something stupid

Wow amazing

>using facebook
fuck off normie

All social media is cancerous. Just look at Sup Forums.

Five Finger Death Punch is played on the fucking radio? I want off this ride

black women are retarded

If she would've said to me in real life I probably would've punched her. I'm not a very happy person, sadly :(

inb4 hilarious "back to >>>" meme

At least censor the name


because normies are retarded

I don't like G.L.O.S.S. that much but they could have been a big fucking deal imo
I have a lot of respect for them for choosing to end it rather than selling out

>Skinny small dicc white boi
>says something racist

Wow amazing

post a picture of yourself with a timestamp homie

god you punks are fucking retarded

I am a skinny white boi yes and a racist
You are 2/3


better a nigga than a beaner


Because Facebook is an even bigger echo chamber than Sup Forums is, and Sup Forums is pretty echo-y

I wouldn't know. in future try to keep this stuff of Sup Forums. thanks

does anyone else think this is literally them?

Is she wrong though