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>inb4 Jay gets killed by a nigger and Mike goes all 3rd Reich

Oh yeah they are from milwaukee, right? I hope they will be alright.


Yep and Rich and Aidsmoby are pro BLM libcucks too

>Jay and Rich get killed
>Mike turns into Punisher Mike

Beardfat is.

Yeah he too. Basically all the social rejects.

What is happening in Millwaukee?

>niggers torch city in a chimpout
>people point this out

i wonder if he actually lives in a cuckshed despite not having a wife

Niggers burned half the city down because a professional criminal was shot by police


Black guy was shot by police.
Which you should know by now is the starting pistol for rioters.

Lets hope RLM is safe from BLM

What the fuck is this failure or a man even saying?

Another black guy was murdered by a cop and now Milwaukee is facing the consequences.

Mike is taking out the trash

>Jay's beige shirt is hanging on a wall of the RLM headquarters, with "HAHAHA JOKE'S ON YOU MIKE" spraypainted on it
This is how it starts

>call black people niggers
>''omfg why are people calling me racist?!''

can't make this shit up

If a horde of chips is setting your place on fire aren't you allowed to just gun them down?

They're pretty good at calling themselves niggers

No he called niggers niggers. There are no people among those rioters, Jamal.

This actually happened.

I don't know user, I'm pretty sure torching your city because some criminal got shot is pretty niggerish behavior.

Mike is probably sitting outside the RLM studio with a shotgun waiting for some action


Meanwhile Rich is sitting in his basement writing on his tumblr about how racist the police is

For a spic living in new york, that jay accent was perfect
>i had to get of the bathwoom

we're at category 2 chimpout

Would you get in trouble for shooting a bunch of nigs raiding your store/home in milwaukee?

>b-but why can't I call b-black people niggers? this is discrimination!

>le morgan freeman is a black man, kanye west is a nigger xDD

back to 9gag

>shooting someone just because they're black

seems pretty insecure to me. definitely some kind of obsession with the BBC there desu fämäläm.

No in Wisconsin you're protected if you kill an intruder.

As far as I know all the riots are in the ghetto part of the city, so as long as they're away from there they're gonna be fine.


Such weak b8
Well that sucks.
Why even have guns then if you can't use them for protection

Can you help me find your argument, I can't find one.

No you can use them for protection.

>nobody even reacts
What's the story behind this?

So what now if they are inside your house you can shot them without going to jail?
I mean many of them have a guns too anyways.

Performance Art, they are all in on it waiting for a reaction

nothing much to argue since you didn't make an argument in the first place.

can't even argue back. pathetic!

Best thing to do in that situation is get home.

Put the furniture in front of your door and hide in your bedroom aiming at the door with an AR-15

I am guessing you are european. Anybody reacting would be the next target.

It's from an arti piece, Sup Forumscucks using it for propaganda.

So if I didn't make an argument, why are you try to argue with my non-argument?

You special or something lad?

That is not what I was asking about at all
And that is why you are losing to the nigger, you are afraid of them.

>Haha dude half my city is on fire because of raging BLM niggers

He should be fucking killed along with the niggers, and I don't even watch RedditLetterMedia.

Yeah, but at least walk or run away

Whites are cucks m8. If this had happened to a spic or a chink lady, the nigs would already be hanging from that tree.

Put him in the ghetto

you seem to lack basic reading comprehension, not suprising tho. sad!

next time say something substantive. try at least.

>Black Lives Matter

If this happened in eastern Europe even the most drunk fucked up bums would fight that nigger to the death.

Black people have been oppressed for hundreds of years by whites in America. I mean, realistically, you've gotten off easy, a few riots here and there. They should be flying planes into your buildings and shit like that.

Why is it always the social outcasts spewing this shit?

Dropped his ass

Weakest bait I seen all year

You on the right.

>Black people were oppressed hundreds of years ago by whites in America

My point still stands.

is that rich evans of RedLetterMedia fame?

nice meme

Part of the "Rich Evans Sex Master" collection

t. Ivan Ivanovitch "Chernobyl" Ivanovsky

Mike and Jay should play Mario and Luigi in a parody before they get too bald and ugly


man, that one guy just steps over his unconscious buddy to offer his face to Mr. Haymaker

>doing anything
fuck no they are the most retarded people on earth see no evil=there is no evil and all that shit

>Saying a slur to each other is empowering, yet they get offended by whitey saying it

>Acting like white people only say it when it's a Chris Rock routine repeated by other blacks

>Shooting black people trying to torch down your neighbourhood? It must be because they're black and not the fact that they're *literally* burning down the city

>those niggers killed Jay, now its time for them to pay


>after the 2nd bottle of Skull Vodka Mike turns into William „Bill“ Munny

When he got hit and the bananas fell out of his pocket like spaghetti I heard this sound in my mind

They are all libcucks. Mike and Jay included.

Black people are peacefully looting and killing in the name of racial injustice.

Gold medals for mental gymnastics when?

Mike isn't

What are you basing that on? I e literally never heard Mike or Jay discuss politics (because they know better).


They go into it more on prerec. They're obviously libcucks with some slight edge. It's kind of disappointing actually.

Rich and Aids do, Mike and Jay don't.

And their streams made me realize what an idiot Rich actually is.

Mike and Jay have never gotten into it on Pre Rec, dumbass.

What did Josh "The Wizard" David mean by this, lads?

Rich and Jack have gotten into it as much as they've made fun of Trump, just like everyone else does.

>made me realize what an idiot Rich actually is.

Please tell me you're joking. Rich is my favorite

>tfw Jack and Wizard's cars are torched and Mike & Jay put out anti-BLM videos for the next year and jack and Wizard refuse to be a part of it and leave RLM forever

Thank You Based President Trump

>I never dealt with blacks besides that one I knew from college
Some of the conclusions the comes to are just baffling.
He should really wear a fedora and not just to hide his pathetic hairline.

Why are the others friends with this dude?

Opposites don't always have to attract.

is this a ruse? there's no way people can actually like rich or anyone other than mike and jay is there?

What's his problem? I literally don't understand.

Because he works at the movie theatre they always go to

Rich >Jay>Jack> Mike

He doesn't like that his neighborhood is so white.

They should deport his fat useless ass into the ghetto

>le based Mike & Jay are not libcucks! they can't be, or i'd have to shoot myself!!
>le based trumpo

Holy fuck you're a joke. You seriously can't make this shit up.

>Aidsmoby on the list at all

Jay > Rich > Mike > The Rest

This thread is a certified Trump Zone. Please leave.


>I don't want to be connected but I want to be connected.

What the fuck did he mean by this fucking sentence?

Apparently they hate having Jack on HiB because he gets too political and artsy fartsy.

Mike knows politics is a fucking annoying subject for most people and he would rather keep out of it.

>OMG Mike and Jay must be libcucks because someone that isn't them has an opinion!

>the way he cuts the peppers
leave it to a bunch of capeshit watching manbabies to not know how to cook

>Mike & Jay are not libcucks
Well they are not. Doesn't mean they have to like Trump