Enjoy my MILF gf's emptied out tits

enjoy my MILF gf's emptied out tits...



She got five kids kek?

Hot! Got vid?

two kids



She looks good, man.

It's tough to find good-looking mature women, with their real breasts intact.

So I'll echo the other user's request: do you feel like sharing the vid?

Great nipples man more please

How much will these deflate?currently lactating


Depends on if you slowly ease her off the production or stop cold.

You also can just keep her produting for as long as you can

Did you do the draining yourself?

I like the second part best

Turn her into a hucow.

Dude, you should go as far as you can. The new breast pumps coming out do not hurt or prodrude as much when standing, so she can wear them under shirts

I guess the better question is how much nipple play before she can cum super hard from it alone


First it starts with a cutesty cowprint panties. Then shes thrown out everything that either is ugly or gets in the way of milking, and moos you awake on the weekends

its all genetics on how good tits will look after pregnancy ..i got lucky with my wife, they came out pretty good and her nips returned to normal but i have seen some shockers that are just gross pancakes with huge nips


You are blessed my dude

Caught her on the monitor


You're a lucky man, I'm surprised you haven't given her 10 kids with a body like that.

Holy chirst

That's a real milf you lucky sob

