

Last thread got derailed by politics HARD.

This is pretty fucking simple.

Do you want ISPs to fuck over the Internet, make it as shitty as cable television, and possibly get rid of sites they dont like(Sup Forums)?


Then fucking fight this, set your dumb ass politics aside for a minute, and then we can get back to arguing about the jews.

nypa faggot

this affects you bro. the site, the internet, and everyone on it. It's not a personal army request, it's just a discussion about something we all are looking at

op of last thread and i support this post.

Endorsed! Thanks man, I couldn't handle the Sup Forums shit

I also posted this on Sup Forums. the first one was trolled a bit and 404'ed. i did another one and its just being ignored.

There is nothing complicated or worth arguing against doing this and keeping net neutrality.

This is not the first time corporate interests have lobbied and almost cock blocked net neutrality.

Net neutrality is good. If it's not good then please explain why it isn't.

try connecting it to jews somehow

I'm not amerifag, this comes down to your politics.

net neutrality is not under thread where I am.

>Sup Forums is now so old, people nowadays don't understand what an personal army request is
>newfags everywhere