Y aren't you vegan?;(

Y aren't you vegan?;(

How many b-vitamin supplements do you take?

They cause cancer? Well so does Smoking but I don't see anyone complaining about that. Nor do I see people complaining about cancer when hanging around unshielded Nuclear reactors.

Because i like eating someone else's beef.

if they cause cancer then people who aren't vegan are going to die and so you'll get rid of them!! :)

Zero! I get my vitamins on a plant base diet:)

I have a pretty good answer. As I have tried vegan, being with Sea Shepherd.

I like my food to taste good. If that means I give up a diaper shitting 90s for a early death 60-70s, thank you, yes, I'll take it.

The problem isn't with the foods themselves; it's with how much we consume. Modern people shovel meat into their faces like it's the only thing they ~can~ eat.

We're omnivores which is what made us so successful. The thing is, our caveman ancestors weren't making kills and eating nothing but meat every goddamn day. Most of their diet was made up of foraged plants and such. As long as we modern humans treat meat as a supplement to our diet instead of the base, we're largely fine. Think traditional Asian diets. Cancer rates used to be very low and diabetes was almost unheard of until the "Western" diet moved in.

Im not a vegan cause they are self righteous cunts who shame pretty much anyone who isn't

Damn nigga you gayer than aids

Fuck outta here with your bougie lifestyle