Norm of the North Sup Forums approved?

Is Norm of the North the most redpillied movie ever? So it's about Nordic (Northern) Aryan tall Polar Bears defending their land from invaders. The villain is a Jew on wallstreet who wants to sell out the arctic. One of the characters is an Aryan women who's Aryan kid wants to go to a special gifted school but is denied by her Jewish boss. The Mexican in it is literally named Pablo. Not to mention the Italians in it are just useful idiots for the Jew.

So is it Sup Forums approved?


Look shit desu.


What's wrong? I am pointing out how redpilled the movie was.

Shills are mad at this movie lol.

The fact that all my responses have been negative proves that this thread is covered up by shills.

People say angry birds is redpilled but not Norm of the North? PATHETIC

If it's not letting you respond to my thread it's not because it's a glitch it's because they are trying to hide my thread.

I just watched the trailer also you're autistic

And? They don't show the redpilled parts in the trailer and how am I autistic?

have you seen it?

Because of all of your replies to yourself. It looks honestly bad with stale jokes but they totally made that guy a huge Jew kek his nose and gold chains. Too bad he wasn't fat and hairy

Yeah it's really good and redpilled

can you make a galery picture just like from angry birds pls

>It looks honestly bad
It's not

>but they totally made that guy a huge Jew kek his nose and gold chains. Too bad he wasn't fat and hairy
Exactly and he acts like a typical Jew too!

How? Do I need photoshop or something? I don't really have any softwears.

Alright, either Leafposters have officially become ASCENDED tier funposters, surpassing aussies, you're one of those "le /pole/ is satire xD xD" faglords, or you're a Correct the Record shill trying to slide something else. NOTN Was fucking trash, Zootopia is the real Redpill of 2016.

Zootopia fucking sucked and was trash. It wasn't redpilled at all. It was feminist garbage.

Ohh, boy, I can't believe I'm actually gonna get into an autistic argument with a Canadian on an anonymous Mongolian Fish Stick recipe trading forum, all over an animated movie. Why the fuck is my life headed in such a direction?

Alright. Where was the feminist agenda, in Zootopia NORMalfag?

Fuck you for calling me a normal fag i fucking hate normal fags. Zootopia was feminist because it's about a female cop being better than the alpha male cops.

Confirmed for not watching the movie. Judy isn't any better than her peers, she's considered equally if not less capable of being a cop, up until she proves herself. With help. From a MAN. The only time she is implied to be better than the other cops is the graduation scene, where she is given the valedictorian title, over a whopping 7 other entry level cops.

Aaaand now he gives me the cold shoulder.