Eastern Europe GF

How do I get an Eastern European (preferably polish) GF

You don't.

However, you can have as many one-night stands as you want.

Why can I fuck but not date them?

visit public toilets at cleaning hours.

Because they are not interested in serious relationships. They are too busy doing "their own" thing, working, travelling, etc. They have the time to have sex, but "nothing serious".

If you're interested in older women, you can find many beautiful wife materials immediately that are interested in relationship, some of them even don't have children. But if you want approx. 20-year-old girls (and even some early-30's), then apply the first paragraph for them.

1.Get a migrant cleaner to plunge your toilet
2.offer her an extra fiver if she sucks on your knob

Is this all of them or just the ones in your country?





This is actually a huge problem in our region (Central/Eastern Europe), not just in our country. I'm not sure about Polish girls specifically, however. They may be the exception.

I am Polish myself but my wife is Vietnamese. Either way, Polish girls are nice and courageous but they're too "motherly" to me. They'd forgive you everything, even the worst fuck up.

Selecting a partner purely on racial attributes won't cut it, you'll need a more holistic approach

You could have a Polish postgraduate student and immersed in western life, a perfect partner, or Sup Forums's proverbial one-of-a-type proverbial Czech-porn-tier slut, they don't come with the same specifications

>hang around the polish aisle of your local budgens
>wait for qt polack to walk by
>offer to pay for her Surowo-wędzona

now she will follow you around like a polish dog trying to get free things

>They may be the exception
nah m8

and this

In this case I'm very sad. :(

fuck it, just go full tinder and use some live. who cares.

Justbbe yourself

Taking dating advice from a terrorist.

I don't know
I heard they are BOMBastic among women

How am I a terrorist? I am not even a Muslim.

Is every Brit Rowan Atkinson driving across Europe lackadaisically in a Mini Cooper?

there are multiple stereotypes regarding british ppl
>mr bean
>posh ppl with the crystal clear british accent

what other stereotypes muslim ppl have apart from being explosive

Better not tell anyone in your neighbourhood that you're a kaffir or you'll get beheaded.

you're a literal idiot

>Is every Brit Rowan Atkinson driving across Europe lackadaisically in a Mini Cooper?

Stop killing innocent Israelis if you're not terrorists

Why are you replying respectfully and nice to me, I thought all Hungarians hated 'the Sudanon/cuck'

I appreciate it though

>what other stereotypes muslim ppl have apart from being explosive
You'll have to choose national stereotypes beyond the religion, but they're immensely fun and I encourage you to do so

Maybe once I am headless I'll assimilate amongst them more, they hate me and I hate them, for wrong reasons

I'll try to remember that if I am next to them in the next life


I kek'd

Be rich. I'm not even kidding.

What religion are you?

I am agnostic, but not meme-tier, I still research several aspects of Islam for that smoking gun, and I think I'll never find it

Those youtube trick videos with the premium cars and the girls falling immediately really hurt

Become Catholic

You should search for a Croatian gf because Croats go with niggresses.

>tfw we got a new cleaning lady for our office that is a top qt slav (probably polish, just spoke a few words with her so far)

Ukrainian most likely

My question exactly. How can an Asian get a qt Polish gf?

Stay away from white women Gook

>How can an Asian get a qt Polish gf?

Reincarnating in a white man.

How do I get spainish GF. Do they like the big British cock.

Go to the trailer park

Spanish or Spaniard?

Spaniards: they like gym bodies (it's mandatory in Spain for boys if you wanna pick up), no pale skin (unless you are some king of Pewdipie). In Erasmus they are the easiest to bang (it does't matter if they have a boyfriend).

And like any other girls they love money.

Sounds like paradise to me.

My family's Irish so I'm pale so do I not stand a chance to get a daego gf


Seems like they have quite the standards, what are they bringing to the table?

They all look like this. I'm actually being serious

Did you photoshop out the moustache yourself?

No she not an ugly Swiss woman

Come now. Spanish girls need a chestwax every week.

So all women in spain are Gypsies?

This is a gypsies

looks like Brazilian, this is gypsy

>Become Catholic

Nothing wrong with Catholicism. Better than Protestant wankers

The catholic church I used to go to was full of blacks, indians, Polish and mentally challenging Irish descendants

>UK flag
wew lad it's really not that hard for you
1. drop a pound on your doorstep
2. wait for few seconds
3. acquire a Poolish gf
there, done

>Better than Protestant wankers

>mentally challenging
Did they play chess and ask you to solve their riddles?

A lot of the "English" congregation have Irish blood and a lot of those people had physical/mental problems, the children of these Irish descendants with names like O'Brian also suffered from retardations
The Polish were disgusting people

behead those who insult sklep
your daughters will marry poles
your grand children will be boxheads
Vivat Polonia Ave Maria

>How do I get an Eastern European (preferably polish) GF

You pay 10 euros

This is true
T. Had an hungarian gf

you stay away from Slav women horsefaced Anglo


why did you go into Russia? why not expand into Scandi and West and remove the muzzies and the white cucks there to create Lebensraum for the Polish superhumans? (Breed their women to, just keep them as concubines, so they stay in their place)

resources and farming land

also, they're slavs. so it would be easier for them to learn the language.

Russians are incapable of learining foreign languages. Especially, slavic ones. Have you ever seen a Russian speaking Ukrainian language in Ukraine or Belarussian in Belarus?

I've seen a Russian girl speak perfect Polish in Poland. She was in the last season of the Polish Top Model show.

I dig that flag Tbh
aesthetic af