Alright, the title really sums it up. I've been working within the UK's secret service for about 11 years. I was effectively scouted in year 13 due to my academic and physical abilities through my housemaster (privately educated) who used to work within the army. I'll attempt to answer most things, but won't answer anything that could severely compromise myself. Either way, ask and I'll try my best
Ask an MI6 agent anything
Why don't americans celebrate Easter?
How does it feel lying on the internet?
Beside why Sup Forums out of all the shitposting chinkish cartoon boards?
Still don't understand this 'meme' yet, although the frogs do make me chuckle a bit
Because the politically incorrect forum is full of cretins, paid shills and posts are archived too quickly. People on international seem to be more rational. You may have heard that on Sup Forums no one took a very real whistle blower seriously either, despite showing evidence, so I wasn't going to post it there
Well m8
We could use some evidence y'know
Is there credible evidence within your department/division that Donald Trump was tapped by GCHQ under Obama's auspices?
Does Theresa May have any known previous vices that affected her security clearance hearing?
Is Tony Blair regularly smeared by the intelligence community? Are there any precautions post-Bush when dealing with American and other foreign intelligence communities?
Can our Sup Forums posts be tethered to our IP via a signature embedded within the captcha?
Do you really now include all historical social media activity during background checks for visas, employment and possible homegrown Brits (like the 8 million Americans under constant surveillance)?
m8 please, you need to get a job. This is pretty pathetic, doing a faggy roleplay on an anime website. This is pretty low, even for you
How will Brexit affect the British intelligence community, in simply, practical terms?
I imagine with recent tensions flaring (Spain, Calais) you are not on the best terms with your Western European counterparts?
Are members of the IRA still considered threats and monitored?
Do you follow specific guidelines in purchasing and using specific software? Are your mobile phones for instance constantly under surveillance?
Is it true the intelligence agency owns you for life by using compromising information against you, that you volunteer under duress?
No, not under Obama directly. However there is little to no accountability within the higher up segments of GCHQ, CIA, FBI ect. While I'm not and haven't directly been involved within matters relating to the Trump administration, it's well known within the people that I work with that he has been wiretapped and spied on by higher ups in security services within the US, UK, Russia, China and France. There is a huge dichotomy between the way you think the secret service and government is linked, and it's frankly putting a lot of people in danger due to the lack on accountability inside of them.
Will Russians invade us?
So what you're basically alluding to, is that these higher-ups forged careers out of compromising information and are untouchable?
Will Balts invade us?
How does Miss Moneypenny's minge taste?
>inb4 >Moneypenny >salty coins
Got anything on North Korea?
I'll compress the answers because I don't have enough time or energy to answer in full
1. Don't know, I'm not directly linked within matters of the executive branch. However I would not be surprised if she did
2.Everyone within the intelligence services knows that the Iraq war was a pile of shit. We knew from day one that there wasn't a single shred of evidence behind it. But at the same time members were forced to silence those who were trying to expose Blair and Bush on their bullshit. David Kelly for example was killed by MI6 in 2003 just before he was going to drop a huge amount of evidence about Iraq which would have lead to massive unrest within the UK/US
3. No
4. No, not yet. However in the next 10-20 years plans will be unveiled for that
OP here, I suck dicks
Whats a day in the life of an agent like?
The higher ups of the security services in the G7 all work together effectively, and there is little to no way to hold them to account or limit their power. The last person to try that was Kennedy, and look where that got him... Many higher ups were originally thinking that Trump could be like Kennedy, and were considering taking him out, but they realised after a while that they were safe for the most part
I can answer that as I've worked on several CIA programs though not officially hired as to deny accountability of any illegal actions to attorney generals and such
I don't know how I feel telling a muslim though
You don't know anything tony, we keep a tight lid here
I can answer certain questions relating to foreign ops but nothing too comprising
Why all special services so bad at finding terrorists? Can't they just wiretape all muzzies or write a proper script to detect them?
Is it the Jews?
>Every american is a CIA agent and every brit is a M16 agent
Yeah, nah show us proofs faggot
I bet you're perfectly trained in gorilla warfare
Thank you very much, I appreciate it
I am agnostic and mainly because I can't substantiate the religion nor find a smoking gun to rid it off its sanctity
how do I know if you're not some /x/ roleplayer
>between the way you think they're linked
I thought intelligence, sat "above" elected officials, sort of? Like havent there even been British PMs not given their proper security briefings before, because Soviets?
Ok. Trump was not witetapped. In fact there would be no reason to. Trump is doing a job, same as Obama for the same employers. Obama and Trump are colleagues bonded by a pact of secrecy which is hidden through sensationalist stories
>don't call themselves the secret service
>Don't call themselves agents
Poor roleplay
>being this retarded
How many of you are monitoring this site?
For those of (((you))) reading, I want to join (((you))). I'm Jewish on my mother's side and my uncle was a very successful banker.
I want in. I've got the Jewish IQ I just don't have the connections.
>LARP'ing this hard
>being a shill
Good goy
I probably shouldn't even say that as operatives and connected plugs aren't supposed to be like that, but I know how to spot you jidf and clueless idiots being typical shills
Are you mudblood, half-blood or bizard?
Why don't Americans celebrate easter?
Stoped reading there desu
If your were really in gov intelligence
you would use the slang term for it
Some muslim said he doesn't celebrate easter and the aussies ran with it
oh yeah >year 13
none in private education uses that term you would call your self a 6th year you mupit
How soon till we can expect news of you being found dead in a duffle bag (suicide)
They'll never find him in his neckbeard lair, they'll have to send Bond
fuck off dickhead
does the pope shit in the woods?
And you'd probably just say upper sixth.
What is the "proper" slang term for our security services then? Curious.
>People on international seem to be more rational
That's a reallly bold claim.
To be fair, Sup Forums isn't much of a competition.
What are you whistleblowing exactly?