To think you morons support this buffoon

To think you morons support this buffoon...

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Where was Clinton during Vietnam?

I thought trump was ANTI-intervention?

You do realize that the claim that Trump didn't go to 'nam because of medical reasons is false, right?

The sole, actual reason that he didn't go was because his number wasn't called.

Yo nigga, fuck you

Where was any politician/rich cunt's kid during Vietnam?

Mfw as much as I dislike Bongistan, I have great respect for their royals participation in war.

He was raping women and getting kicked out of Oxford for rape.

Clintons are draft dodgers.

Bush jr was hidden in a national Guard unit.

>Implying a draft = signing up for military
>Implying we care about the Vietnam war
>Pretending you aren't in a superpac

He had the bone spurs after you dumbass. Plus war is slightly different than baseball where the majority of the game is spent standing still.'

Fucking hillshils are out in full force today

Donald Trump isn't a republican.

OP is a faggot with an incorrect time line!
>Trump went to college
>Asked for and got a college deferment
>Trump participated in a lot of sports in college
>(Not smoking pot and protesting)
>Trump went for another draft physical
>Docs found bone spurs

It's that easy OP.

which propably was just an coincidence?
c'mon don't troll urself
>Trump Senior: But muh child is betta then ozas
>whoops forgot your fat mongoloid fuck
>tfw you lost soldier to bait asians out of their fuckin holes

He's not going to start wars like Hillary Clinton for her jew master Soros.

Also, Occupy Democrats is just kike propaganda.

>he's not going to start wars
>tfw he'll nuke the shit out of chinexico as soon he farts in the oval office

>plebs realising that the wealthy don't have to abide their shitty liberal govts

I'd support a transgender albino midget, if it ran against Killary Cunton.

And what was hillary doing for the war effort? Or even comrade Sanders? Oh wait

he is

>implying libs give a shit about military service.
>implying every single lib from that time period didn't dodge military service
>implying libs don't spit on veterans

Fuck you

You kike. Under these kikes and clinton, there's fresh wars in Syria, Ukraine and Libya. And the only person NOT talking about a fresh war with Russia is Donald Trump.


>high profile millionaire
>lol im sick xD
>gets away with it

Yes this makes him look pretty stupid.

better vote for Jesse Ventura then.

It wouldn't be the first time.

>Dad got his number pulled
>deferred until graduation
>Nixon ended the war first

clinton is the war monger you faggot. she'll go to war with iran for funsies. she needs to be burned at the stake

Vietnam Thread?

Her kike financier Soros is also a giant warmonger.

>dodge shitty pointless war
>somehow a moron

Alrighty then

Liberal logic:
>Vietnam was a mistake
>Donald dodged it and that's a bad thing

Shhhh, don't use reason

>It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no millionaire's son, no, no
>It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no fortunate one, no

he didn't go not because he was a pacifist but because he was a pussy.

Bill Clinton

He has said that foot spur shit on camera. Like any obvious lie he is try to over explain it.

Lying or not

>Vietnam war = recreational sports

"Typical Republican"

Ever heard of John McCain?

He is literally anti-intervention. He doesn't want to get involved. Also, fuck the Vietnam war, why should you be forced to go fight in some shithole on the opposite side of the world when they aren't even a threat to your country? Not wanting to pointlessly through your life away for a meaningless cause is a sign of rationality.

So is Hillary for women joining selective services along with the men? Equality right. No more medical deferment for XX syndrome.

This. I thought being in college was a legally sanctioned get out of nam free card back then

>throw not through
its been a long day

In the 1969 lottery, his birthday also got pulled as number 356 out of 366. So he wasn't going to go anyway.

>typical republican: he'll send YOUR kids to war, but HE gets a free pass!
Show me some liberal soldiers then m8. There should be plenty if republicans always get free passes.

>which propably was just an coincidence?
During the first half of the war - draft draws were based on birth dates.

Partway through they witched to random lot

my dad was drafted and knowing him and his buddies I think someone who didn't go to nam would be a better president

Well that's a really compelling, logic-fuled, unbiased and well thought out argument.
I am now a cruzmissile.

That only makes trump even smarter than he is. Why the hell would trump go and fight some retarded war that only the government wanted? What would you get out of being a slave to the government and possibly even get killed/disabled? While the politicians who wanted the war sat in their lazy air conditioned offices in D.C. not giving a shit? Instead trump built a huge business and didn't get cucked by the government. If Obama ever wants a war, then he'll have to be the one on the battleground leading the troops. fucking cucks

Someone doesn't know dick about 'Nam.

So in Vietnam we had a massive--and I mean massive--manpower surplus. If you had ANY connections WHATSOEVER not only did you never see combat, you never saw Vietnam.

The people who actually ended up fighting in Vietnam were A: Marines, or B: People with no friends and no connections, and C: Guys who liked killing people.

If Trump had gone to 'Nam he would've ended up in an Ops station in Laos for a few years, end of discussion.

don't legitimize bullshit facebook memes

>avoiding the vietnam war
If this is even correct, he was smart. The Vietnam War was a clusterfuck.

Also, I love how Liberals' fucked up logic goes like 'Because he didn't die in Vietnam, now we have to attack him.'.

You guys are sad.