Blue=Countries that are definitively part of Western civilization*

Blue=Countries that are definitively part of Western civilization*
Orange=Countries that are a mix of Western and non-Western influences
Green=Countries that aren't Western, but have some degree of Western cultural influence
Gray=Countries that are not Western and have a low amount of Western cultural influence

*Western civilization meaning the country's culture was primarily shaped by the Christian religion and Greco-Roman philosophy

Other urls found in this thread:


>*Western civilization meaning the country's culture was primarily shaped by the Christian religion and Greco-Roman philosophy

Russia is fundamentally based upon that, more than America


Triggered Ivans in 5...4...

>Bolivia & Ecuador
>not at least green
what. they're more western than we are.

USA should be orange.
You got that with Christianity but your mental capabilities and education lack way too far behind.

Yeah is that why you rely on them for just about everything?

Those cunts are all Indianshit especially Bolivia.

American intellectuals strike again.


>but your mental capabilities and education lack way too far behind

We're building a wall to keep out brown subhumans. You're letting them in by the millions. Who has the lower IQ here?

Implying us doesnt have any western influence

the reason the west and east were divided in the first place was because of the cathodox split.

So Greece is East?

What is western? I can't get what do Americans mean by that? I only see it as lack of education (I don't mean it is only American problem though).

Fuck off, westshits

I don't see a problem here.

>Western civilization meaning the country's culture was primarily shaped by the Christian religion and Greco-Roman philosophy
You are retarded.

if russia is orange then USA is too

>What is western?
He explained it in the bottom of the fucking OP post.

Shit map my friend which means YOU'RE SHIT

>Russia, Ukraine, Belarus
I think it just a meme, alright. Still Belarus is too much here.

>No Western influence
Kek. No.

>Kazakhstan + -stans
All Central Asian countries were founded on Western principles by destroying their old feudal systems.

The rest of your map is less retarded but it is bear cartoon af. You can barely find a country without multiple wester elements nowadays.

In Russia we just call it European. Now imagine how derp Americans are.


What? I always thought we were our own thing


terrible post never post on Sup Forums again

Belarus, Ukraine, Russia should be Blue.

Is he drunk then?

Uh, alright. But even Africans are Europeanized to some point except remote tribes. Britain and Spain and Portugal together shaped the most of the world.

Nice bait, OP. Good job.

Georgia and Armenia were literally Greece's sisters nd they were earlier Christians than us.

What a fucking awful map. Kys.


Indianshit isn't really a thing in Brazil the way it is in Andean cunts. Brazil and Southern Cone are an extension of Southern Europe in cultural senses.

Western civilization was shaped by arabs and brown people HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I am a Greek

Does that really matter?

This is what he was talking about

The problem with Russia is that although they meet some qualifications for being Western/European cunt, they lack one of the biggest parts which is that their political culture is Asiatic, it's not European. Being the slaves of an all powerful divine emperor is not European. All the way back in ancient Greece, they recognized the division between Asiatic cultures and European cultures in that way.

Good point.

Your problem with Russia is that we our own unique civilization which you never managed to conquer, that's why you are so asspained.

Just in case you guys didn't know, is the same butthurt Putinbot from yesterday.

When did Spain ever invade you?

Spain is not a part of the West now?

Neat, the guilt by association card.

Called it to a tee. :^)

That's where your attitude comes from.

What is this complex called again?

The one you have towards Russians? Sour grapes syndrome.

>as if anyone is really jealous of your decrepit heroin junkie, commie bloc shithole

No, no that's not it...

This. Meme magic long before the Internet.

The so-called "Russian soul" is just a codeword to justify why Russians live in shit while their rulers take all the wealth of the nation for themselves.

Greece should be orange because they were influenced by Mesopotamia and Egypt. Also they got their alphabet from the Phoenicians and the first Greek philosopher was Phoenician