What gives you the right to interfere with anyone's lifestyle?

What gives you the right to interfere with anyone's lifestyle?

Nothing. So stay out of my daughters bathroom mr tranny with a dick


We want segregation not control.

Colour me surprised, roaches defending debauchery

The same right that allows faggots to force private businesses to violate their religious beliefs.

> Templars
> not a satanistic cult

Nothing and for the most part I don't care. But if roaches and mudslimes are slowly fucking up my freedom, I'll will 'intervene' with someone's lifestyle.

You disgust me

>implying I need a right to do anything



>What gives you the right to interfere with anyone's lifestyle?
Once that lifestyle does not respect our superior western values and is actually a threat to other people's freedom to live their own lives without interference.


> our superior western values

What values are those?

What gives them right to decide what I should think about them?

Because their degenerate influence spreads and my potential children have to be around it.

I dont want to be around it.

When you fight cancer do you take care of it right away or give it a few months to see how it goes?

>What gives you the right
might makes right

My sword, endowed by the righteous might of Thor and tempered with the wisdom of Odin.

Our land, our country, our people. This democracy was made for my germanic tribe not dindus and kebabs. Nor was it made for disfigured, disabled, or degenerate childred who ought to be given to the crows.

>What gives you the right to interfere with anyone's lifestyle?

When it becomes a deathstyle.

When they're interfering with mine.

guau... a liberal turck, I am actually glad to meet you, there is hope even in dark places like Sup Forums

>What gives you the right to interfere with anyone's lifestyle?

Rights aren't given. Right's aren't even a thing.

>rights aren't even a thing

well, they are not prosecuted any more
so in that sense, rights exist

i have to live at the same planet with these abominations

The only right answer.

i'm half way down a bottle of jack daniels and in about another quarter i'd probably let the black one on the left interfere with me if he wanted