If you're riddled with anxiety is there any way to get better...

If you're riddled with anxiety is there any way to get better? and I mean really fucked up with anxiety to the point where it's really affecting you in everyday life, looking for jobs, making friends and such, so full of anxiety that dumb shit you said 10 years ago still haunts you? is there a light at the end of the tunnel Sup Forums or should I just hang myself? I don't want to be a miserable man-child with no self-worth for the rest of my life, man.

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who gives a shit about anything

we're all just some alien VR experiment. There are no consequences to what you do / don't do in this life. We are only living data for something smarter.

I used to have super bad anxiety. Like driving a car and immediately getting a strong urge to pull over because I think I'm going to die.

Everybody is different so I can't really tell you a guaranteed way to stop your anxiety. My advice is to chew gum and drink water, while pondering what thoughts are making you anxious. Your brain thinks that since you're eating you aren't in danger so you calm down, and gum simulates that. Once you do that and realize how dumb those thoughts really are you'll be okay.

The first step is to be willing to change. Be a warrior.

stop doing drugs, detox (lemon water) , eat healthy and drink purified water ... chamomile tea does wonders for anxiety. make sure you have clean air. also safety is pretty important for anxiety

gum has a bunch of really unhealthy things like aspertame which cause anxiety... oh also OP stop using your cellphone

Don't hang yourself OP, plenty of us have been there. If possible, try to see a professional about it. I would also suggest meditation. There are specific methods for dealing with your anxiety & panic attacks that have really helped me. I hope you make it dude.

Smoking weed helped me because I thought I was cooler, but I had social anxiety

I was diagnosed with GAD when I was 19. I was having panic attacks at work and ended up having to quit my job and take a year recovering. Since then I've struggled to keep jobs down, ended up a grand into my overdraft and nearly fucked up my relationship with my fiance. This year I've improved a lot. I'm getting married in two weeks and I've started volunteering at a zoo. I've been able to pick up more hours at work for the first time in years. I'm 24 now, so it took me a long time to get to this point.

With that in mind I'd say there's definitely a way to get past what you're going through now. Therapy is really helpful and helps you notice the kind of thought processes that are causing you anxiety. Meds are a mixed bag. They make the anxiety easier to deal with but I found they made it a lot harder to feel positive about anything. A mixed bag for sure.

Otherwise its just a matter of growth. Sitting and wallowing doesn't help, you've got to work out what's triggering the anxiety and take steps to address it. Its a lot of introspection and it probably will be uncomfortable at times.

Hope you feel better soon user.

>exercise, big walks up a hill daily
>less masturbation or drastically cut down
>get massages and try be friendly with your masseuse
>talk to everyone, lift them up
>listen to this great song


>stop doing drugs
>stop doing drugs
>stop doing drugs

this is the ticket also

2 things that totally destroyed my anxiety: I was taking Cipralex for half a year and I started working out that was 3 yrs ago still working out(got kind of addicted lolo)

Oh and during that time I stopped giving a fuck since i thought I am gonna kill myselfn anyway soo I started doing crazy shit that I was rly

+afraid of.

Therapy or drugs, I take beta blockers and they're not perfect but I can do public talking without blocking nearly as much.
Basically go to your doctor and ask for help.

Lexapro helped me enough.

That, and hitting the skids in life and making the conscious decision to just not give a fuck anymore, but Lexapro.

Took me 35 years to age into carelessness. It's fun now, but I feel your pain, OP, and I wish I had a better answer.

Some people just arent cut out to enjoy social aspects of life - until they are.

Thats become my beliefe now.

Yeah not all gum is like that. And even if it is, the placebo effect will work.

Eat some goddamn mushrooms and think about how much it doesn't fucking matter

Depends what drugs there friendo, maybe he should start doing drugs

OP here.
I don't do drugs of any kind, I live in Australia where weed is just everywhere especially in the part of aus where I'm living, there's a drug dealer on every street and in holidays like easter the air literally smells like marijuana no matter where you go and I used to smoke a lot of dope when I was 12 all the way up until I was 15, I'm 18 now and I just feel like garbage. I'm still living with my mum and she's telling me to get a job, I see a psych once a week and he's trying to get me on something that might help, cognitive behavioural therapy or some shit like that I probably got the name wrong but whatever, I used to take anti depressents but I stopped them because I would cut myself and shit when I was on them and the scars on my arms make it 10x as hard to find work now and I just overall feel like trash, not sure how much more of this anxiety shit I can take, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy fam.

stop drugs
tea, h2o, sunshine, and eat vegetables
walk 5+miles once or twice a day.

Ghost dog is real ? youtu.be/TP6vNgIEjdc

how did you come up with that? rick and morty?

Yeah walking sounds fun but I'm a lazy unmotivated piece of trash who can hardly bring myself to get off my computer., I'm definitely going to start walking and eating better.