Poland’s landslide-elected right-wing government has abolished the national Council Against Racism

"Poland’s landslide-elected right-wing government has abolished the national Council Against Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance."


Based Poland gives me hope that others will follow in their footsteps.

“The fears, spread by certain political parties about refugees are feeding into racist comments on the Internet, and this has not been firmly condemned,”

Why do these racists keep forcing innocent migrants to rape their women? It's all part of their agenda pushing. ISIS wants us to stop letting them squat in our lands, the best protest is to just keep letting them in.

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based polan

Poland NO!

Based poles.

38 million- population of Poland
80 million- population of Germany

Sadly, Poland still not stronk

Communism will do that

Congratulations Poland!
Keep it up!


kill yourselves

you only say that because you dont have to live in this shithole of a country, OR you live in this shithole and you're brainwashed enough by 'independent' media to actually think you're not getting fucked

Go to Molenbeek then, ty post-Polaku

At least someone in Europe gives a fuck about their own nation. God bless Poland.

nice govnoposting my polish bro

>anyone who disagrees with me is brainwashed
Shouldn't you be preparing for tomorrow's march? EU will not defend itself from those vile eurosceptics.

Huh, I didn't even know that such thing existed, or that we left it.

Bless poland and protect them from kikes.

They have half the elements of our flag but twice the heart.

Well enlighten us then?

one more repost, one more life

>Waaah, why cant we take in hordes of niggers and mudlsimes??? All the cool kids west of us are doing it! Its the ONLY way we can be more like them!

Fuck off, I swear some of you delusional idiots in Eastern Europe cannot get the Wests throbbing cock out of your mouth.

Use COMMON SENSE. What fucking retards like you fail to realize is that places like Western Europe and the Anglosphere are great IN SPITE of their forced diversity and multiculturalism, NOT because of it. Taking in millions of rapefugees is a disaster with a countless list of untold consequences, especially in a poverty-tier, poor ass country like yours. How many Poles are in poverty? Thats right, you cant afford it even if your cuckold ass wanted to.

Dont procreate, you colossal, retarded faggot.

Based as Fuck. Poland saviour of white race.

God Bless you Poland

how much does Soros pay you guys these days?

god bless polan

>Got locked
>Be respectful be nice
kek and too right
Fuck that dumb shitskin - why shouldn't Poland have a national grudge against those who slighted them?

Why should they throw everything to the ground and foresake their heritage, their culture and their values, just to play nice and infantise and appease minorities?

Wish he'd have burned with the faggot art, it'd be just like home for him.


>country is 96% polish 2% silesian
>has a national council on racism

What the fuggidy fug?

Poland was a mistake.

Give the land back to Germany.

we need to build bridges, not walls

>article written by a Syrian refugee who got his feelings hurt at Warsaw University

Ungrateful mudslime

Fuck off jew

The joke is that this council did absolutely nothing, was started by the last government to pander to the 'muh raycism' crowd, and even opponents of this government generally don't see anything wrong with this move, seeing how useless it was, except for the biggest lefties.

Bigger meme than Belgium and Ukraine.

not an argument

Poland did the right thing.
Keep muslims and niggers out of poland

Saying people with European genetics aren't white is fucking retarded and Jewish

we have asian blood

These organizations are the gateway drug to open borders.

How about a bridge WITH walls?

Your country is poor, so what? Would you rather be in poverty or live in Western Europe or America?

Now back in the groentekassen


try living in a shithole with niggers and other non whites

>plagiarizing George Carlin

Very much this.


Was some eastern EU female immigrant near where I live, shacked up with a nigger and the nigger killed her

Real easy to believe lies about shitskins when you don't live near them
What sort of traitor would promote replacement of natives by foreigners I dnno

Shills dont think they can remove the passion of people oposing their agenda. They only plan on disrupting the discussion and platform for communication of their opponents.

I swear Slavic people will be the ones to uncuck Europe.


The Turks are Islamized Anatolians and therefore European, you wouldn't call them white though

Czechs are slavized germans, fuck off

>“The fears, spread by certain political parties about refugees are feeding into racist comments on the Internet, and this has not been firmly condemned,”
So refugees are coming in and committing crimes and atrocities against the native population, people are expressing their frustration over this reality online, and it is the conformity of these comments to an arbitrarily defined category that is falsely construed to morally condemn all contained within that bothers the media, not the real and physical crimes inspiring this expression. Gotta love putting arbitrarily defined sets of condemned and politically incorrect peaceful expression above your country's women getting raped. This is what happens when you define a whole class or sector of opinion as inherently unacceptable (racism, sexism etc) even in the cases where it happens to intersect with the truth.

Every day, Poland does something to make itself look like a good place to move if I ditch the US.

Holy fuck

This will ignite the European fire.

I might want to move to Poland now.

Nah, this means shit for me, i would be far more concerned about their socialist face (: thats the real problem, we the polacks, will have to face

Based Poland!

All of these words are correct.

Are you going to miss that national council against racism?

Poland shouts louder because we aren't shouting at all.

i hope you guys realize that Sup Forums is visited by right wing western minority and left wing eastern minority
being leftist is politically incorrect in poland these days

No amerilard they'll destroy it cause there's no saving it we need to exterminate the westerners and then there will be peace.

By socialist you mean useful public services that are regulated by a bill? Or do you prefer being dependent on an arbitrary decision of a private owner, like the British have in their country, because "based" Thatcher sold water supplying companies to private owners?


>When it comes to racism, big-time, major league racism, you have to stand in awe, in awe to the all-time champion of xenophobia, racist nationalism and white supremacy: Poland

He basically stole it from George Carlin's show



London ruled by Muslims.

Poland goes the right way.
Yuppa lads, soon we will be begging for Polish passports.
I hope you will welcome us like we welcomed you in Ireland.
Stay strong, stay based.

Who is the Anti-jew?

and it should stay that way

>we have asian blood

Not all slavs

Poles hate lefties.
Most Poles that I've met are right wing and any leftwing pole would be separated from polish community here. Also, we don't like lefty Poles, we love the right wings though.
They're usually Catholic, my granny just can't stop talking about how Poles will help to fix our country and stop this left wing lgbt movements.
God bless lads, I hope you put all lefties in jail where they belong.

>my granny just can't stop talking about how Poles will help to fix our country and stop this left wing lgbt movements
I-I'm sorry lad, but how can we do this? You've been already cucked into fag marriage, despite of being 84% Catholic in theory.

Once society gets brainwashed by neomarxism on cultural field, it's all ogre.

This happened because of huge funding coming from abroad (soros) and voting was allowed for handicaps living in USA.
Poles couldn't vote in this elections, if all minorities would we would have won this shit.
Also, our minorities are not like your typical London shits.
We got Indians that are based and support us, Catholics.
Few Muslims that are retarded but the young muzzies don't give a fuck. They either don't give a fuck about Islam or few became Catholic, that's two of my friends.
The less there is the easier it is to integrate them.

People in general are afraid to speak up that they're against fags n shit because the same fags would do everything to silence any opposition including ringing up your workplace and getting you fired.
The streets though are ruled by normal people.
Lgbt exists only in theory and thanks to European union

fixed your image there friend

It will take around 15 years to stop demoralization of your country.

It was hard work in Poland since lefties were very strong, but we managed to do it, so you can do it as well. The Information is the key. You must find a way to change your youth.

The moment our lefties noticed that something is wrong, was with ACTA protests. but it was already too late. We started to point out all of the loopholes and errors in left wing ideology and more and more were convinced that right wing was a good choice. Memes has become a part of ideological weaponry to ridicule left wing ideas. There is still a lot to do when it comes to informational warfare in Poland but at least we've almost stopped demoralization. You can do it too. Just be careful and clever.