And the colonization steps its game up

London, our capital city...

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White altruism, hijacked by the kikes to grow the nigger hoards will be the downfall of the western city-state.

Wonder what the thinking behind this joke was, maybe they were red pilled.

London is full of Pakis so they voted for a Muslim anyone could have seen this coming from a mile away. At the very least he is pretty liberal and likely be bombed by some other Islamic autist.


>London is full of Pakis so they voted for a Muslim anyone could have seen this coming from a mile away. At the very least he is pretty liberal and likely be bombed by some other Islamic autist.

Yeah but he is still one of them bro. They will see it as an encroachment on White territory.

It was originally a Russia USSR joke

It's over, time to invade

Ah lol.

10/10 would support.

Those arrows are pointing into the wrong direction.

having a safe white prosperous country was shameful

liberals fixed this great shame

All he has to do is wish people a happy easter and STABBY TIME

This was the guy that referred to moderate Muslims as Uncle Toms

True. But think about the mainstream Muslim population, they are making themselves at home with Sadiq. Too cozy for my liking.

It has fallen....

>mfw the whole world is slowly becoming Brazil
enjoy multiculturalism, it's pretty great ;^)

I refuse to accept any blame for this. I didnt get a ballot for the mayor of london. Why is everyone loosing their shit about muzzos/leftists voting for muzzos.

Let him ruin London moreso than it is. It might give others some fucking clarity.

Literal lol.

Run better candidates next time

He's only the leader with first preference votes, there is still hope lads.

He will probably still win but London needs to fall anyway. Let those Westminster lefty cucks live under sharia law, they fucking earned it.

Everybody in your shitty country being a retard mix of European, native, African and New World monkey doesn't make you multicultural.

heard this on npr yesterday. i was thinking "there's no way a muslim with literal ties to terrorists would be elected".

congrats on being so progressive


so show us what muticultural means, let more chicanos get in

>pretty liberal
>literally a terrorist

Justin will burn down London?

Does this man have no remorse

I've lived to see the perfidious Albion be cast down. Glorious.


But seriously: a Jew or a Muslim. You're on your own, Londonistan.

>I’ll stand alongside business leaders in campaigning for Britain to stay in the EU.

Look if London can survive Red Ken, then it can survive Sadiq the Creep

The good parts of London (Kingston,Richmond,Sutton Bromley etc) need to leave right now and quarantine the shit parts

Glad to see you're renouncing the capital of your country

We shall make it grand inshallah. You don't deserve it anyway

>muslim or kike choice for mayor

Churchill was the worst thing to happen to England

>Tfw when that slogan was created by a jew.