>living my life among comunists
>surrounded by dirty commies
Living my life among comunists
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is this a bizarro world map?
t. 2014 pro
looks like its outdated by a few years
AXaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa good map friend :)
Chile is left wing now, plus you live surrounded by dirty guerrilleros
the average colombian is right wing as fuck, commie.
The CDU is officially center right, although we have a coalition with the SPD, which is center-left, so both parties aren't really true to their name.
>USA center left
The US left will be consider far right in so many places
The average colombian is a monkey. And i'm not a commie.
is macri a commie?
Center-right in Western-Europe means far-left
>US rapes his country of resources and basically treats it like a colony
>he still loves America
What's it like to be this cucked?
>left wing
update your meme map
he's center-right
God I hate this world so much
Feels good to live in a free market, business friendly and at the same time conservative not commie cunt
>it were fake claims by commies, didn't even deserve investigation.
Oh dear...
it were fake claims by commies, didn't even deserve investigation.
The next year Mexico is going to finally be fucking red!
t. dirty commie
>not knowing that ideology is just a meme term used by modern politicians
>right wing
>mainland europe
>centre right
>left wing
>Belarus and Japan: Centre
>Switzerland and America: Centre Left
>Sweden: Centre Right
>Norway and Bulgaria as Left Wing as Cuba and North Korea
wew this is a shit map
It's an outdated map.
BTW the map doesn't say if it's on the economic or social scale.
it's not just outdated, it's completely inaccurate
the only time in history you could say the US was "centre left" was under FDR
there's one single testimony on that video.
the courts didn't find any evidence of these claims, not even the media made a fuss about it after a few days.
Contravía was some bullshit leftist show funded by fomer major of Bogota and ex guerrilla member Gustavo Petro. the show disappeared with the new major because it was basically propaganda.
>the courts didn't find any evidence of these claims
It was no trial.
Investigations were paralyzed because those soldiers had diplomatic immunity.
One of the girls even said the names of the soldiers, they were Michael J. Coen and César Ruiz.
It's sad how you deny those crimes... But hey! You're a right wing macho, a smart and civilized boy who still lives in a shithole.
All commies need to be killed. I am eternally grateful that based Franco removed them from premises.
shut up commie.
How old is that map? It's been 6y since the left had the gov here in Spain.
According to who? Ayn Rand?
And no, democrats that have been president have not been left in any sense of the true meaning.
Our gov is centrist since last year
People always accuse politicians they don't like of being extremists. Obama and Trump both much more centrist than their detractors claim.
Centrist compared to other american politicians sure, but still way on the right wing when compared globally.
Not at all. This argument is used by leftist to act as if US is backwards far right racist hellhole compared to enlightened Swedish faggotry or something. In truth you find much more extreme right and left movement in Europe. There's no actual Nazi or commie parties in the US but a lot of countries in Europe literally have bans on extremist parties. American politics are pretty bland centrist blob for the most part.
Finally a European gets it.
>No healthcare (obamacare is a sham that's still costs you)
>No free schooling
>Privatized mostly everything including prisons and parole offices
>Ruled by wall street
>Not right wing
I don't buy in to identity politics, I can respect both sides as long as their representation is by honest people, so don't scream leftist at me if that was your plan.
Called it. This is a typical SJW university student in Oslo who participates in his campus's annual "Hug a Muslim" day.
Try an actual argument instead of baseless childish ad hominem next time if you're capable of it.
it could be that they're going off what the locals would call it but then I realised what a shit idea that was
>honest people
>in politics
Not many, but there are some.
Ron Paul is one for example.
>It was no trial.
ya, por eso, puto chimpancé. No hubo apertura de proceso porque no hubo ninguna evidencia en absoluto sobre el caso. Empecemos porque son dos casos distintos, uno es el de la vieja que dice que su hija fue raptada, y el otro el de las 53 presuntas víctimas que ni siquiera han aparecido o declarado nada. Por algo todas las noticias que se encuentran sobre el caso tienen casi la misma fecha, porque no pasó de ser una acusación sin fundamento que no tuvo implicaciones posteriores.
>You're a right wing macho, a smart and civilized boy who still lives in a shithole.
bonito hombre de paja, puto chimpancé. Y no, yo no vivo en una puta mierda de país cuyas condiciones macroeconómicas solo son comparables a las de países como Venezuela o Zimbabue.
nigga what
The irony is that although SJWs consider Trump a far right extremist, his working class campaign message was closer to what the socialist left used to be before they started caring more about refugees and gay buttholes.
Kill yourself
Enjoying your leftwing government?
there has never been a left wing goverment in our history.
No lo niegue señor, que usted no cambia la realidad haciendolo, vive en un país de mierda; no me ataque a mí sólo por recordarselo.
I think you're confusing the word caring with manipulating
Left in south america is not the same as left in other places you dumb fucking moron.
That is an exageration
meme as fuck map
most are centre-right to right. Literally no one is left except maybe some euro cunts that are centre-left.
also stop equating communism with leftism, in the same way you should stop equating fascism with rightism, you uneducated retard
I was going to say that we're center- right but I suppose we might be right-wing from the perception of others.