Anyone here attracted to this kind of girl?

anyone here attracted to this kind of girl?

>i have no nudes just fb pics

she looks alright.
she should change her frames to something slimmer to compliment the size of her face due to her fringe; the ones she has currently make her already round face look even rounder.

Is she the kind with a real pussy?

She's definitely my type.

Not the most flattering pics, she's probably cute when she's not puffing up her cheeks.


Sources point to no, most likely a fake robot pussy installed post-birth



invasion of the fem-bots?


Whats her tumblr?


Her personality is probably a bit off for me. She looks like she could be anti-gun (at least anti-assault rifle). It would be a pleasant surprise if she was pro-gun but she doesn't dress operator enough for me.

Any pics with tighter, more tactical clothing?

will post all i have if i keep getting replies

what a strange joke

I would shove a limp noodle up a rabid bobcats ass in a room full of hornets and teargas just for the chance to hear her fart through a telephone.




Yeah, would definitely smash, and date if she weren't a total bitch.

lol apples to landwhales faggot

No more of her plz.

You sound like a bumpkin tryhard hoping to convey the appearance of 'high speed'. Go jack off to the multitude of weapons you have a severe deficiency of ammo for.

from behind




She's adorable

good observation user


Tats used to mean "I had a fucked up life" now they mean "my dad gave me a trust fund"

Solely appearance-based? I don't like glasses, but otherwise, yeah.


>colored hair
>bottle cap pin
>ironic glasses
>"quirky" face in selfies

If you're into this you have serious shit taste

~9 months after the night of her wearing this outfit i'd gladly pay child support for the opportunity to smash.

apples to landwhales? What the fuck does that even mean

I swear to god the IQ on Sup Forums gets lower every year

You're into hipster suicide girls?


these fag say she's not cute... wtf



Unfortunately. They always have some kind of baggage that have to work through to get to them. Not to fuck them to get to them on like a deeper emotional level

Then you realize they're shallow as the grave...


fixed it

wrong girl

Yeah. The other guy said it fucking straight but they always have baggage. My girls the same way and it took so long to get to her core person, which is fucking amazing, however the baggage that I had to sort through in order to find was mentally exhausting.

obnoxious hipster oh-look-at-me-im-so-different-and-do-different-things type girl. colored hair means rampant insecurity, obnoxious look-at-me tattoos, probably mind numbingly liberal, the list goes on

so no im not attracted to her


Her face is a little homely, but not too bad. Eyes and neck look a little thyroidy.

She knows she's not beautiful and trying to over-compensate with 'ma fashions' and manufactured quirkiness. Trying really hard. Too bad she ruined her arms with those gross tats. I do like her clothes and would fuck her silly, but no feels; semi-ugly girls always cheat.


She looks like a mentally ill SJW who will lecture you about cultural appropriation when you tell her you want to have tacos for dinner on cinco de mayo

Well, I'm not a lesbian, so even if I was attracted..


>this tryhard attention seeking post

I sincerely hope nobody responds seriously