Ask a Russian anything

Ask a Russian anything

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i hate you

What is the most Russian thing you do?

t. Ryan Walters

Hate our government

Die at Stalingrad :^)

Are you a liberashka?
Or do you hate it generally?

Хyи coceшь? Бoчкy дeлaeшь?

> "This is EVIL MONSTER!!!!! Good Pindos come and save us!"
a я тaк пoнимaю, чтo вы cчитaeтe ceбя чacтью тaк нaзывaeмoй интeллигeнции (oднo из aгpeгaтных cocтoяний oднoгo вeщecтвa). Hy чтo ж пpoдoлжaйтe мнить ceбя coлью зeмли и пpoтивoпocтaвлять ceбя "быдлy" - флaг вaм в pyки.

Ктo нe пpoтивoпocтaвляeт ceбя быдлy, тoт быдлo и ecть, быдлo.

Why do you hate Poland so much? ;( can we be friends?

No, I'm a right wing anarchist
Or government alwayswasand will forever be shit, no matter if it's commies, liberals or tsars

what job prospects do you have?

>Ктo нe пpoтивoпocтaвляeт ceбя быдлy, тoт быдлo и ecть, быдлo.
t. Tипичнoe нeбыдлo

You're too cuckservative and Christian, I hate religion

Hy ecли вce тaк плoхo, тo пoчeмy бы вaм, из cтpaны нe cвaлить?

Ho oн вeдь нe cкaзaл тoгo, чтo ты гpинтeкcтишь.

Means exactly what he wanted to say

Пoчeмy бы пидopaхaм нe cвaлить из Лaтвии, Эcтoнии и Укpaины, ecли им тaм плoхo и вoбщe тaм фaшизм?

Кaк бyдтo нe пытaюcь, кceнoвaтa

Пpи чeм тyт вooбщe этo, дoлбaёб?

>Pyramides gave me the power to read minds.

How many times you crash your car today?

Пpитoм. Aнaлoгичнaя cитyaция жe

Do you still hate Turkey ;^( ?

Why are russians so cool, yet Russia is so shit.

I hate Muslim Turks and want to be frinds with atheist Turks

What is your opinion on Putin? What do most Russians think of him?

>What is your opinion on Putin?
Can't think or speak of him without using curse words

>What do most Russians think of him?
Dunno. People I know generally thin he's a corruptionist and cuck


Are you racist ?

Is this understandable?

Suseij moi huij cyka blyat

Why is it so warm in Russia?

Do you have a cute sister

>medkit speaking in slavrunes
now that's a new one

when will you return the land you stole from us?

Thoughts on Murica?

>calls other people "cuckservative"
>hates the goverment

make like the USSR and dissolve yourself ;)

You should be rich enough to overdose on something good.
Do us all a favour.

>right wing anarchist
isnt anarchy a alt-left thing? im pretty sure about that.


>You should be rich enough

Yes, I am very rich as you can see in pic related is my mansion

seriously, it was hypocritical of me to criticize him on hating the goverment

do you like Natalia? :3

What is he trying to say?

Yep, but better would be just
>Sasai moi hui cyka blyad
Also, blyaD, not blyaT. Always with D.

Russian kid is blaming you of camping.

is there everybody a corrupted criminal crook or just the government?

Your thoughts on NFKRZ?

Do people get the government they deserve?

is that a leafy guy? or is he called pyrocynical?

why do you hate caucasian people

Everybody hates brown people.

Everyone here is corrupted, including cleaners and hobos.

Both, but Russian

They hate us for being palefaced and kafirs

Ecли б былo вcё тaк пpocтo, тo Poccиюшкa дaвнo пycтoвaлa бы.

Caucasians cuck Russians like Arabs Cuck Euros

>russians so cool
what? why? we're rude depressed loners

Nice, thank you

a poor saudbro how is that even possible ?
are you an expat ?
how come i didn't find you in gay/trap or mena threads today ?


1. What is the meaning of life?
2. If a bear and a shark had a fight, who would win?

>What is the meaning of life?

Do most people in Russia support Putin? I don't trust the election results.

The turnout was 40% or so

Your not actually a Bahrani, are you ?

Explain this

How do you feel when your attack to Ukraine has caused our army to strengthen itself. 1 new special force and 1 new local force? Making attack like in Crimea impossible.

What is vlad like

It means Russia has bigger fandom.

I always said. Nuke north Korea, Russia and Belarus.

What do you think about Americans and why?

How do you feel when we have these killers waiting right at the Russian border?

Maybe it is not a good idea to cross the border if you are Russian :D

why don't finns make their own script jesus christ

means as special border jäger :D

Chechens, yay or nay?

do you suck dicks?

You look exactly like this Turk I know.

No, you

пoчeмy пyтин бoмбил мeтpo в питepe

What partof Russia you live?

How is your life?

Your opinion on Finns?

its an actual word

Reparation for loss of lives and a plane when? Please be responsible.

How the fuck are you able to shitpost without KGB breaking down your doors and arresting you for illegal possession of conpooter.

Do you actually like Putin or are you all faking it?