Do you hate Russia?
Do you hate Russia?
Why would I?
My grandmother who experienced WW2 always said Soren(Soviet Union) was fucking dick/give Kururi back but she didn't hate America as much as she hated Soren. (I thinks America is even worse because they nuked) And she didn't hate current Russia. I miss her.
hahaha btfo
We are the same and they represent the things I hate about my country.
Not really. Not that fond of the political entity known as Russia but i have no bad experiences with russians and the country itself is ok.
I have a ruski friend. He's alright I guess.
I just dont think about you at all.
They make anime real everyday, so no.
>Are you fucked in the head? Eat this shit yourself.
and now you do
you're been ---===RUSSIA HACKED===---
No. I like Russia and I like Russian people.
Russian politicians are pretty shit, but regular Russian people are pretty chill and friendly imo.
No. The politics seem to be rigged though.
Hope you guys have future too.
It seems like a lot of territory just for Slav containment.
IMO we should repatriate them back to Africa.
Katyń kurwa
Yes, hating russia seems to be the healthy thing to do. Hell, even russians hate russia.
Yes desu
Literally not a single non-subhuman act exists in Russian history. If you're a Russian and actually a good person I would just move to some other Slav country and try to integrate there.
>Illegal annexation of Crimea
>Support Al-Assad regime
>Constantly violating foreign airspaces
>Simulate aerial attacks on Stockholm
>Creates two puppet separatist nations inside Georgia just because they wanted to be NATO members
>RT, Ria Novosky, Telesur, Sputnik News constantly bombing us with russian propaganda and lies
Yes, I hate Russia.
I hate the homophobes
>move to some other Slav country
b-but Slavs really hate us. We are not welcome.
F.M. Dostoevsky about the Slavs in Europe:
" inner conviction, the fullest and irresistible-not from Russia, and there has never been such haters, envious detractors, and even obvious enemies, all these Slavic tribes, as soon they will release Russian and Europe agrees to recognize their release!
I never been to Russia
Yes, nation of servile and unfeeling scum
I wish I could know more about Russia tbqh.
Russia interests me.
Nice proxy, burger. I mean you've literally pasta'd american msm talking points
Perú loves Tuva
I like people, I hate state.
Sorry for Pouchkine.
Do you agree the people get the government they deserve?
Yeah, totally. Communism made people here incredibly immature but in the same time they are too individualistic to do make something together
No, beacause people become what they're taught by govt agencies, from schools to courts. It's a vicious circle.