I just fought 2 guys and won I feel like a complete badass All pretyped
Backstory 2 weeks ago the girl I was dating lied to me about going to the hospital. I know she lied because I went to her house to and she awnsered the fucking door. So I broke up with her on the spot. Called up a guy one of the guys I knew she had been fucking with behind my back he didn't know about me and I didn't really know about him until we spoke to one another so we exposed the bitch. She blocks me on fb and I think that's the end of it.
Last week a guy who's a mutual friend of mine and hers says she has put on fb that she would give a $100 to anyone that would beat me up. Fast forward to tonight and she hits me up saying she wants to talk and all this other bullshit. I knew it was a set up but I went anyways. > I get there knock on her door and put my hands in my jacket she invited me in and she looks the door as she shuts it. > Then says he's here > Two niggas come from around the corner and come down the hallway. Not actually black one might have been Mexican the other was a skinny white guy Now I've got hand wraps and these tactical gloves with sand in the knuckles over the wraps. > I take my hands out of my pockets and say you won't mind if I fight back right? > Mexican hesitates the white guy takes the lead Continued in next post
Julian Powell
Not a very large hallway and the girl is blocking the door > As soon as the white guy is in range I punch him in the throat > He falls back Mexican catches him and I feel something hit me in the side of the head really hard. > Turn and see she's got a short metal pipe she goes to swing again I grab her hand and take the pipe pushing her back > She fell against the door > I throw the pipe at the Mexican who set down the white guy > Hits him in the arm or some shit run up to them kick the white guy in the stomach with my steel toe boots > And get to work on the Mexican He's backed up and we're in the living room now so there's more room to move Maybe an important detail is that I'm left handed > He throws a right straight to my face and I dodge left past his punch and hit right where the head and neck meet > Fucker falls like a sack of potatoes White guy is still on the ground in the hall moaning and shit > Try and walk past he grabs my leg so I pull away and stomp his hand it's definitely broken > My ex is still on the ground trying not to cry > I walk up squat down right in front of her and then the tears start > I scoffed stood up and unlocked the door pulling it open and pushing her to the side Now we're here.
Chase Turner
I'm pretty sure that's Rambo, Frank.
Carter Turner
I feel like I could be now my hands are still fucking shaking
Benjamin Morgan
>lied to you about going to the hospital
I feel like we are missing a lot of details here
Also, were the >two niggas fully grown adults, or a teenager >like you?
So many questions >so little fucks given
Joshua Russell
We had plans then she canceled them saying she had to go to the hospital
Both adults i guess I'm 23 idk how old they are I'm just excited and no one else is awake
Easton Collins
If this is real, congratz, but something tells me it's just bait in this thread
Angel James
Thanks even if you're skeptical
Isaiah Watson
She hit you in the side of the head with a metal pipe but it seems like it didn't even daze you. Did she just poke you with it or something?
Daniel Martinez
Id post a pic of my penis for you to jerk off to because you're the massivest faggot I have ever seen. Kill yourself ASAP