Parents signed us up for foreign exchange students. First one is gonna be a girl, 17, for two months. She's French

Parents signed us up for foreign exchange students. First one is gonna be a girl, 17, for two months. She's French.

What can I (18, British, male) expect? What should I do? Any chance of romance?

Also general foreign exchange thread

You can expect her to hate you, you filthy anglo-saxon mutt

you're asking what to do on Sup Forums so expect nothing unless you reeee out and grab her boob, have fun with your fantasies

expect? An arrogant bitch.
should do? Rape her.
Romance? Oh fuck no.

An ugly feminist fan of Hermione Granger.

Film her showering. If she's actually hot and not disgusting

Her hairy armpits will go great with your fucked up teeth you disgusting pieces of shit

>foreign exchange
This is like an American having a foreign exchange student from Canada.

>Any chance of romance?

Don't fuck around with romance user, you only have two months. Find out if she's down to fuck and then get to fucking.

C'mon man, if you're a Brit, then you know how this goes. You take her out and get her properly drunk without being too much of a British idiot about it. If she's interested, you'll know and things will proceed from there. If not, shrug it off and instead conspire with her to use her as your wing-woman.

The latter will only work if she's not as socially reclusive and linguistically unskilled as the exchange student I got back in the day, though.

That's what romance pretty much boils down to at that age anyway.


My experience with frenchies is quite positive.

But don't expect anything too different from English girls. If you do not have success with the girls at home, you won't have it with the french girl just because she's french.

She will feel lonely tho', be there for her, but keep on making sexual inuendos (but not too agressively) too avoid being seen as the nice british friend helping her. Make shure to show her you got interest but don't push. Spend time with her. Give her a reason to actually want to fuck you.

As far as my experience goes, she won't be a virgin for sure and quite experimental. But also a tad bit crazy and prone to dramtics. (Not as crazy as Italian girls tho'). As long as she's not from the north of France. Never met a girl from there

She is gonna be way busier fucking other guys who don't live with her to do anything with you, faggot.

>Any chance of romance?
That's wizard talk

Buy tons of lube. Plan to DP her ass with you and your father. Morning from the US of A friend.

show her around, then wrap her around your finger like a noodle my nigger

Introduce her to deodorant and a razor. Then show her your baguette

>find her name
>creep on Facebook
>find her favorite bands, books, interests, past lovers, etc
>study the above and be what she wants
>fuck the Frenchie

you can expect america to get a lot better while she's here

>What can I (18, British, male) expect?

You can expect your dad to cuck you and beat you to her.

Depends if she's French or "French", if the latter then good luck getting her hijab off as an infidel.

I lived with a Japanese exchange student. Ended up being a thing. It's very common.

She'll be looking for a white boy when she gets there as a status token. Be every stereotype

You know where she come from in France ?
It's a random country choice or your parents are chosen for you ?

Dude, you need to spike her with small amounts of ground up valium and viagra. slip that shit into her drinks and food.
All you need to do is hang around her and when you notice that she's a little hands on or she's saying some horny french shit to you, go for it.
Kiss Her > Make out > Finger Fuck her > Lick her puss > make her suck your dick > fuck her > bend her over and fuck her ass.

More pictures like OP? Creepshots that got caught but still got a good shot?

Do you have a name ?

>what to expect
Nothing. You're a beta cuck. You showed that by having to ask such stupid questions.
>wut do
Set the stage for maximum creepshots. Bathroom, bedroom, etc. You'll need them to fap to, and to post here. If, for some miracle, your balls actually drop down from thier hiding spot, you may even use said pics to blackmail her into some kind of sexual interaction.
>chance of romance
Refer to questions 1 and 2

not quite mate

If you have an adjoining wall, get a wall mic to hear her masturbating