Be honest: What is the most disturbing thing you've seen on the Internet?

Be honest: What is the most disturbing thing you've seen on the Internet?

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Sup Forums 2015 to present

Sup Forums stuff because people feel edgy

the video of the syrian boy that lost his legs calling out for his father to pick him up but he wont the kid just fucking sits there and screams while everybody stands around like retards

>user to praise kek, as god is confirmed dead

A picture of a steak with ketchup on it.

seen shit like this in person weekly.

I've always wanted to get a pic like this and send it to the relatives of the victims loved ones. I'd feel terrible afterwards and probably kill myself, but I've always wanted to see the looks on their faces.

come on man, be honest

This by far... first saw it on bestgore

The sounds stay with me


It's not what i've seen, but what I do with those disturbing things

Hands down the grifter

I saw a gif or a webm once, here on chan, of an aborted foetus still in the amniotic sac, squirming.
I've seen the runthegauntlet thingy and that's definitely cringe worthy, but still sufferable to watch.
But that image of the aborted foetus sticks with me like nothing else I've ever seen.

What the actual fuck? That sound omfg. Anyone know the context of that video?

it amazes me that people actually believe in god when these things happen .They should play these videos in churches.

But it's not the craziest thing i've ever seen.

The beheading video? Just cartels killing rival cartel members. That video really wast that bad but I couldn't imagine what went through that last guy's head as he heard his fellow partners squirm like that.

I saw a few snippets of what I believe to be Daisy's destruction on a group chat on kik, truly disturbing shit.

He probably was hoping it was all a dream, hoping by some miracle they would let him go.. every second seems like an eternity... Fear kicks in. He's frozen from fear. He just wishes it ended already.. thatt ye's already past the pain he's about to endure.

Guys putting things in their pee holes or genital mutilation

Daisy's destruction.

stop trying to force your meme is pretty good for disturbing content

Still made it to the end

Cartel vid. Guy lying on floor with no skin on his head. Eyes plucked out. He was struggling, but wrists were tied together, hands were also cut off. They went to working on his neck with a razor. He struggled more so the shoved a sickle in his mouth. Was on kaotic or theync. Can't find it now. Liveleak is tame af these days compared to those two


No sleep for me tonight


doubt you've actually seen it


He probably filmed it

ITT user proves he's seen CP

Cartel/gang vids certainly take the lead. The things these people are capable of doing baffles me

Saw one where i believe it to be the aftermatch of a prison gang duel and this dude was literally picking the brain in this guys open skull with his bare hands and throwing it out, pure animal mode

>pure animal mode

Daisy's destruction hands down

I see this name come up over and over again. How can you even find it? What exactly is it?

Dark web, you really need to dig deep but you'll find it.

Probably the pic of a nigger fucking a child body emptied of her organs. Gore usually do nothing to me, but necro CP, fuck that man

Yeah idk anything about dark web. Plus, doesn't that video qualify as cp?

Woah wtf

It's something similar to OP's.

I believe it was on some old website like rotten it's name I've forgotten (it's on the tip of my mind, I'll update if I can remember).

I accessed it through my dreamcast. That's how old this shit was.

Anyways, it's probably because of my young age or the fact that it was one of the firsts gore images I ever saw, but it was a picture of a woman's face, pretty much exploded similar to OP's. The woman was sitting on the front seat, she had a soda bottle between her legs and her arms were slightly raised. It looked like she was alive, even with her face completely destroyed.

If anyone has it, I'd love to see it again.

Ive heard its legal and softcore. Nothing special about it.

any reality celeb show on tv gets me vomiting

i think this was the one i saw when i was 13 i can never wear a scarf

It isn't exactly early internet, but I remember using BlogTV a lot as a kid, even got molested by a legit pedo after he contacted me through msn

The most disturbing i ever saw was a vid called three guys one hammer, check best gore for it. I then went on to read about them guys and its just insane.
After that i somehow lost trust and hope in people.
The thing is: cartels killing like that is understandable, its about their business. But regular edgy teens going crazy like that... Most terrible part is that literally internet made them this way

The system is wired I've never seen it but or gone and done the tasks required to find it BUT. I know people who have and I have good reason to believe there telling the truth. Back in the day you could find it by simply getting on the deep web this was before EVERYONE knew about the deep web at this point the hidden wiki had links to child porn(this would soon change as a hacker was able to STEAL the website and hold if for ransomed his terms were that all CP links be removed and so they were and the website was returned to it's owners) There's kinda a battle going on inside the web over CP because it's drawn a dark attention to the web that some of the lesser acts of evil that happen on there(selling stolen shit like phones or drugs) would greatly prefer if the CP fucks would just kindly hang. If CP wasn't so closely associated with the deep web there business would be safer. So slowly CP was getting harder and harder to find on the deep web at the start it wasn't hard granted you knew your way around a computer you just had to ask the right questions at the right place. But over time it got harder and harder and then the FBI really started going after the deep web. They always known about it but they got better at it. About a year ago I told one of my friends about that video and he later told on of his friends who linked him the video just to prove it was real this was early 2016. His friend was young female no fucking clue why she had a link to it in till he told me how it was currently going around. Apperenlty the new way is you go into the right chat room and you ask the right questions and they give you a link to the video. This seems to be the main way of getting CP around on the Deep web at least to my knowledge witch isn't the best but it's decent. My guess is she just knew someone that would have the video and linked him to it. Sorry for the poor spelling, grammar and wording and what not I am over 20 years old not retarded but a drop out.

three guys one hammer is a classic

I just ran out of breath and died due to lack of pronunciation in this post.

Three guys one hammer was my first too, that gurgling sound

I'd have to say Daisy's destruction

Stuart Little 3: Deleted Scenes

Ive heard so much about it but seen nothing other than some random gore on images that can be photoshopped.
Post or link some kind of proof that daisy's destruction is even remotely real or you are all faggots

It's bad shit user. If I or anyone else posted it here we would go straight to prison. I promises you the videos are real though. I think they made 5 20min long videos...I forget though it's been awhile

I know what you're talking about. That pic is fake

google peter scully and no limits fun

They did a 20/20 news on it user. Just look it up on youtube. The guy is a sick fuck.

Did they kill the teenaged girl?

I hope they did

Im not trying to bait you into some arrest, dont post or link actual pictures or clips, but atleast convince me of a way that i can believe it is real and put this to rest

Like a report or document or just some dates that make sense. I saw the peter scully documentary and i get that he ran a cp ring but dont understand why such a horrible gore murder vid would be released. It seems to be counterproductive for a cp guy to kill a kid and make it known in such a dramatic thing as what amounts to a snuff film


a serbian film
also photos of serial killers doing their thing

Trust us man it's real we're not fucking with you. It's bdsm/torture/rape of a 2yo girl conducted by a Spanish teenaged girl its horrific.

It's OP's pic you fucking newfag

So you posted Gore Chicken again.

Without a doubt The Grifter

Well according to my youtube-wikipedia-five minute research, people on reddit are claiming its 100% real, while debunking another video called DAFU Love as a myth

But they are saying daisy doesnt involve gore or murder, because there were no such charges in the scully court case

Honestly dont know what to believe with this case

that's from a book lol

No, OPs pic is a girls remains from a car crash, I actually recognise that one

3 guys 1 hammer was pretty fucking rough on the grounds that even after everything that guy was taking he was still fucking alive
Either that or a video of some villagers in South America slaughtering a steer with a sledgehammer. It took quite a few blows to the skull for the thing to stop moving

Drunk driving girl, other pics here

nope just extream cruelty to a toddler. Kid is most likely touched in the head now what they did to her.Never heard ofDAFU

Kek isn't confirmed dead, the post said that Macron would win, but Marin Le Pen would be the savior later on.

A nigger becoming president....

You trolling cunt! Why?!



holy shit link please

SOMEone post a blurry screen! Its just morbid curiousity thats getting to me that everyone has seen it

Someone give user the intro pic...heh

Yeah anything, doesnt have to be obscene or illegal
Even the title font is fine, i just want to put some kind of image in my head to the name of this infamous vid ive been hearing about

you sick monster.

not disturbing but eh

yeah, brazilian shit, also lmao pure animal mode... dem bro xD you take the kek out of me

Is this Daisy's destruction??

Nope. Closing that immediately.

Newfag. Read about pic. Kids at her brothers school did just that.

No man its not that at all, its so soft, woman empowered, 1st class, sweet, relaxing, ASMR triggerer porn you'll ever find.

kek cut it a pussy

Can't be the worst, she didn't die. Newfag pretender



One that I've never watched all the way through is Dagestan Massacar

I closed it and read the transcript and that was enough

my first one was one lunatic, one ice pike when oggrish and show no mercy assholes admins upload it thinking it wasnt real... damn those memories....



Militants from the Russian National Socialist Party who arrested two immigrants from Tajikistan and Dagestan. The immigrants were executed later on, one got decapitated and the other got shot through the head.

>Stuart Little 3: Deleted Scenes
holy shit lmao

the Dnepropetrovsk maniacs.. dem heroes.

The gif of that naked guy shitting on a baby....
