How many fidget spinners do you faggots own?

How many fidget spinners do you faggots own?
My stupid mom won't buy me any more until I save up enough good boy points edition.


Got one custom with Pokemon on it.
Be jelly you fags.

you're a bad troll or very underaged. Eitherway, GTFO

my peepee got stuck in one of the holes

Screw fidget spinners. I spend all my good boy points on chicken tendies.

>be me
>ask mom for fidget spinner
>she says they're for retard little kids not wizards like me

I cringe every time I see those.

Reread OP's sentence, you moronic nitwit.

goddam it, i have to choose between this and tendies? someone needs reeducating via high pressure piss bottle blast

It's called "Weaponized autism"

I smell autism

GTFO newfag.
What are you, 12?

No u

I build my own nigga

ITT: Company attempts viral marketing campaign on Sup Forums


obvious viral marketing shill is obvious. fuck off and take your gay little toys with you

I have 47 fingerboxes

can somebody explain why these blew up and why they are any different from lets say a beyblade? they both just.. spin..

whoever marketed these fuckin things was genius

Fidget spinners are a great way to recognize the mentally retarded. Avoid anyone with one. avoid making eye contact with anyone with one. They could break out in a screaming 'REEEEE!' tantrum at a moment's notice.

Owning a fidget spinner should come with a free 96 hour psych evaluation.

Rate my spinner.

I just found my old fingerbox from when I was a kid. Brings back good memories

>spending GBP on anything other than tendies



It's just a fucking toy.

Why do you autists give a shit?

Timing. All the millennial faggots now think they have anxiety or whatever, so they market these as worry toys for them.

That's why they're so popular, because being mentally ill is apparently trendy now.

im autistic and dont need this gay dildo shit

Get outside faggot

90% of the people that have them don't fucking need them, and don't act like they do.

They're a novelty toy. Why the fuck do you niggers care?

What is this bullshit??????????


Going to give them to my brother to sell at school

This is the new way of coming out about being autistic.

What purpose would you have for a home made nigger?
