Doesn't Roger have anything better to do?
bait posters are cancer and i'm not bumping this, but i don't care about about an artist's politics unless it negatively affects the music
Thom is in the right here, upvote if you agree
> Radiohead: let's do a show in Tel Aviv
> Roger Waters (through a megaphone in public): don't because Israel is evil and if you play there you support Israel
> Radiohead: lol what? could we just talk about this in person? it's kinda uncool for you to try publicly shaming us out of a concert.
> Roger Waters (via a giant fucking letter to Radiohead saying nothing he didn't say out loud): nothing you say will convince me this concert isn't wrong to do
> Radiohead: okay
> Roger Waters: wow you clearly don't want to have a conversation
He did the same thing to The Chemical Brothers last year. No one gave any shits.
> Roger Waters has played in Moscow.
> Illegal to be gay in Russia
> Roger Waters hates gay people.
Roger Waters is desperately clinging at straws to remain relevant in any way possible
>tfw never saw Radiohead live 'cause you live in Russia
I heard that tom called him a creep
Thom's response was fucking great. Basically said it was ludicrous that people assumed they hadn't been conscious of any of it, and additionally that Jonny's wife was an Arab Jew and knew more about the conflict than anyone on the accusing side.
Israel is a terrorist, imperialist state. Radiohead are scum. Discussion over.
I had no idea Waters was a Sup Forumstard.
Whatever you say Abdul, just keep the lorry parked will ya
Refugees with shit taste in music NOT welcome.
t. asshurt reactionaries
Go away Schlomo, zionist shill.
What I don't get is hasn't Radiohead taken similar stances against other countries with sociopolitical issues in the past
Why the exception for Israel
Jonny Memewood's wife is jewish
I mean duh what I meant is what is the actual reason they're publicly using to not seem like hypocrites
even on Sup Forums, you try hards still turn up. disgraceful
You could say the exact same about Palestine.
Fuck off, Ari.
I stand with Palestine on the grounds that Islam is a funnier religion than Judaism (it's a close run thing tho)
Also Israelis all sound slow and dumb as fuck, Arabs are naturally charismatic
The arabs have spunk, I'll give them that.
why does roger care about radiohead specifically? radiohead isn't really that popular compared to a lot of stuff out there, and roger isn't iirc a big fan of Radiohead's material. I don't understand
Literally only because they're playing a show in Tel Aviv, and he's apparently trying to make a habit of shaming any act who tries playing there with his silly petition.
He did it in 2015 with The Chemical Brothers, again not a huge act, and again it had no effect - they didn't even make a statement about it.