Broke my front tooth, wat do Sup Forums ? Pic semi related

Broke my front tooth, wat do Sup Forums ? Pic semi related

Are you that retarded?

super glue the piece back on for fucks sake

Go to the dentist. Fix it. Done.


Kill yourself, faggot

go to dentist you splerg

got to wait till morning for the fucking x-ray

it might be expensive but its best for your life to actually go to the dentist. just pay it off, work for $$$.

nasty enough, just hop up on pain pills and try get some sleep...that or get loaded

I broke my front tooth when I was a kid, later in life I had a motorcycle accident and knoced out more. I had them fixed with caps and stuff but got an abscess, save your self the trouble have it pulled now and get a flipper.

x-ray? where the fuck do they need to xray something obvious as that?

Break the rest of your teeth so they're all even.

the dentist will put a crown on it

You xray the tooth to find out if there is nerve damage. If you save the tooth more than likely you will need a root canal.

Break the rest of your teeth so they match.

Loyd Christmas cosplay.

That is only for back teeth.

its not completely chipped off, its broken from the back side and need x-ray to see the full damage

not painfull so no pils, but I might take few shots just to be safe

There a different types of crowns sperg. Veneers are a type of crown. They'll just shave the front of the tooth down and add some shit.

Sounds like i got lucky that one time i chipped my tooth then.

Redeploy as Snaggle, learn to enjoy snaggle, chip more teeth, commence drink 1 litre vodka per waking, snaggle grow, snaggle take over, ignore all who oppose snaggle. For they not love the beginning.

Broke my two front tooth about ~14. Went to the dentist, he just suggested to put a crown on them, still didn't do it. Was super sensitive to cold a heat for some time, other that that no problem.

You do this lad

I broke a molar, had it removed, got a implant. Good as new. But if i broke my front teeth id probably kill myself. So yeah. Best of luck to you, OP.

I've chipped a couple. The dentist repair work always just fall off, feels bad.

put the chipped off tooth in milk and bring it in tomorrow

Break the other... You know... Better look simetrical.

Sharpie in the pooper...problem're welcome

I've had my teeth knocked out in fights broken in car accidents. Just get them fixed in Mexico cheap as shit and they do a great job

Drink more milk

did you break it riding bmx at a skatepark the day before yesterday?

>knocked out in fights broken in car accidents