Why are honkies so soft in USA? if niggers pulled this shit here in croatia, they would end up dead

why are honkies so soft in USA? if niggers pulled this shit here in croatia, they would end up dead.

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ther was no one around

i drive 40 miles to get to chuck-e-cheese that doesn't have niglets.


Funny, I drive almost 60 miles each way to work just so I dont have to live anywhere near a brown person of any kind. In 15 years I have not seen a non-white person in my town, ever. It makes the drive worth it

Who the fuck is filming this and why aren't they punting those niglets as far as they can?

30 seconds in and that kid should have been fucking decked.

Where the fuck is his parent? Someone deck his parent.

>moving the black bars to steady the shaky cam

I appreciate this

yeah, you also fight against your slavic brothers for the muslim scum of former yugoslavia. great job croatfag. your people fought for the axis during ww2, but ever since you've been cucked by commies and shitskins.

America has literally been cucked by the people they bought to work for them.

Is it not obvious that the person recording is a black, most likely the one supposed to be watching those little nigglets?

>black mother
>no father
>no discipline
>no respect for anyone
This is how most blacks are raised in usa.
>gif related

Anybody have sound to this video?

I give people the benefit of the doubt, surely niglets owner didn't record him being a dick just because they find it funnny that their shitty spawn is being a dick?

I dunno. I'm hoping that he parent is somewhere else.

On the sidewalk, overdosed.

>all hail the new mayor of london
your turban is crooked

except, that is in france

prepare to rage

Don't disagree with you there, but calling out Croatia as being cucked is fucking hilarious coming from an American.

Hahaha stupid bitch. She prolly fucked him and got pregnant that night. Best dick she will ever have

Probably 50% religion or some sort of moral ideal that you should turn the other cheek and never support violence, 50% liberal education that everyone is equal and we should all love each other


Also, when you're not accustomed to violence (most people aren't in the west thank god) you never really know how to react to it

i'm just sharing the pain. there is plenty to go around in the european world. we are all brethren and yet just because we're not members of the EU cuck gang you think the USA is worse off than your shit hole. you are fucking wrong there. we all swim or sink together.

...and gave birth to another nigglet jail-fodder like yourself, ex-farm-boy

Americans are cowardly scum who refuse to murder their military and police [who uphold and sanction nigger violence against them to profit from managing the problem] and assume the mantle of authority.

They falsely believe institutions still belong to them. The only place they keep their AR15s is up their faggot asses.

Oh man, we're all fucked, don't worry about that.

We're fucked in different ways though, you have niggers and we have sandniggers.

We'll get through this, I'm just praying that not too many of us mix.

it's easier to just take the hits than it is to clean off all the disgusting nigro grease that gets on you after fighting one

As a lolicon, that literally makes me burn with rage. Shit like this should carry the death penalty, and I'm not even joking. If you're that fucked up in the head as a child, there is absolutely no way you'll ever grow up into a decent adult or contribute anything to society ever.
Abusing young girls is a crime that should carry capital punishment in every single case, no matter the circumstances. Disgusting shit like that makes me sick.

It's pretty obvious why, (middle class) white kids are taught from an early age that they should avoid physical confrontation at all costs and turn the other cheek, they will also most likely grow up in a very safe enviroment in which this status quo isn't challenged. Meanwhile black kids have to know how to defend themselves and be able to fight from a very young age, and are more likely to escalate a situation to a physical level. They're two completely opposed views on life due to completely different enviroments and it's easy to see why white kids usually end up in a bad way when the two cross paths.

>We'll get through this
No, you won't. You refuse to kill, so you're done. Stop posting nonsense.

> Meanwhile black kids have to know how to defend themselves

> Even though all you see is offensive black kids/teens/adults

It's the 'racist' argument all over. Black people blaming white people for slavery even though the only country in the world to still have slavery is Africa.

You refuse to kill your niggers.

Literally causing a bigger problem than our sandniggers.

>if niggers pulled this shit here in croatia

There are no niggers in Croatia so you can't say this with certainty.On the other hand,we(Balkan) have gypsies and we do nothing about that pest ...

p.s. I'm so pissed of right now because of this webm.Motherfuckin' apes !

what is funny, if you track the video through the web; people have tried to react to it and in every case the video has been banned and commentary disabled.

here is a pretty good site dealing with this particular incident: m.cafemom.com/groups/read_topic.php?group_id=99198&topic_id=18976022&next=31

you should be hung

Also, I meant we as in Europe and America

But honestly, I have less hope for America.

Europe is getting overrun by sandniggers, but the American population already seem retarded as fuck. Add that to your stupid amount of ghetto niggers and you're fucked.

Enjoy being a shitting third world country, you have been for decades already.

Dude, what the hell. That's not a nice thing to say. I did nothing to you.


Cops kill one nigger, we get BLM
you wanna see what happens if we kill more?

They're not our brothers. Serbs are the only white people in this world that are objectively worse than Muslims

Then the family will act shocked that he got shot or went to prison.

America is absolutely fucked. That's an amazingly positive development. The people here are trash, just like you. It's not a tit-for-tat, you dumb yokel. It's a race to the bottom.

>he'll grow out of it

yes well. go figure. the eternal anglo's get rich quick scheme of enslaving and invading didn't work out for the USA so well. still, we're the most militarily based nation on earth by far and top brass are greater political players than the SJWs here. they and the industry and infantry are still 90% white. unlike in europe.

serbs are the basis for balkan nationalism still existing. tito was based a fuck and played both sides of the war. what the US and europe did to serbia will eventually be answered for.

We can't beat the fuck out of them, it's racist. Cuz white privilege.

Here is an exclusive documentary to explain the african american struggle in the US


They fought for them selves against Serb scum.I'm not some big Croat fan but fuck off you fat Jew slave.While we fought for better world you were nice little Jew puppets.

fight for 'themselves' [european war mongers] against the 'serb scum' [unified yugoslavia]. great work. now your balkanized shit region is a literal meme. vive la revolution!

>Tfw all whit neighborhood then house across the street and up the road 3 houses went up for rent, and niggers moved in like 3 weeks ago.

>Their curtains are blankets.
>garbage all over yard
>Blast nigger beats till 11pm since day 1.
>6 and 7 year old kids run all over the street in everyone's yard.
>police car sits across the street every night.. a "speed trap"


it's pointless to discuss with Muslims here
their mental state is a product of centuries of shame over the fact they abandoned their heritage for privileges or a piece of bread
they even take pride in the fact they tortured their own people for their Ottoman overlords (or any overlord that came since)

>Bosnian rape baby calling anybody scum

>now your balkanized shit region is a literal meme

and you have Serb scum to thank for that.Not Croats.

>they start chanting "Daddy"

Fucking lost it.

Who's ashamed you half Turk half gypsy nation of 400 000 wannabe Serbs?Fuckin KEK

>brainwashing from youth to be pussies
It's insane, even on Sup Forums you've got cucks that push for "muh moderation" with no self awareness.

if anything you're correct about centuries of shame part. it's a whole another point who exactly feels the shame of being cucked out of potentially great history.

hint: it's the people who always act like angry manlets desperate for attention and recognition

croatia was the first republic to rebel and split off of yugoslavia
>the serbs are to blame! why wouldn't they allow 6 different republics to rule a nation the size of italy! what an insult!

>h-half Turk
yeah that's why there's so many Asian looking people here
this is another funny thing, you argue that ''Turks raped Serbs'', but Turks here were overwhelmingly Muslim Slavs, not ethnic Turks who don't even exist in Anatolia anymore
so you're taking pride that your convert ancestors abused their own people of different faith, for the sake of their conquerors

>Croatia is to blame for not wanting to be Serb slave country

Your flag on Sup Forums is synonymous for stupidity.

>check flag
>us of a
>see ID

Listen to them at 3:00 - 3:10. They're not related to the little niglet.

because, "one person, one vote" means slavery right? fuck you and all 'minority' minded idiots who get in the way of national interests, power and solidarity.


No if you watch later on he says he doesn't know the kid's name
Also he mentioned the kid better stay away from his daughter who is there, therefore you can be assured that his child isn't going to be another niglet raised by a single mother
He also asks why security isn't stopping the kid so at least he is not a full blown dindu nuffin nigger

>Worked at a K-Mart in the blackest part of niggerville for three years until it got closed due to niggers
>HR warns me that employees don't last because they can't deal with the niggers, but I tough it out
>Slowly my world starts to fall apart, I've always loved everyone and given everyone the benefit of the doubt but these niggers take the fucking cake
>Tell horror stories to my friends who have turned into massive SJW faggots
>"Nah you're a liar, fucking racist"
>They won't come into my store
>One of them asks me for a job when I make it to management (for toughing it out like a champ)
>He comes in for his interview, turns the job down, leaves and suddenly his facebook has a significantly lowered amount of SJW shit and tumblr reblogs
>Store gets closed due to the absurd levels of damage and theft the niggers cause
>Get a better job and run the fuck away
>Years later, other SJW friend moves to California, still preaching his SJW bullshit
>Lives in a studio apartment his mom pays for on the good side of town
>Walks everywhere because he wants to stay fit
>Gets the goddamn shit beat out of him and mugged three times over the course of four months
>mfw he also slows down on the SJW bullshit

The red pill is a hard one to swallow

That's something only Serb diaspora would wrote,because not one nation in this world would like to stay under Serb dictatorship.Even Monteniggers wouldn't stay in that sort of federation and they are basically Serbs with different name.


>Where the fuck is his parent?
he's... probably the one filming it

well, in the the united states the europeans are the majority. yet, niggers and mexcrement are turning the rules against us. soon they will balkanize the united states. they will be on par with bosnians, croats, and slovenes. as for being serb diaspora, i am not. all one has to do to understand history is read between the lines at wikipedia.

there is certainly no fucking reason for a nation called bosnia herzogovina. you are a tiny shit of a minority a symptom of the anti-comintern divide and conquest by the USAs puppets.

Nope, the kid was literally abandoned there. Why no one called child services is beyond me.

Where's the white girl's parents? Why are white people such a shit race?

Father is a cuck that said it wasn't that bad.
This is the future of this country thanks to "moderates".