Tell me stuffs about Texas.
Tell me stuffs about Texas
Its a shit hole filled with retarded white people that think they are cowboys and retarded Mexicans that think they invented cowboys. Neither is true
They remember the Alamo
it's the australia of america
It's the best country because they're close to Argentina.
It's a proud sovereign nation of Chicano petroleum engineers
I almost lived there.
we are the big ignorant assholes of big ignorant assholes the nation
Did you Know? Texas has the same colors as your flag
Did you Know? Texan people are called Texies
Did you Know? Texas is a country located in america
Did you Know? Texas has edible food
Very unequal , giant mansions next to steel shacks.
Stilll chain gangs.
Tons of asians. I was expecting the nigs and beaners, wasn't expecting hordes of gibbering chinks.
No income tax, lots of sales taxes.
Nobody here claims to be a cowboy you stupid fuck.
Do our beef BBQs trigger you Pajeet?
They are loudmouths who talk non-stop about how great they are, while being not even half as good as they say.
Too many brown people
T houston fag
Objectively the best state in the union
Yanks hate us cause they anus
its hot. Lotta thunderstorms. WIDE open country
Mexicans everywhere
great food
no they don't
Longest country in the world
South East TX - humidity, pine trees, snakes, mosquitos, refineries/petrochem, soybean farms, rice farms, grass farms, cattle, hurricanes.
Where I grew up there were more cows than people; now it's just a suburb of Houston. What rural land is left is quickly being gobbled up in Houston's suburban sprawl.
Massive, flat, big sky, great BBQ, very conservative, friendly people, proud of our state to the point of autism, lots of californian transplants in the big cities, southern part is basically mexico 2.0, growing economy, overwhelmingly pro-gun, lots of farms and cattle... also coastals seem to despise us, but the only state people here often genuinely dislike is cali
There's plenty more I could say. Feel free to ask if you have any questions about us
As a fellow Texan I can confirm all of this is true.
always warm always friendly always patriotic
>tfw living in a dark red county