I think I fucked up more than I've ever fucked up in my life before

I think I fucked up more than I've ever fucked up in my life before.

>be in relationship for a couple years
>gf is nice girl, i'm a good guy. was planning on asking her to marry me in a year when i'm halfways through my masters
>got drunk a couple months ago and fucked another girl
>no condom cuz idiot and it feels gud
>whatever that's the only time i've ever cheated and the only time I plan on doing it. felt like shit afterwards.
>fast forward to today, i keep getting the shits, random infections, and white spots on my tongue.
>i look it up and i may have hiv
>gf starts having the shits a week ago
>she has Irritable bowel syndrome so doctors think it's just that but we can tell it's diffferent
>planning on getting tested this week

what the fuck do i do if i have hiv and i gave it to my innocent girlfriend? how do i come out of that without everyone i know hating me?

like i said, i'm not usually a scumbag, but that stupid slip up may cost me everything. i'm mostly worried about her having it than me.

bumping with fake ariel winter nudes

Bump as well. I'm interdasted on what the prevailing opinion might be on this.

You done fucked up user
You only choice at this point is to become an hero

thanks for the bump

i just realized this is my last ariel winter fake pic

it's just "an hero"

not "become an hero"

I was actually thinking that, but that shit would traumatize my family even more.

right now all i'm thinking is on how to minimize the damage to my family, friends, and her.

First off, don't assume you have anything until a progressional runs the tests and gives you results. Secondly: go get tested and wait for results.

If you do have anything, and it's treatable, get it treated and have gf tested as well. After that, I dunno, be truthful or come up with an awesome lie

Also, ignore an hero shit. That's not only not a solution, but it's the pussy's way out. There are alternative ways to see to one's...debts.

The situation sucks, but there are tons of meds out to keep you from losing your lives to it. Also you could just say you got it another way.

if it's something treatable i'm going to lie my teeth off. She always used to say her ex may have given her something before we started dating. I can always blame it on him and say he got it treated and is lying if she ever confronts him.

if it's hiv, then i'm going to have to be partially honest.

if test is positive say you were infected when you donated blood or you picked up a syringe or some shit.

Do you have swollen lymph nodes? You add that to the other symptoms you have and I'd be concerned.

HIV is a possibility, but there are fuckload of other STDs with similar symptoms as far as i know HPV for example. Go get yourself tested as fast as possible!

hmmm then they'd assume i'm a junkie. which in comparison to cheating it may not be so bad. I can say i shot up once to know what it felt like but dun goofd. then they'd probably throw me in rehab for a while, and my girlfriend would leave me and only a couple people would hate me.

compared to the alternative of her dumping you, her whole family and your family hating you, and being forever alone, i think its the more preferable alternative. night out with the boys, you got drunk and someone offered you something.

doubt its aids tho. if it is, find the bitch and sue her ass for not disclosing her condition

not that i can tell. then again, i've only checked according to specifications i've found online.

Some twenty seven other states in the country have enacted criminal statutes that allow for prosecution of those who know they are infected with the HIV virus and engage in sexual conduct without disclosure.

If test comes positive, tell her, then get in your car and never come back. Go missing, go somewhere, do something, but accept your fate, make peace with it, and go out gracefully.

Symptoms of HIV dosen't show up within 2 months.

yes, the initial symptoms show up within a month

If this is true, and you really have infected your gf, the only way you can marginally attempt to make up part of the mess you have caused would be to fly straight to africa, and spend the rest of your days helping children with aids.

Your poor gf and family clearly don't deserve a piece of shit like you in their lives, so be a man for once and free them of that burden while you try to make amends with humanity.

dont rule out the hypothesis of her riding the cock carousel and giving you the aids instead

Bro, how do you know that she didn't give you HIV.....

I'm inclined to agree with this. I would suggest an even harsher self punishment by way of castration to remove the urge to pass it to more people, then dedicating your life to a good and selfless cause. After all if it's HIV you've ruined her life, and made it so she can never have a child/family of her own.

If not HIV, more options are available to you.

almost happened to me years ago, was so happy when the test came back negativ, so I hope you will have the same luck otherwise your life will be pretty much fucked

Wholeheartedly agree. You may have done a terrible thing, but you can dedicate yourself to doing some small measure of good.

Jesus, yeah, you're pretty much a fuck up.

You raw dog a rando, get tested. Full stop, always.

In fact, why are you on the internet right now? Go get tested.

Ask girl you fucked if she has aids....

HIV is now treatable and it may not even turn into aids so don't give up all hope

Tell her everything, then suicide.
I am DEADLY serious.

Don't fuck the girl who you're apparently in love with's life up more than you already have.

She can get treatment. While you off yourself in the most painful manner of course.

But you won't because you're a fucking coward and a terrible person.

Get tested
Then come back and make a thread

you're probably alright then, 90% of new HIV infections begin with swollen lymph nodes in the groin or neck and rashes at the knee joints, elbow joints or armpits. If you haven't had any of that, you'd have to fall into the 10% of HIV cases that don't have those symptoms

good idea to get tested though

if it does come back positive, i have one question, have you told her that you boned that other bird?

If you honestly cared you would just admit it and save everyone the trouble of having to find out on their own later.

You're only attempting to save your own interests by concealing it

Helping niggers? What the fuck?
Get off Sup Forums you fucknugget

OP, you're an asshole

True don't worry over nothing bitch

Great probably the one guy she can be with because well they both got it and he goes and offs himself. She'd probably feel guilty too
Don't kill yourself op

even if you get the hiv+ result dont go immediately saying you cheated on her, tell you both need to figure out how this happened and read her reactions
just because you cheated once doesnt mean its the only sex out of your relationship that happened the entire time
she could be riding a different football team every week without you knowing

Who are you? White Knight Quar of Zanzibar

Infect the planet with your hoe-bag disease.

Laugh, chortle, and snortle, at how bad these threads are.


Cocklords commit suicide, which shows what a massive pussy you are. OP can do other more meaningful things.

Enjoy being the biggest fuck up in your circle of friends though. Every group needs an omega.

post a picture of your aids tongue bro.

post girl pic and then i will tell what to do

the whole Africa part doesn't sound bad. in a way my family would still be hurt, but they'd understand it a little more. my siblings would disapprove but the action would still set a semi good example. Even before this possible disaster I had considered going to help out the little nigglets.

i'm not going to castrate myself tho. i can still jerk off and not give my hand aids.

If he is going to just disappear just do it and be the coward you're always going to be and save everyone the hassle of having to deal with your "most of the time" good guy act.

The sooner it's dealt with the sooner it's over and life moves on

do the world a favour and start fucking as many gays, jews and politicians you can find
take as many as you can with you

Going to Africa is a cop out, everyone got aids there already. Don't run away like a little bitch. Infect infect infect negro

Take it to the grave user deny deny deny

>>fuck her one last time
I've got aids and now so do you!

what are you doing being nice to someone on Sup Forums? fucking normie

You've potentially got HIV and you're worried about your girlfriend and your friends might think? Fuck them all, they are completely replaceable and you need to stop being a fucking faggot, put your health first and get tested. If you've got it, tell her you're breaking up with her and that she needs to get tested too. Then go out and do a bunch of wild shit before an heroing.

Fair enough. I think you're thinking the right way in the event of the worst. Get tested though, and see where your options lie. If it's the worst, face it.

And again, don't listen to suicide shitposting. Sup Forums is a fantasy land of swamptalk, and 90% have no concept of the true depth of the problem you face, or it's possible outcomes when looked at with adult eyes.

> Cock carousel

Made me chuckle

Welcome to the Manosphere bro

Just say you tried heroin and got it. Then go get treated.

OP it's probably chlamydia if anything. I had the same symptoms, turned out my gf (now soon to be wife) gave it to me. Or maybe i gave it to her from hooking up with my ex a week before we met. Either way, two antibiotics later it was gone.

Don't panic just yet boo.

Dude, get tested, that's it. Don't kill yourself, and definitely don't run away. If you love this girl you'll at least stick around until you know what you actually have, and then take it as it comes from there. Again, don't kill yourself.

yeah like i said, if it does come back positive, the next step would be to try and minimize damage to family and her, and killing myself won't do that.

my parents would be more than devastated because like most people alive, i have a good relationship with them. my siblings would be too for the same reason. my girlfriend would probably hate me even more because i'd more or less be leaving her all alone to deal with the disease. she's going to hate me irregardless, but if i kill myself it'll be even more traumatic.

tell her you've been doing H

ive done something like this before, and man... vaginal intercouse is very hard to get HIV, almost impossible for one time fuck, wait for the tests and dont tell anything...

What you need to do is very simple, but it's going to suck.
First, get tested. There is always the chance that you are clean. If that is the case, then yay! You managed to cheat on your girlfriend consequence free, you piece of shit.
But if you test positive, then you need to tell her. It will suck and there will be consequences. I imagine she will leave you, everyone you know will judge the shit out of you. You will lose many friends, and the support of many family members. There may also possibly be legal ramifications for getting her infected. You are fucked. But if you don;t come clean then you are even more fucked. Because this will be discovered, and if she finds out before you come clean it will be so much worse. Any possible sympathy or empathy you might have hoped for will be gone for sure. And if it becomes a legal issue your chances of being charged with a more serious crime increase.

TL:DR Do the right thing, because you are even more fucked if you don't.

HahahhahHHhahahahHah spreadit around you done fucked up t

How is that even possible, HIV doesn't come from the heaven, one of the two HAS to be guilty, it would be completely absurd to blame the girl, because she would know INSTANTLY it is his fault anyway... except if she has been cheating too

If you contracted HIV by cheating on your spouse, and in turn gave your spouse HIV as well? You've effectively ruined her entire life. As someone who supposedly loves her, you shouldn't be able to live with this. If you can, you never loved her to begin with.

You know what needs to be done.

Dude, it's like a 1 in 2000 chance you would become infected if you raw dogged a girl you were 100% sure was infected with HIV. Picking up HIV from a chance encounter like you are describing is statistically improbable. Don't blow your cover with the lady until/unless the docs confirm you dun goofd. And whatever the outcome, let the terror you're feeling right now be a lesson to you.

looks like someone has never read other boards but Sup Forums

probably for the best user, you seem like a closed-minded idiot without a clue

In the worse case scenario, you can say you got infected in a different way, doing drugs or some shit. That won't fix anything but at least to avoid telling the cheating part, if that helps

Actually you're wrong.

No shit, thank you. That shit bugs the fuck out of me too

did you just pull that probability out of your ass?

No, he's not, fuckwit.

yeah if it comes back positive it'll probably the only time i'd be crossing my fingers hoping she's cheated on.

but this thread has made me feel better regarding the outcome of the tests.

if it comes out negative i'll come clean eventually even if it costs me the relationship. i ain't a nigger.

if it comes out positive i'll come clean much sooner and deal with the consequences. again, i'm not a nigger.


No, different user here (med student in immunology). It's true, HIV in heterosexual vaginal sex very rarely results in the transmission of the virus.

Seriously user, as a med student, you're fine. Trust me, these things happen all the time. You'd be amazed how many people I've had in the clinic tell me they think they have HIV and they're worried about their partners. It's only been HIV once and that was through anal homosexual intercourse.

Yeah, he is.

Shut the fuck up queerbait

Wise choice. I won't lie, I don't pity you even remotely and your decision to cheat on her is deplorable.

But I respect you -if- you do what's right.

In that case, I would wish you the best going forward so long as you never hurt anyone in such a way again. My heart breaks for her in the worst case though.

Not that user, but i did look it up. According to the cdc, there is a 1/2500 chance for hiv to be transmitted to a man via vaginal penetration

which means, its far more probable that your girl got it and infected you, than it would be that you got it from that 1 time cheat

If it's negative I don't know why the fuck you has to tell her anyways. If you are regretfull just don't do it again.

wtf... how did they run this study? who was the unlucky test subject....

>fly straight to Africa to spread the shit til you die


Commiting suicide isnt pussy move. Most faggots like yourself would never have the balls to actually go through with it

say you got HIV because you are an Heroin Addict.
I know this is a hard story but its trustfull

maybe your whore gf gave you the aids??

Says the one who would rather run from his problems for keeps. There's no bigger pussy move than that, you autist teenage cringelord omega.

In your case, an hero is the right move.

Life isnt special and you dont owe anything to nobody its just an illusion. Aids might actually set you free for once

sure its seems deep down you might be a true nigger only standing around for the mere principle not being one. You want a valid excuse to end the responsibility plain and simple. Good thinking.

>I'm a good guy.
>Cheated on gf and gave her HIV

Pick one

>>gf is nice girl, i'm a good guy. was planning on asking her to marry me in a year
>> how do i come out of that without everyone i know hating me?

You sound like a bit of a sociopath there OP

>>gave it to my innocent girlfriend?
>> i'm mostly worried about her having it than me.

Programmed response, false empathy

praise be to Nurgle

You are right on user.

This nigger gets it.

very unlikely it'll be HIV. maybe something common and treatable. go get tested on the sly, if there's anything that needs to be treated then work in an excuse, like a stag week where a stripper got too close, or a drunken night where you don't know what happened, or you were raped..

or, dump her.

get treated yourself and bang gf again. get tested again. if you've not got it again, then you didn't pass it to her. probably. you're in the clear.

if she gets it again, then say you need to sit down with her for a talk. say you tested pos for something. . you just recently had symptoms. .you don't know where you got it... maybe, maybe, she'll confess to something. if not, then fall back in the stripper/black out/raped set up you created earlier.


That does make a lot of sense. If she's positive, you have a moral duty to support her through all that, and as you noted killing yourself would be incredibly irresponsible and cowardly. Plus, if you're both positive, you can actually support each other, you'll need it. But maybe you're just overreacting and nobody is infected at all, just do the test as soon as possible and wait for the results.

no it isn't

meanwhile over here I've fucked over 100+ girls bareback and no ramifications and when I decided to get married and have kids it took right away and my child came out healthier then healthy.

Looks like I got luck +8 and you are 0

A sound piece of advice on Sup Forums ? I be damned.

Hmm the tales are true very interesting although still a edgy tryhard faggot