>he wants to have sex with us because he's intimidated by women
He wants to have sex with us because he's intimidated by women
Michael Long
Jeremiah Wilson
they always laugh before
Mason Wilson
Lol i like this thread
Liam Richardson
>he wants to have sex with us because he doesn't want a used up slut who have been sleeping with half the city since she was 12
Anthony Cox
Ian Allen
By that logic, women are intimidated by betas.
Kill yourself fucktard
Caleb Rogers
I think the post has more to do with children and pedophilia.
Hudson Hill
Why is everyone on this site so fucking stupid?
Let me draw it out for your lego eating ass.
Y'know how women go for black guys because they have big dicks?
Pedos go after little girls because they have super tight pussies.
There I solved it for your mongoloid ass.
Go wander out into traffic.
Oliver Hernandez
>ITT: faggy kid uses weak bait
Connor Carter
loli haet pizza