What happens to our consciousness when we die? Is there any sort of scientific consensus or plausible theories?
>In b4 "You go to heaven/hell/insert desired afterlife here"
What happens to our consciousness when we die? Is there any sort of scientific consensus or plausible theories?
>In b4 "You go to heaven/hell/insert desired afterlife here"
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It dies
Loaded question.
It is within the realm of possibility that our brain only acts as a reciever of consiousness, much like a signal to a television. This would mean that when the brain is destroyed, our consiousness may continue to exist. But truthfully, no one can really know.
It's game over , that's it.
Your life cease to exist. That's it. There is nothing else after this. Nothing will remain of your consciosness once your brain is dead.
Explain this like we're 5.
Sounds reasonable. But where does our consciousness go?
As a dota 2 player i can tell you that:
> your body decomposes
> your consciousness goes into "respawn wait mode"
> you wait 10 - 100 seconds
> your body respawns
> your consciousness goes back into the newly respawned body
So here's my theory
When you talk to someone, be it in person or over the internet, what you're really doing is transferring information between one brain and another, meaning a person isn't really a body or a brain, it's the information flow between the 2. What I think happens when we die is that information dissipates, so whatever is our consciousness returns to the environment, in effect we return to the earth. As with everything like this, it's really impossible to tell because well, once you die... you're dead, fucktard.
Sounds legit