Post albums that have good songs that are ruined by awful mixing/mastering

post albums that have good songs that are ruined by awful mixing/mastering

whoever mixed kendrick's vocals on DNA needs to be fired...


i don't know who the hell has been mixing for anco, but the mixes on their records have been shit ever since fall be kind... painting with was the only record that had decent production... like wtf.. they used to be notorious for great sound... and now they just don't take the time anymore, it's such a shame because they are my favorite band

are you on crack dude... the mix on this album is perfect? do you think the vocals are too low? I suppose that might be understandable... but i think the album has a pretty nice mix on it.

this would be legitimately one of their best albums if it weren't for damn mix and worst visual aesthetics ever

The mixing on this is perfectly fine for its aesthetic as pointed out.

When I think bad mixing I think of something like Smashing Pumpkins Zeitgeist, where the instruments are neutered and the vocals are way too forward in the mix.

hmmm wow this is pretty goo...THIS IS THE

literally wtf was he thinking

50 auto-tuned kanyes THHHHIIISSS IIISS TTTHEEEE....

YEP smashing pumpkins was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this thread


just about any hip hop album from the last two years... it's really fucking weird

I don't know what happened, the mixing on Siamese Dream and Mellon Collie where Moulder and Flood assisted was very good, but from Machina on the mixing got terrible. On Machina for example, the guitars are just way overcompressed and fuck your ears.

Vinyl master of Centipede Hz is actually better.



it's very interesting to hear that because my friend has it on vinyl and he said it was even more apparent to him. he said it sounded way quieter than his other records

pleb detected

i don't understand... what's wrong with it?

Seriously. All the textures and interplay of the synths and samples is tossed out the window on CHz and PW because of the shitty mixing

I can see that with centipede. But Painting With actually sounded pretty clear to me. I just thought the issue with pw was more of just a lack of songwriting

>I just thought the issue with pw was more of just a lack of songwriting
The farty synths didn't help.

the mix on painting with was better than the mix on Meeting of the Waters and Sleep Cycle

but you're forgetting that meeting of the waters was recorded on a fucking boat on the amazon... i'd say with that in mind it sounds aight.
>inb4 context doesnt matter

Oh God, this. Especially on tracks like Tone Burst where the mix just drops the fuck out once the vocals kick in. Drives me up the goddamn wall. Music is fantastic, though. Peng! is also pretty bad about it.

Will has dropped off the past couple of years but he definitely has talent. It's not like he's released 13 terrible albums.

What the fuck are you talking about? This album sounds great. It's just dense