Warning: girl probs, prolly wall of text

warning: girl probs, prolly wall of text

so beginning april my long distance gf was acting weird and answering me late, and leaving me on seen, which is unusual because she would usually text me non stop for almost a year until then.

few weeks later, she doesnt answer me a whole day and finally responds telling me shes taking a 13 hr drive to her grandmas saying shes depressed and stressed out. i give her some space and all the support i can. she hangs out with her friends there still ignoring me a lot.

up until last week i put up with this bullshit, so i started her playing her game against her: answering late, short replies, etc. she blocks me on fb (our main chatting platform) for missing a call from her while i was napping. i hit her up on ig and ask her what happened. she said its because we dont talk anymore and she prefer to talk here (on ig).

i get mad and tell her she needs to talk to me and unblock me. she just says no and that she still "loves me forever." i give her space once again.

she still ignoring messages and whatever getting back to me after hours because shes always out with her friends (she sends me pics, no hard evidence of a guy yet). i just tell her she cant act this way, so i block her on ig too.

now its been 3 days since we talked, she hasnt unblocked me. idk if i should just drop her, but part of me thinks she can get back to how we were. literally all we can do is talk since we are so far from each other. ive been too sad lately, smoking/drinking all day everyday, going to school like this. she is a year older than me but acting so much more immature. when i say my thoughts, she ignores it and somehow plays a guilt trip. and she wont talk it out.

what do? what think? idk

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What kind of a faggot blocks his girlfriend? If you want to fix this, you can't pull shit like that.

tl;dr you're both 12.

Grow the fuck up and don't block someone because they blocked you.

god i luv that girl

i asked her multiple times, and while giving her space to unblock me, and she just refuses. it seemed blocking her was the best way to not be tempted to text her until she was ready to hit me back...which still hasnt happened for 3 days

How is this even a question? She's most definitely banging someone else.

Only reason you are posting this is because you're a cuck and want to hear that she's banging other dudes. Or you're literally a moron.

OP is getting cucked

>13 hr drive to her grandmas
No one does this unless it's a holiday. She just wanted an excuse.

Ignoring you often is because she's not interested and not thinking about you. She just hangs on just enough because it makes her feel better about herself that your so interested.

She fucking some nigga.

Blocking yo ass cuz you a pussy bitch.

I'll be honest, Sup Forums. I'm white but I do not subscribe to any white nationalist, white supremacist, white pride, white power, neo-Nazi, etc. ideology. I in fact find such belief systems to be repugnant. However, I have no interest in expending the energy necessary to dissuade individuals from holding such beliefs; it is an extremely intensive and time consuming process to get someone to even consider examining potential problems with a core belief they hold so deeply. I simply don't have the patience. That being understood, and much to the chagrin of all the various leftist groups, I am of the opinion that there is good that can come from even some of the most toxic ideologies. It is in that spirit that I wish to ask a few questions today directed at those who genuinely hold these sort of opinions.
What have you done to help white people?

I'm not speaking of keyboard activism, nor of simply spreading your ideas or attending rallies for your cause. What have you ACTUALLY done to help whites who are suffering? Why are you not active in helping poor white communities? Opiate addiction is ravaging working class whites. Why are you not building support systems to help them get clean and turn their lives around? Why are you not creating networks to help find jobs for unemployed whites, or setting up retraining programs for those whose jobs have been rendered obsolete? Why are you not food banking for hungry white children in Appalachia? Why are you not working in some way to rebuild white communities?
You speak so much of the accomplishments of the white race. You speak of grand things that whites have built, and look admiringly upon that past. Why are you not building now? Where is this 'white man's spirit' you glorify to be found within yourself?