How did our country come to be blessed with what could very well be the greatest president we have ever had?

How did our country come to be blessed with what could very well be the greatest president we have ever had?

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fuck off

Mercury in the water

Well, Obama ran two very good campaigns and was very good at his job. Unfortunately he's being followed by the worst president ever.

Your country has the greatest butthurt left until someone takes the first place

can he do no wrong?

Apparently your country doesn't teach you how to write in English.



this guy just keeps on winning

TRUMP 2020

I agree comrade, Emperor Putin helping somebody as incompetent as Trump win the presidency is a win for mother Russia.


We're totally going forward by using slang from the communist movement of wwii.

special dubs: 88

Heil Hitler!


You posted the wrong guy.


I dunno about kenyan obongo

I'm thinking none will beat your leftists on the "world's most butthurt" ladder.

I like how some Republicans think Donald is the best Republican president ever... It seems they've forgotten Reagan and Lincoln.

Hello Comrade! Greetings from America!

How is the weather in St. Petersburg today?
I enjoyed my stay there, while I was working at ‘The Agency’…
Most Russian women are prostitutes, and Russian prostitutes are the best!

Cheers! To Your Health! Зa здopoвьe!

"Waaaah... we don't win anymore!!!"

Nevermind that the only "achievements" Trump has claimed- the stock market, the bomb he told someone to drop during chocolate cake- are things done/ set up for him by past presidents.

A man does not equal his beliefs. The GOAT imo.

Oh, I'm not from the US and I don't really give a fuck, I'm just taking notes because this is amazing entertainment for the past months and I do hope you continue because it's actually priceless dude.

Btw, I'm from the county that created democracy. Desudesudesu-


Ancient Greece invented democracy, you shit smear

Exactly. Retard.

well then I guess you don't know much.

Modern Greece invented political corruption that bankrupted the electorate, and forced citizens to eat from trash dumps

Name ONE great thing Greece has done in the past 50 years.



It certainly didn't invented it, except, metaphorically, I agree.

greece? the country where prostitutes are the price of a cheese sandwich?

Can you take your butt off my face? I'm not a doctor.

We are truly blessed.

>How did our country come to be blessed with what could very well be the greatest president we have ever had?

/image related

Don't confuse the countries you're not living in. Ignorant.
I should take that to consideration though, huh, hmm

2 Reasons:

#1: ancient greeks invented butt sex
#2: modern greeks are so poor and hungry, they will eat our shit to get western help

Why do you have my IP address, bruh?

do you even speak english? come to america so we can deport you

Pipe down you dirty foreigner.

No one cares what you think.

Yeah creating Isis, giving guns to Mexican cartels, and giving billions of dollars to terrorists is a great thing for am American president to do.

I work with UNICEF in greece and can tell you it's the biggest SHITHOLE I've ever been in

dont sell Stalin short, comrade

what has he even done so far?

I've seen him golf and sign executive orders. what else?


USA #1 in those things too!

None wants your help, we're pretty high on ethical pride, I know-

Can't become a black-hat.

You have to go back Pedro.

Amusing, isn't it?
Democrats lost, so they have reason to be so butthurt.
But then, the right whine and complain like they're equally butthurt.
At least the left has a reason.

I get so many replies, that goes against your argument.


This kills republicucks


>loser mud person detected

single handedly increased the stock market by 50%
brought ~ 10 million jobs to the US
brought down illegal immigration by 80%
united all the nations except dirty eurocucks

what did obama do other than create ISIS and triple the national debt


KEK. pretty funny bait

No, we're laughing at the endless butthurt.

nothing like biased media polls

change that to 50% disapproval by the cuckfuck media and it'll be true

You should consider checking in on a hospital with a colonoscopy in mind.

all lies

and for the record Bush created ISIS when he killed Osama.

Your compatriots are equally butthurt.


>something I like
>something I don't like
biased media

Those polls are so accurate.

b-b-b-b-but I though our great Obongo the III killed Osama and dumped his body in the ocean, then killed off the Seal team in a helicopter crash?

OK, this thread is retardedly dead.
shortlived bait...

back to traps and rekt threads for me




Good job.

This needs to get posted on every trump thread. Republicucks on suicide watch

Or you wouldn't be here bitching about it.

I needed this much butthurt.

That Trump is so brave and open in his sexuality.

What a confident man.

oops, my bad. I meant Saddam. Even Michael Flynn, Trump's favorite boy knows that.

show evidence they hacked it other than

I agree. Pence too. Just think when trump is impeached Pence will be our first openly gay president

Such a beautiful First Daughter.

Truly an inspiration to young women everywhere.

id fuck her

the best plastic surgery money can buy

You amuse me.

Fuck Ukraine

>what is Arab Spring
Yeah, from his secret undergroud lair under the W.H. (which he singlehandedly built without anyone knowing about it), Obama choreographed the whole Arab Spring, it's devolution, and the rise of ISIS.

And where did he find the time to be POTUS, user?

>conservative logic. Yes you really CAN make this shit up.

That Trump is so rich. His family can afford the best.

The same way the country was "blessed" with retards like you, the republicans.

dafuq you directing that at me for? My post didn't say shit about her.

ITT, liberals still trying to play chess with pigeons.

too bad it has rolls royce engines, i prefer the pratts.

> N757AF
> nigger 757 as fuck

Obama proved himself a master of foreign policy with his decisive leadership during the Arab Spring.


obviously an iraq dictator!!!

So salty.

Cheer up little fella, you'll be OK.

please post more pictures of this jigaboo crackhead; it makes my liberal loins oh so moist

Obama was such a worldly man.