Non white anons only,
I'm in an argument with a white dude right now. He's saying some racist shit too.
What are some good insults I can say about white people and what are some racist things to call them?
Non white anons only,
I'm in an argument with a white dude right now. He's saying some racist shit too.
What are some good insults I can say about white people and what are some racist things to call them?
White wash
Coming from your average mixed spic
Call him nothing and rise above the ad hominem.
Brownon here
the fact that whites are so prevalent and in such a better position than literally every other race on the planet is the reason there are no good racist jokes against whites. they don't make sense homie
Nothing. Cause we know we are more superior than your nigger self #WhiteIsRight
Muh dick
12 men walked on the Moon.
All of them white.